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The Effects of Sports on Education - Literature review Example

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This literature review "The Effects of Sports on Education" discusses the importance of physical activities in human life. Different kinds of physical exercises may be used not just as a way to spend free time or relax after a hard brainstorm…
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The Effects of Sports on Education
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The Effects of Sports on Education Sur s INTRODUCTION The main aim of this investigation is to find out whether playing sports effect students’ academic in a positive or negative way. This topic is rather important for investigation. It is widely believed, that sport is not only a way to maintain health, but also the most essential way of developing personality in any age. Along with that, it not only promotes physical development and improves health, but also affects other aspects of human life: it strengthens the authority and role in society and provides each member of society with tremendous opportunities to develop own personality. Physical Education, as part of the general culture, contributes to the development of the child and its preparation for further independent life. Thus, it turns to be significant to prove the idea that the Kentucky High School Athletic Association actually helps students to achieve in academics, and that such crucial role of sport in human’s life doesn’t turn to be just a myth. Thus, through the Literature Review, which has two major themes and five subthemes, this study will be a qualitative study looking at the perspectives of teachers on this issue. The first theme, “Perspectives of teachers on the effects of sports on education” includes the review of three articles. Each of them pays attention on the role of sports activities engagement in enhancing students’ grades and academic performance, as well as in cognitive and academic functioning. Some authors were trying to establish the link between engagement in sports and academic achievements (Khan et al., 2012), paying attention that physical activities not only positively influence students’ memory and concentration in academics, but also contribute to the establishment of the dialogue between teacher and students in an informal setting (McDonald et al., 2013). The second theme is broader than the first one. It explores the problem of positive relationship between the academic performance and physical activities. It was found out, that as a consequence, higher concentration levels, increasing self-esteem and improved behavior of the students are developing. For instance, Sardinha et al. (2014) stated that physical exercise, and particularly cardiorespiratory fitness, has positive effect on cognition, brain function and memory. Carlson et al. (2008) in their article “Physical education and academic achievement in elementary school” were investigating the susceptibility to chronic diseases and obese of physically active young adults. In relation to this investigation the authors were pointing out the association between time spent on physical education and academic achievements in a longitudinal study of kindergarten students (they positively associated high amounts of physical exercise with academic performance among girls, but not among boys). As a continuation of the polemic about the role of sports in human’s life, Sikowski, L.S. (2008) in the article “The effects of participation in athletics on academic performance among high school sophomores and juniors” was investigating the epidemic of obesity. The first sub theme investigates the relationship between the academic performance and physical activity. It was demonstrated that there exists a significant positive association not only on physical activity and academic achievements (Singh, a. et al., 2012), but also it was found out that obesity levels among children have increased both because of the poor diet, obesogenic environment and lack of enough physical activity (lee and Hopkins, 2013). Since the period of ancient Greeks participation in physical activities has been implicitly linked with improved intellectual abilities (Tomporowski et al., 2008). The second sub theme investigates the effects of sports on students GPA. The investigators mainly agree that participation in different extracurricular activities such as interest clubs, arts and athletics greatly improve the grades (George, S.B., 2012). Conversely, students, who do not play sports in school, perform poorly since they have no set goals that they have to attain (Chuan et al. 2013). In the third sub theme are being reviewed the articles which investigate how sport activities impact on elementary school kids. Sardinha et al., (2014) state, that improving neurocognitive functioning of brain and brain plasticity can lead to improved academic achievements among elementary school children. Moreover, physical activity enables students to concentrate better in class, as it clears their heads. The main aim of the articles in the fourth sub theme is to compare Act scores of athlete’s vs. non-athletes. Lumpkin and Favor (2012) point out, that higher dropout rates were recorded in students who were non-athletes in all racial categories, and students who graduated were mostly from those who were involved in athletics. In the fifth sub theme I’ve summarized some articles about finical cost of sports in public schools, including disadvantaged students. The need to promote a healthy mind, body and psychology has supported the inclusion of physical education and sporting activities in schools. Thus, it was found out that the kind of sport influences the leaving certificate results (the most successful are those who participated in rowing) (Bradley et al., 2012). Nevertheless, it may be concluded, that it is still not enough data and more researches are needed to be done to evaluate the level of impact of school-sponsored sport activities on students’ achievements (Din, 2005). Still, all investigators suffer from the simplicity of the data analysis, and didn’t pay enough attention on ensuring reliability and validity. The relationship between sport activities and cognitive abilities is mediated by some variables, such as home background of the student, parents’ education and socioeconomic status, which investigators were omitting. Rather often investigations established weak links between participation in physical activities and academic performance. This study could be used in different fields of education, for instance in work with visually impaired students. Moreover, sport activities may become a universal tool in any situation, as engagement in sport activities likely will promote teachers’ confidence and enthusiasm (McDonald et al., 2013). That will have a crucial impact on child’s life as teachers play an important role in shaping children’s physical activities. SUMMARY Modern society imposes more and more complex requirements for each generation entering adult life. There are constant changes in education, its content, settings, and organization of the learning process. Modern society needs comprehensively developed personality with active life position, with such qualities as independence, initiative, flexibility, creative thinking, and developed imagination. Society needs those who are able to absorb everything correctly and competently apply their knowledge in practice. Sport is believed to be the most essential way of developing personality in any age, as well as it helps in keeping fit. Nowadays Physical Education lessons often are just formality and are not provided in a proper way. That is why it turns to be rather important to investigate the role of sports in the modern educational system. As it seem everybody has already forgotten that sport means wellness and maintaining in excellent physical shape, designed for very active children. Here they can devote their energy in the right direction. These clubs develop flexibility of the body, agility and endurance, form willpower and leadership qualities. This study differs from other studies that I have already done. It is covering a certain location and schools which fall under the Kentucky High School Athletic Association. Sports clubs, such as KHSAA, are the part of the system of childrens education and upbringing, and they successfully combine training and personal development, focused on free choice. Active work of any sports club helps to educate students and helps to broaden their horizons, develop the ability to perceive and feel beauty. While training in sports clubs, students will deepen their physical abilities and skills and later will apply them in adult life. This experience will allow developing the hidden nature gifts of the child and will organize his spare time. In addition, childrens clubs help to develop personal discipline, teach children the process of self-organization. If the child will attend a sports club, the type of activity, environment, and friends will be changing. Such skills will be very important when the child will grow up. As the basis it has the investigations that were provided during the last decade. While summarizing the articles I’ve defined several different points of view on the issue of whether sport education has its positive impact on the developing personality or not. Some investigators insist on the fact that there were not enough proofs of the academic achievements increasing because of sports engagement. They point out that this issue is rather complicated and, thus, some other aspects, such as home background of the student, parents’ education and socioeconomic status should be included. Other investigators point out that since ancient Greek it was widely known about the positive impact of the physical activities for brain and consciousness. They pay attention on the role of sports activities engagement in enhancing students’ grades and academic performance, as well as in cognitive and academic functioning. They say that the engagement in sports enhances student’s Grade Point Average, class test results, capability to succeed academically, and improves students’ mental or cognitive development. In addition, this study has on purpose to check if teachers believe that different kinds of sports activities really benefit students in the area of academics. Whether funding a high school sport programs benefit or negatively impact academic achievements of student participants still remains a controversial issue. Supporters of the school sports argued that funding sports in schools is important as it improves students’ achievement and motivation. But according to some researches, participating in school-funding sport activities has no effect on academic achievements for the rural high school students who took part in sports during the study. Thus, this investigation is not just looks at the effects of sports on grades. It is aimed to point out the importance of the physical activities in human’s life. Different kind of physical exercises may be used not just as a way to spend free time or relax after hard brain storm. Sport activities are the universal tool in any situation, so it can be easily bused in work with visually impaired students as well as with other disabled people. Perhaps, this study will pay attention on the fact that sport activities should be used in different fields of education. Finally, engagement in sport activities likely will promote teachers’ confidence and enthusiasm, which is rather important, as teachers play an important role in shaping children’s personality and psychological health. Thus, we may be sure that resources spent on sports public education are not wasted and earlier or later our society will benefit from these investments. Sport activities are the best way to express personal creativity and develop it. It is worth remembering that childhood hobby can turn into a future profession. Read More
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The Effects of Sports on Education Literature Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 Words.
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