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The Role of Germany in Developing the Syrian VET System - Research Paper Example

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The paper "The Role of Germany in Developing the Syrian VET System" investigates how Germany supported the vocational education and training system in Syria. Germany helped in bringing change in Syria and played a very important role in its economic development…
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The Role of Germany in Developing the Syrian VET System
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 The Role of Germany in Developing the Syrian VET System Introduction Syria is a name that was derived from the Babylonian and was given to the region that was occupied by the Greeks and the Romans. Traditionally, the Arabs referred to Syria as Sham which can be translated as the northern region, the north, or Damascus. Syria was called Sham until the twentieth century.  Today, the entire region of Syria, Lebanon, Israel and the west Bank are still referred to as Sham and are a symbol of Arab unity (Dhillon & Yousef 2009, p.85). The development of Syrian VET system was supported by many countries including Germany. Vocational Education and Training Vocational education and training, (VET), is a body that prepares trainees for better jobs that needs or requires practical activity, that are non academic and are related to an occupation, trade or vocation (Ute & Christian 2010, p.3). It is also referred to as technical education because the trainees acquire knowledge and develop experts directly from a particular group of technologies. Vocational education can be categorized as the teaching procedural knowledge. It can be classified at a secondary level. In addition, vocational education training can be recognized in terms of partial credit towards tertiary education. The post-secondary level vocational education training is provided by the institute of technology or by the local college in the community.   As the labor markets continued to be more specialized, economies required the high quality level of skills (Carnoy 2005, p.3). This led governments and organizations to invest greatly in the future of vocational education training through subsidized apprenticeship and funded training organizations (Yousef & Dhillon 2009, p.193). The vocational educational training expanded rapidly over the twentieth century. It currently exists in various industries such as tourism, information technology, retail, traditional crafts and cottage industry, funeral services and cosmetics. Vocational Education in Germany In Germany, vocational education is a very important part of the education system. In addition, it is also considered important in countries such as Australia, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Italy and France. In Germany, vocational education is considered as an element of the country’s model. For instance, in 1969, a law was passed which was meant to regulate and unify the vocational education training system (Carnoy 2005). Furthermore, it codified the responsibility shared in unions, the state, chambers of trade and industry and associations. In modern Germany, the system is very common. For example, in the year 2001, most people below the age of 22 were encouraged to begin apprenticeship. According to Maclean, Wilson, and Chinien (2009, p.602) in 2003, one company offered apprenticeship while in 2004; the government pledged with most industrial unions that all companies will be required to take on apprentices apart from small companies. The Syrian VET system In Syria, Germany plays a very important role in the development of the vocational education training system. Education is categorized in five stages; pre-primary, primary, preparatory, secondary and post secondary. Syrian VET system is mainly composed of two sections, the secondary and post secondary. The secondary VET program takes duration of three years (EFT 8). The graduates are granted a vocational secondary certificate as qualified skilled workers. They are therefore permitted to continue with their studies in post secondary institutes or join the labor market. The technical secondary schools are responsible for the provision of secondary VET. On the other hand, the post secondary VET is offered by the technical intermediate institutes (EFT 8). This program, unlike the secondary program lasts for two years. The governance of the two sectors is under the supervision of Higher Ministerial Committee for vocational training and technical education. It includes all ministers from all ministries that are involved in vocational education and training and is headed by the Prime Minister for Service Affairs (Carnoy 2005). In addition, the administrative system is highly centralized. Figure 1: Structure of Education System in Syria (Source: (Sicilia, McDaniel & Kazziha 2003, p.52) In the continuous and rapid development of the Syrian vocational education training, Germany plays a very important role. It contributes to the development of the new strategies and plans for the vocational training system in the country. It also does the same in the provision of assessment of the continuing reforms and development in governance of the systems. In addition, Germany participates and contributes to the delivery of training and ensures that high quality training is provided in the vocational education training systems in Syria (Dhillon & Yousef 2009, p.168). Due to the support offered by the German actors and institutions, Syrian vocational educational training is emerging to be the second best valuable type of education. Yousef and Dhillon (2009, p.193) assert that Even though the Syrian VET is improving, it does not satisfy the labor market needs. There are various elements in the current vocational education training in Syria that hinder the improvement to better links with the labor market. German institutions and other countries contribute to offer assistance in the development of Syrian vocational training so as to meet and satisfy the labor market needs. The structure of the VET system The governance and management of the current vocational training system is very complex and fragmented. Germany helps the Syrians to improve on their co-ordination and co-operation in order to develop their VET systems. Furthermore, it helps by sharing ideas on ways that can help the improvement of the training systems. It is obvious that lack of good decision making in the governance of the vocational schools relating to implementation of the management of financial and human resources, curricula, and the relations to the regional labor market contributes in hindering the Syrian VET performance (Rauner et. al 2010). Germany and other countries, help by contributing in decision-making and sharing of ideas with the coordinators. The structure of the VET system and its relation towards the overall education system also contributes to the poor development of the vocational education training system (Rauner & Smith 2009, p.225). Syrian VET system consists of secondary and post secondary vocational training systems that do not interrelate well. This is because there is no clear qualification structure. Additionally, the size of the VET system and the institutional size matters a lot in the development of the systems. The Syrian present system is comprised of various institutions including the intermediate and secondary institutions. Large institutions are required in order to ensure that they are well equipped, efficiently run, innovative, well staffed, and provides high-level services and is highly interacted with the labor market. In the contrary, the present situation of the institutions is unfavorable for quality services. For instance, the schools are too small to offer the needed range of educational options or the links between the labor market and the VET (Rauner 2010). Comparative Analysis For that reason, Germany institutions work hand in hand with the Syrian institutions and offer help where necessary. For instance, the Germany schools admit the Syrian student in their institutions to offer them quality knowledge that they require. Furthermore, they contribute in building the Syrian large and well-equipped organizations by helping in raising funds. They offer financial support that actually helps Syria to develop its vocational education training systems (Maclean, Wilson & Chinien 2009, p.864). This encourages Syrian VET to have a strong link with the labour market. Syrian institutions are very much disadvantaged due to lack of updated equipments and unavailability of qualified teachers. The present teachers’ vocational training systems do not of the desired qualification that would improve the system. In addition, the vocational education training system is fully based on school with limited rooms for practice in practical works, which requires both theory and practical skills. In that way, the vocational education training system is therefore hindered to respond quickly to the change in both social and labor market. In order to help this situation, Germany institutions offer high quality skills to the Syrians whom are taught in the institutions. This is so because German institutions have qualified teachers and offer quality skills to the students. Moreover, the German government signed a pledge that the VET system should be included in all large companies. This contributed to the development of vocational training institutions or systems in Germany. The German teachers are therefore helpful to the Syrian students because they are well trained and have a lot of skills in the department (Todorov 2005). In addition, the German government assists Syrian government in building large and well-equipped institutions for VET teacher training in order to acquire knowledge in the field. Additionally, the statistical materials are required in order to support the future choices of VET. The system can be improved and made ready for the future needs of the country (Rauner & Smith 2009, p.4). As it has been stated, the present governance system is faced with two key problems. The problems are the large number of ministries or actors in the governance and limited involvement in social partners. Besides, there are additional challenges that hinder the development of vocational education training system. These include; the need of revising the scale and size of the institutions, the need to for high educational coherence in architecture of courses and learning lanes. The country therefore needs to improve the coordination of the governance and cooperation between the actors in order to reach the required degree in the future (Yousef & Dhillon 2009, p.197). In addition, the country is improving co-ordination between the actors including the social partners and ensuring clear allocation of responsibilities. Germany is coordinating with Syria in order to help it have a well-developed vocational education training system to improve the quality of education in the country. Challenges Facing the VET It is certain that Syria has very poor vocational education system. For instance, the school – based education in the country has very limited work-based training. In addition, the world of work has limited influence on the decisions of the government concerning the content of courses and curricula. Moreover, there is lack of modern educational materials in the country that assist in improving vocational training level. Additionally, insufficient equipments also influence the learning environment. Finally, educational and curricula are centrally deliberated and there inadequate autonomy for the schools to get used with the local conditions (Carnoy 2005). In general, the infrastructure in Syria is very weak. Germany is trying to support Syria in various ways in order to help it develop its VET system. It provides a lot of support through various ways.   Syria’s Universities, such as Damascus, Al-Baath, Aleppo and Tishreen are supervised by the Minister of Higher Education. The ministry works cooperatively with Germany and the United Nations Development Program in order to develop the Syrian vocational education training system, the higher education and research network. Furthermore, he is trying to develop the national network for higher education through internet connection. Education, technical training and skill development are central issues that improve agriculture and promote rural employment (ETF 2005, p.8). VET system prepares youths to work in formal and informal sectors in both rural and urban areas hence playing an important role in reducing poverty. For this reason, good training refines skills leading to high income and improvement of people’s livelihood. Most private and public institutions that provide training to individuals are somehow bias in their training provision because they mainly concentrate in urban regions than in rural areas. This is mainly happening in the developing countries (Rauner et. al 2010). Deployment of teachers and trainers in rural areas is difficult in many developing countries. Syria is facing various challenges and difficulties in improving the vocational education training system in order to improve its individual’s living standards (ETF 2005, p.1). Germany is playing a very important role towards the development of Syrian vocational education training system. As part of its commitment to the international development cooperation, Germany offers scholarship to students in Syria and other developing countries. Government scholarships are normally implemented as part of bilateral contract between the developing countries or nations. Sicilia, McDaniel & Kazziha (2003, p.33) states that apart from Germany, other countries that offer scholarship include United States, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Netherlands and New Zealand. Employed by education levels (%), LFS 2007 Education levels of employed (000) Male Female Total Illiterate 7.1% 11.8% 7.7% Read & write 11.7% 5.1% 10.8% Primary education 43.8% 16.8% Complementary (second cycle of basic education) 15.4% 9.1% 40.4% General secondary education 9.7% 11.1% 9.9% Vocational and technical education 6.0% 29.1% 8.9% University 6.4% 17.0% 7.7% Table 1: Employed by Education Levels (%), LFS 2007 In Germany, the German Academic Exchange Service, (DAAD) supported many postgraduate courses at German Universities and other outside universities which aimed at providing academically educated youths from the developing countries with special studies. DAAD research grants offers the young foreign academics with an opportunity to hold research projects or a course of proceeding education and training education at the state recognized higher education institution (Todorov 2005). Germany offer international scholarship to Syrian students in order to help the vocational education training in the country to develop. Scholarship is offered by the various numbers of organizations and education institutions and the government. These institutions cover several educational sectors including the vocational education and training, postgraduates and undergraduate’s study and research. Activities of the GTZ The cooperation of Germany in the field of vocational education training has a very long story through the support to the Third Industrial Intermediate Institute that provides post secondary vocational education training in Damascus. The cooperation begun in 1978 lasting in a period of more than twenty years providing equipment and staff retraining, and technical assistance for the introduction of new specializations that are based on the dual system approach (Todorov 2005). According to the problems with external debt, the German cooperation stopped for a while but was later resumed in 2001 due to the signature that the government signed concerning the treaty on the consolidation of debts owed to the Federal Republic of Germany the Syrian Republic (Sicilia, McDaniel & Kazziha 2003, p.35). The current priorities include the water sector, which involves setting up the institute for water sector. In contribution in the development of Syria vocational education training, a German consultant is located at Damascus Chamber of the industry through the CIM program in order to support the development and establishment of the continuing training. In addition, the GTZ is launching a regional project in the vocational education and training that includes countries such as Palestine Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria (Maclean, Wilson & Chinien 2009 p.432). The main objective of the project is to strengthen the regional co-operation in vocational education and training by promoting and encouraging the sharing of experiences at policy, implementation and organizational level of the VET. Furthermore, the training arrangements and the required measures that involve, standards, curriculum, profilers, occupational, training of trainers and development are considered as one of the areas or sections of exchange (Todorov 2005). The duration of the project is approximately eight years divided into three parts. The support in the development of training is the major component of the project. It supports the development in master level studies and other important levels such as certificate, graduates and diploma. The relationship between the labor market and vocational education and training is developing in both the present and the future Syrian economic development (Todorov 2005, p.188). Certainly, the Syrian economy is largely characterized by low income due to low skill production. In that case, it is required to ensure high quality products and services in order to survive in the global market. Additionally, the economy system is trying to improve in the market due to the contribution made by the German government. It is clear that the level of productivity in Syria is very low in most production fields. There are a number of challenges faced by the VET system in the process of its development. German actors and institutes work united with the other countries, in contributing to help Syria overcome all the problems in various ways (Maclean, Wilson & Chinien 2009, p.432). For instance, it offers scholar ship to the students; it contributes in exchanging ideas concerning the level of productivity and other relevant ways. Vocational education and training system and the way it is governed, and the methods used in the development helps in making change (ETF 2005, p.10). This therefore clarifies that it is better to have close and interactive relationship with both the society and the neighboring countries. German is still struggling to help Syria find balance and stability. In that way, the government is trying tom plan for the future success in of the system through various ways by the help of other countries. Balatti, Black, and Falk (2006, p.28) state that in order to improve the governance, Syria government is trying to enlarge the co-ordination between concerned parties including the social partners and developing a clear location of responsibilities. Vocational education and training system is an important element of reducing poverty low life living standards. Most countries today unite and offer assistance to other countries that cannot support themselves. In many development programs and various operations, training is a very expensive intervention (Carnoy 2005). It is therefore wise to implement it in a way that maximizes impacts in terms of priorities and objectives. German really played an important role in the development of vocational education and training in Syria. The main reason for this comment is that most activities related to the development of the VET in Syria include German involvement. For instance, Germany contributes in the exchange of experience concerning the development of Syrian vocational education and training systems (Sicilia, McDaniel & Kazziha 2003, p.35). In addition, Germany institutions offered various scholarships to students in Syria for certificates, diploma, and masters. Furthermore, the German government lent money to the Syrian government to contribute in improving the development of vocational education and training systems. Moreover, German had various organizations that contributed positively tom the development of the VET system in Syria. Conclusion According to the following contributions, Germany helped in bringing change in Syria and played a very important role in its economic development. The main aim of all the contributions and co-ordination is to improve the economic development between countries and develop close relationship between them. This helps the countries to relate without conflicts between them. Furthermore, it is important in creating favorable economic relations between countries. Vocational education and training system is a very important system in most countries because it contributes to the development of economic activities in a particular country (Todorov 2005, p. 157). Finally, the development of vocational educational and training organizations is contributing to the rapid development of Syria. Therefore, Syria might have a good development process in the future when the problems hindering the developments are solved in coordination with other countries like Germany. Works Cited Balatti, Jo,. Black, Stephen, & Falk, Ian. VET system., 2006. Retrieved October 29 2010. Web. Carnoy, Martin. VET in the New Global Economy. iuffp-svizzera, 2005. Retrieved October 29 2010. Web. Dhillon, Navtej & Yousef, Tarik. Generation in waiting: the unfulfilled promise of young people in the Middle East. Ohio: Brookings Institution Press, 2009. ETF. Country Analysis 2005 Syria. pubmgmt.nsf, 2005. Retrieved October 29 2010. Web. Maclean, Rupert., Wilson, David & Chinien, Chris. International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work: Bridging Academic and Vocational Learning, Vol 1. New York: Springer, 2009. Rauner, Felix & Smith, Erica. Rediscovering Apprenticeship: Research Findings of the International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship (INAP). New York: Springer, 2009. Rauner, Felix., Smith, Erica., Hauschildt, Ursel & Zelloth, Helmut. Innovative Apprenticeships: Promoting Successful School-to-Work Transitions. Hamburg : LIT Verlag Münster, 2010. Sicilia , Eva McDaniel, Olaf & Kazziha, Mustafa. Vocational Education and Training in Syria and Its Relevance to the Labor Market. pedz.uni-mannheim, 2003. Retrieved October 29 2010. Web. Todorov, Mathias. The Nineteenth century. Geneva: UNESCO, 2005. Ute, Hippach-Schneider & Christian, Woll. The German vocational education and training (VET) system. ncver, 2009. Retrieved October 29 2010. Web. Read More
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