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Exploring Childrens Learning Experiences - Assignment Example

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The paper "Exploring Children’s Learning Experiences" states that young babies have an analytical understanding of the world around them, which makes it fundamental within early years practice to provide babies with play opportunities, where they are able to construct meaning from their experiences…
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Exploring Childrens Learning Experiences
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E100 Ethical ment: I hereby confirm that the assignment was carried out independently in an ethical manner which safeguards all parties, no actual real names were used and permission was received before undertaking any research. The bulk of research was carried out on the premises, a setting where all areas of development are open for discussion and comply with all policies, acts and legislations including health and safety, safeguarding, and employment law. 1. Discuss the opportunities children have to learn from one DVD clip from Block 5. (800 words) Communication and Language Learning Based onthe video clip “Hospital Play” scenario various elements have been evaluated in the clip to explore and enhance the learning experiences of children. The video clip provides significant opportunities forchildren to interact with each other, also to play efficiently and to have effective communication management for a better learning experience. Additionally, the teacher usessimple and clear language in communication with children, providingthe opportunity for them to learn how to respond back. Furthermore, the video clip highlighted the importance of strong-shared knowledge while forming communication, and disclosing background information for creating mutualunderstanding during playtime. Moreover, it highlights that the flexibility of teacher regarding the choice of language based on the capabilities of children has a good impact on children. The clipalso structure the information about teacher’s language, eyes contact and sit at the child level (Teacher:what the baby have? What you will do now?),children sort answer and their face expressions.The wayin which the teacher spoke with the children means that she regularly checked andunderstood howto meet thechild’s needs, and also how to provide individualsupport to each child. Mathematical Development Correspondingly, the video clip explores the fact that the mathematical and cognitive development of children is significantly developed during the initial ages. It is identified that the fact or approach of utilising mathematics learning is highly based on the curiosity and enthusiasm of children, which develops naturally with their experiences. Furthermore, using the mathematical judgment capability in the learning will allow the children to explore their natural way of thinking for making corrective decisions(Sue Gifford, pg 159). In this regard, the video clip helps to form mathematical development, as children experience that they are not able to recognise the name of other children. In this regard, the teacherhelpedchildren to recognise the names of other children,and told them to write name of the baby on the label. Moreover, this has provided significant opportunities to children to remember others name. (Teacher asked: what is the baby name? and one child said Lisa). For instance in the video clip the teacher asked children to put labels on the bottles with the name of the babies. This helped children in their cognitive development for better mental progress. It is a dynamic process of learning through which learners implement their own knowledge. The video clip also structures and highlights the use of healthcare instruments (example: injection, bottles, gloves) that clearly provides the opportunity for the child to learn and enhance their logical thinking capabilities. Nevertheless, the clip also expresses that children are being provided the opportunity to enhance their overall learning approach tothink in alogical manner, which isquite important. Logical thinking helps children in enhancing and exploring their learning for a better future through the help of toys and medical instruments. Knowledge and Understanding of the World The video further explores that in order to provide opportunities to enhance the learning approach during the course of study; children should be encouraged to experience what the adults provide to them for better learning. In the clip the teacher explains to children regarding the use of blood test (teacher: where we looking for blood test? The child is quiet, looking that he think about, the teacher gave him time to think then she replay in the microscope!). That significantly provided them the opportunity of exploring their understanding and knowledge of world. Moreover, it also enhances their experience, problem solving capabilities, and other skills in the real environment. Logical thinking is a common thought that helps in enhancing the mathematical judgement (Linda Pound, pg. 152).In the hospital play clip, when the child asked for the injection, the teacher understood that they will put this on the baby, but she asked them again why will you need this in order to understand their psychology and they revealed I will put this on the baby. In this regardchildrenare supported by the teacherbased on the level of understanding of them with the incorporation of required support. In order to ensureappropriate learning to children, the teacher provided adequate communication and formation of an appropriate learning environment.The video also explores significant opportunities inchild learning, which can be effective through exploring the concept of real life understanding.For example: when the child asked for the injection the practitioner guided them tomaintain the concept of hygiene, which is important in healthcare with the use of gloves. Personal, Social and Emotional Development In this regard, this can be affirmed with the communication that when the practitionerasked the child what is wrong with the baby,and child reveal that the baby is crying. The manners in which children talk with oneanother regarding the treatment of the baby by sticking plasters, reflects the opportunity to recognise the emotional state of children. The learning behaviour is that every child has different emotional styles, which significantly requires a different approach to deal with the scenario, and the teacher has provided opportunities through asking repeatedlyaboutothers condition. In order to acquire the appropriate personal and social development the teacher provided a significant level of support to the children by exploring the condition of the baby. The clip explores the opportunity to develop the social and emotional development of child behaviour byinducing their behaviour towards providing effective care to the sick baby (Dowling, M. pg 212). Words count 838 2. Drawing on theory and values for early years practice, compare and contrast your own professional strategies for promoting children’s learning and development with those of the adult featured in your selected DVD clip. (1200 words) Introduction In this essay, I intend to compare and contrast my own professional methods of supporting childrens learning and development with those of the adults in the clip “Hospital play”, linking my writing with the theorists from my study materials. In the life of children, the success of learning is highly dependent on the alignment of facts that they have learnt in the learning environment. As early years practitionerswe develop different perception and strategiestoachieve and encouragechildren to develop learning during playtime in the setting (Whitehead, M. pg. 142). Theplay time in my setting is organised to promote learning rather than play and it is considered to be a practice initiated by children, while learning is seen as a result of practice or activity initiated by an adult. Discussion In order to promote learning and development approach in children it has been highly important that I encourage them towards developing their learning behaviour. Through monitoring children’s behaviour and providing adequate support to them, this will assist to form a proper learning approach. It has been advocated that the support will be provided to children in such a manner that they get motivated and put their significant level of efforts towards the learning behaviour. The significant support will assist in providing opportunities to children for effective development of their knowledge, as well as understanding of the world and encourage them to explore, experiment, and develop problem solving behaviour (Devereux & Bridges, pg. 170). It has been reflected in most of the scenarios that a poor level of support to the child islikely to reduce the self-esteem as well as the motivation to carry out the task again. It has been pointed out that the use of open-ended questions for the children will significantly allow the children to share their own ideas and experiences through developing shared understanding (Devereux & Bridges, pg. 170). Moreover, properly removing the issues is quite important for practitioners to promote the learning behaviour of the children. For instance, in my setting we support children during circle time and play time by giving them the opportunity to ask questions. We always use simple and clear language to make sure that the children understand what we are communicating to them. For example, if the children are unclear about what we have asked them, we significantly change the question in the way that the children will understand. In this regard, theory developed by Piaget affirms that learning and logical thought capabilities of the child are an important tool that significantly assistsin overcoming various challenges. Piaget’s cognitive model stated that there were four series of stages of development of learning behaviour of individual and one cannot perform the task until they are psychologically mature. In accordance with the DVD clip, children are developing their cognitive skills, as they are likely to change their behaviour through the others behaviour. On the other hand, few children are not able to recognise what the teacher is asking for due to lower level of understanding or early age of cognitive development. Emotional and wellbeing byDowling, M. (pg.211, 212)affirms that recognising the child emotions can allow fostering the learning behaviour. Besides, being responsive and developing the loving behaviour is very much crucial in almost every aspect of infant development. For instance, in my setting we implement the approach of removing the quarries(not sure of meaning) of children (child: he is not even sharing! Teacher: he is not sharing. There are some more bottles there). Understanding children’s behaviour based on their development will help to gain better comprehension and provide significant learning. Through applying the psychological behaviour, wecan significantly helpto motivate and develop sound learning behaviour in children, as the emotional development aspect of children is likely to influence other aspects of development (Dowling, M. pg. 218).This means learning will help children to develop a strong mutual understanding and emotional development through better learning approach.For example in my setting the babies that were nearer the 18 month mark were putting two words together, like “me juice” and communicating all the time with the practitioners in the room. To help aid and include the younger ones that were not using their words, we use Makaton, which is a form of sign and it is used to communicate with the less verbal babies as well as the verbal babies as a way of inclusion. Psychological principles in the learning scenario will assist the practitioners to develop good understanding of the thoughts and behaviour(Pound, L. pg. 154). Implementing cognitive psychological theory of motivating children could be effective in resolving and developing the appropriate learning behaviour in the children, as it will assist in determining the ‘remember, decide, and perceive’ attitude of the children. The notion of cognitive theories of motivation is regarded to be effective in developing valuable learning behaviour inchildren. This proves to be highly beneficial in making necessary changesin practitioner behaviour and children interaction patterns in the learning environment. The cognitive learning theory is highly based on the mental process, on which one can obtain knowledge, and store it to solve problems(Devereux & Bridges, pg. 170). Moreover, applying the open communicative environment will allow the practitioners to improve children’s learning through encouraging self-regulated learning. Early years practitioners play a definitive role in settings to meet realistic goals and to work towards attaining such goals. For example in our setting we highly monitor children’s perceptions through asking regular questions that not only removes the problem that children faces but also allows proper communication to form. This is likely to develop the learning environment, which ensures consistency in children’s learning for a better future (Pound, L. pg. 159). Based on the different learning theories, approach of cognitive learning is regarded to be highly beneficial in learning practices, as this approach significantly allowsthe practitioners to scrutinize their own capabilities and behaviour, and accordingly appraise the children’s learning. Incorporation of this theoretical concept will significantly assist the practitioners with theirassigned children and enable them to build a superior learning environment and allow a forming communication environment (Whitehead, M. pg.142). In practice the curriculum should be shaped around the child because every child is ‘unique’and hasa different way of perceiving the thing and may or may not be clear with our perception. Likewise, when the children are carrying out the process of treating the baby in our practice we have guided them in the manner in which the different medical equipments including blood test, urine test, putting label on the bottle and among other can be used. Conclusion Based on the above stated discussion throughout early years children’s self-identities, skills, knowledge and understanding are influenced by experiences provided by parents and practitioners, which enhances their learning and development; by applying the community context practitioners can shape environments for learning which cover social and cultural living. I can comprehend that it’s been highly important that teachers needs to practice proper learning approach and motivation is highly integral in inducing the proper learning outcome in children. Theorists have underlined that young babies have an analytical understanding of the world around them, which makes it fundamental within early years practice to provide babies with play opportunities, where they are able to construct meaning from their experiences. It is therefore the role of the practitioner to observe and plan for children next steps of development. I would agree that it is key for childrens play to be momentous and appropriate through interactions to produce effective learning experiences; I therefore consider the pedagogical model of designing interviews with activities, where children can engage and display their competence, while minimising adult-child led situations is applicable to children’s own learning experiences. Clark and Moss(2001) presented a framework called ‘Mosaic Method’ for listening to children to focus on children’s lived experiences and taking children’s view point into consideration to make changes in early years provisions. Words count 1269 TMA 04: Checklist for Part 3 Checklist questions Yes Partially No Use of module materials: x Have you selected relevant information from the module materials which support what you want to say in your essay? x Have you used the module materials to back up the points you have written about in your essay? x Have you referenced correctly? x Structure of your assignment: Have you got an introduction, middle and conclusion for each part of the assignment? x Have you used sub-headings to help structure your work? x Does your work have a logical flow from one point to the next? x Have you answered each part of the assignment? x Academic writing style: Have you used an appropriate style of language in your writing? For example ‘did not’ rather than ‘didn’t’; correct and consistent tense use x Have you written in paragraphs? x Have you proof read your work to make sure you have included everything asked for in the question and that your spelling and grammar is correct? x References Allen, R. (2002) ‘Drawing as language in the early years’ in Miller, L., Drury, R. and Campbell, R. Exploring Early Years Education and Care, London, David Fulton. Browne, N. (2008) ‘Children’s social and emotional development’ in Miller, L., Cable, C., and Goodliff, G. (2010), Supporting Children’s Learning in the Early Years, 2nd edition, Oxon, David Fulton/Milton Keynes, The Open University. Cable, C., Crisp, M., Paige-Smith, A. and Parry, J. (2012) ‘Study Topic 13: ’Communication and Language’, E100 The early years: developing practice, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Cable, C., Crisp, M., Paige-Smith, A. and Parry, J. (2012) ‘Study Topic 15: ’Mathematical development: problem solving, reasoning and numeracy’, E100 The early years: developing practice, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Cable, C., Crisp, M., Paige-Smith, A. and Parry, J. (2012) ‘Study Topic 16: ‘Knowledge and understanding of the world’, E100 The early years: developing practice, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Cable, C., Crisp, M., Paige-Smith, A. and Parry, J. (2012) ‘Study Topic 17: ‘Personal, social and emotional development’, E100 The early years: developing practice, Milton Keynes, The Open University. Devereux, J. and Bridges, A. (2004) ‘Knowledge and understanding of the world developed through a garden project’ in Miller, L., Cable, C., and Goodliff, G. (2010), Supporting Children’s Learning in the Early Years, 2nd edition, Oxon, David Fulton/Milton Keynes, The Open University. Department for Education. (2012). Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage: Setting the Standards for Learning, Development and Care for Children from Birth to Five. Department for Education. (2014) Open University E100. Early Years Practice: Curriculum. Learning and Professional Development. Open University. Dowling, M. (2005) ‘Emotional wellbeing’ in Miller, L., Cable, C., and Goodliff, G. (2010), Supporting Children’s Learning in the Early Years, 2nd edition, Oxon, David Fulton/Milton Keynes, The Open University. Gifford, S. (2005) ‘Problem solving’ in Miller, L., Cable, C., and Goodliff, G. (2010), Supporting Children’s Learning in the Early Years, 2nd edition, Oxon, David Fulton/Milton Keynes, The Open University. Morrison, D. (2002). The Influence of Piaget and Vygotsky. Early Years Educator 4.4: 22- 24. Open University E100. (2014) Early Years Practice: Curriculum. Learning and Professional Development. Open University. Pound, L. (2004) ‘Born mathematical’ in Miller, L., Cable, C., and Goodliff, G. (2010), Supporting Children’s Learning in the Early Years, 2nd edition, Oxon, David Fulton/Milton Keynes, The Open University. Whitehead, M. (1999) ‘Great communicators’ in Miller, L., Cable, C., and Goodliff, G. (2010), Supporting Children’s Learning in the Early Years, 2nd edition, Oxon, David Fulton/Milton Keynes, The Open University. The Open University (2012) ‘Hospital Play’ (DVD), E100: The early years: developing practice Milton Keynes, The Open University. British Educational Research Association (BERA) (2011) Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research (2011), Nottingham, BERA. Read More
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