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Teaching a Skill: Handball Jumpshot - Research Paper Example

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The author states that the skills gained in the Jump shot execution have a sensory and motor response and control feedback. Understanding the teaching mechanics and cues of the jump shot education is significant in understanding the goal tendering, shooting control during a handball game execution. …
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Teaching a Skill: Handball Jumpshot
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 Teaching a Skill: Handball Jump Shot Introduction The jump shot technique is one of the essential components of handball game in the contemporary and democratic society in its related motor, and physical behavior needs kinematic analysis for in-depth knowledge in the preparation, execution, and follow-through. In order to elicit the actual structure of teaching handball jump shot technique in physical education, all the handball activities have to be performed under a suitable condition and regulations for success (Schmottlach & McManama, 2012). Therefore, the jump shot findings that connect the snapshot executing elements to the motor behaviorism tactics have to be coherently implemented by the handball players. In this regard, the didactic procedures can be constructed in training and teaching the physiology of handball sports that improves motor behavior. The selection of a particular Jump short tactic in response to the opposing team opponents in a particular match situation and biomechanical characteristics of the game serves as a turning point in motor behavior. Thus, jump shot skills education allows a player to jump above the opponent defender to reach a clear shot win a potential advantage over the opponent’s goalkeeper (Ückert, 2014). The Significant of the Study Handball Jump shot skills teaching strategies is relevant to the development of competitive and motor participants’ behaviors in the world of sports. Jump shot skills physical education brings together all factors that affect handball preparation, execution, and follow-through. As an open and continuous power, the maximal control and velocity of the selected individual body parts that accounts for specific physiological muscular characteristics (Singh & Kumar, 2008). The skills and the knowledge gained in the Jump shot execution have a sensory and motor response and control feedback. Understanding the teaching mechanics and cues of the jump shot education is significant in understanding the goal tendering, shooting control during the handball game execution (Stensrud & Myklebust, 2011). Research Question 1.What are the effects of the four sessions of learning handball games in schools? 2.What are the motor and sensory behaviors learned in teaching Jump shot handball technique in school? Statement of the Problem Learning is expected to occur in the first two sessions of handball Jump shot learning Research Objectives 1.To establish the preparation, execution and follow-through of Jump shot handball learning in school 2.To determine the effects of the four sessions of learning handball games in schools. Literature Review The jump shot is a crucial element of handball motor and sensory behavior that equip players with skills and adaptive techniques to play effectively. According to Anguera and Campaniço (2009) handball basic structure claim, Jump shot handball technique is divided into five phases that involve the approach of the handball game, taking-off, ball throwing and landing. However, according to Prudente and Garganta (2011) the Jump Shot kinematic model consists of motor learning and skills demonstrations aimed at improving the accuracy and tactical usefulness of the a handball player in the playing periods. Nevertheless, in reference to Stensrud and Myklebust (2011) handball transfer learning skills requires psychological education of learning involves skills acquisition, retention, and transfer. Boucher and Wiseman (2011) support Anguera and Campaniço (2009) ideas but from a different perspective pointing out the forms of jump shot teaching skills exposing in the form of fragments and restrictions of simple and complex educational tactics. These techniques obtained support Jump Shot attention focus, augmentative feedbacks well as skills demonstrations. Methodology The selected sample population or subjects under study consist of nine male members of the national team of the elicit handball players division. The parameters of each dimension of the a female participant selected in the study include; height of 190cm, average age of 25years old, body mass of 90.0 and the average training period or un-experiences in handball game and it’s her first time to play the game. During the study, the participant prepared and executed three jump shots after 30 minutes of warm-up and skills learning. In the first session, the participant choice a jump shot starting position for an appropriate approach to the center of the handball playing court (Prudente & Garganta, 2011). The approach chosen consisted two sub-sessions. The first sub-session, the subjects made three quality steps, bounced the ball and finalized with three steps of the approached used. Similarly, the selected subjected executed a take-off technique in the marked free-throw line area making all the jump shots attained by their maximal efforts (Anguera & Campaniço, 2009). However, from the overall jump shots executed, the most performed technique characteristics by the handball trainee were picked for further evaluation and analysis. Within the sessions, the ball catching technique as one of the motors responsive behavior was evaluated by observation technique by examining the kind of the positions used in the handball jump shooting techniques (Padua & Marshall, 2009). Similarly, the ball catching method was evaluated according to the position of the hand while catching a handball ball during jump shot execution. For example, the lower, upper and the after the bounce techniques of catching the ball data was collected and recorded for analysis. The equipment or research tool used during the study included three SVHS Video cameras set on an operating system of 25 frames per unit second for data collection. The atlas, the ball, vertex and the digitalized coordinates of the 16 reference points were used throughout the research (Nikolaidis & Ingebrigtsen, 2013). The protocol of the research data collection was correctly followed and adhered. On the broad front, there were four sessions of the teaching jump shot skills for the test of the motor and sensory behavior of the selected subjects. A total of four sessions of data collection is to be carried on different specific approaches as a measure of the research hypotheses conducted the research (Till & Cobley, 2014). However, in each session of jump shot execution the research question were measured against the research hypothesis in order to come up with generalized, reliable and valid data. In order to record the scores of the jump shot handball presented, the research assumption is the research assumption is that the jump shot technique is performed similarly to the ball passing technique with a stronger effort inserted on the trunk as well as the upper limb. It is also assumed that the jump shot power is conditioned by the hand action time of the handball ball played and the distance of the handball player to the target point (Stensrud & Myklebust, 2011). Conversely, in order to measure the performance, each of the four sessions was taught and executed while the muscular or motor response was closely monitored to examine the validity and the reliability of the hypothesis tested. The first and second session, analytic and synthesis methods of teaching were applied during the jump shot preparation and execution (Katić & Cavala, 2007). However, in section one, shot in placed and leaning back jump shot was taught. In addition, within the first session, variations of the jump shot technique before landing was taught emphasizing on the rhythms and the jumping off strategies of the handball game. The coaching point in session one was the ability of a player to execute as well as master a normal far or near jump shot without any difficulties (Stensrud & Myklebust, 2011). In the second sessions, an alternative hypothesis was tested during the session similar to session one to determine the effect of the session in learning the handball jump shot skills. In this session, the motor learning and attention focus skills were taught in relation to the quality of the jumping shot was taught and assessed (Massuça & Fragoso, 2014). In addition, the objectivity of the research was increased by teaching and assessing the individual description of the jump shot phases and the motor responses elicited by n responsive or adaptive behavior of sports psychological education. The main components learned in this session were fights, landing, flights, take off and the approach of t5he jump shot technique (Singh & Kumar, 2008). In the third and fourth session, the field was demarcated to in order to teach and execute technical or complex skills. A null hypothesis was used to test the effects of the third and the fourth sessions in the handball teaching and execution of the jump shot technique. Specifically, complex jump shot preparation skills were taught that could enable the players alters the arms and their shoulder’s positions that enable the players execute the skills effectively (Parrington & Lucy, 2012). In addition, the homogeneity among the individual player was assessed in the third and fourth sessions though the sessions differed in the manner in which the sessions the sessions was conducted. Conversely, the data variations performance of the jump shot technique before landing was taught emphasizing on the rhythms and the jumping off strategies of the handball game. It was noted that, variables measured and analyzed during the jump shot teaching, and execution research were the approach (A) parameters such as the vertical/horizontal center of gravity height changes (Wiemeyer & Hardy, 2013). Take-off variables such as the decrease in the horizontal velocity, the maximal variations of height and the center of gravity height during the moment of landing of the player before and after the jump shot execution. Results The absolute data values of all the kinematic parameters of the trainee’s phases of jump shots techniques training and performance skills execution. The jump shot highest performance of the sample population was presented by the highest node while the presentable subjects’ weights were used as an important individual subjects kinematic parameters (McMaster & Gill, 2014). Based on measurement criteria of the values obtained in the research, it was found that four percent number of errors was obtained as the highest importance of the trainee’s throwing phase of 40%, flight phase of 15% and take-off phase of 30% was obtained. However, considering the time or data collection process in the skills and performance execution, the take-off contact, the throw velocity and the height of the throw durations was obtained at 10.5%, 10.5%, and 12.6% respectively (Fronske, 2008). Considering the number of errors and omissions obtained in the research, a total percentage of 80 percent of the total number of the goals evaluated was obtained. However, in order to improve the performance of the quantitative data obtained, interview methods in conjunction with the empirical data collection should be incorporated in the research process to improve the validity and the reliability of the research (Schinke, 2014). In simple terms, the research results were improved by the application of t-test technique in the research process and as well as data analysis. The basic valuables obtained in the research were stored for the next session of the research. Discussion and Data Analysis The sports diagnostic technique was used throughout the research in assessing the hypothesis significance, as well as the efficacy of the techniques used in training and execution of the skills taught. The goal shot efficiency such as the scores obtained from the entire number of shots subjected was considered as the shots success. Similarly, approximately, a half the number of the jump shots obtained during the teaching and execution of the backcourt technique was considered was found to be 60% (Wiemeyer & Hardy, 2013). However, considering all the parameters evaluated in the study, a correct jump shot technique was obtained in the first and the second sessions due to the simplicity of the strategies and the methods used in skills training and performance execution. Therefore, the research hypothesis was true compared to the null hypothesis for the first and the second session of training and performance execution resulting in a reliable and valid hypothesis of the research (Boucher & Wiseman, 2011). The Research Protocol Analysis Based on the strength and the weakness of the research tool or design, it was evidently notable that the research conducted had strengths and limitations. The research results were promising as the research model that evaluates kinematic structure was used throughout the research without any challenges limiting the number of errors and the teaching and performance execution time needed in the research. In addition, the subjects’ individual data collection and the comparison strategies that were incorporated in the model norms allowed a reliable data since the skills and performance imperfections was easily identified during the jump shot training and execution (Schmottlach & McManama, 2012). However, it was also found that the model used in data collection process and analysis was not sufficient for measuring all the research variables the effects the efficiency of the jump shot execution such as the precisions of the jump shot targeting. Nevertheless, in the future jump shot training and research, other qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection methods can be included in the research that also included isolated testing environment in order to turn the research limitations to strength (Dosil, 2006). References Anguera, T., Campaniço, J., Fernandez, J., Leitão, C., Oliveira, M. C., & Santos, F. M. (January 01, 2009). The pivot player in handball and patterns detection - Instrument. Motricidade, 5, 3, 29-36. Boucher, A., & Wiseman, E. (2011). Movement discovery: Physical education for children. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. DiStefano, L., Padua, D., DiStefano, M., & Marshall, S. (January 01, 2009). 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