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Using Mobile Phones as Placed Resources for Literacy Learning - Essay Example

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The paper "Using Mobile Phones as Placed Resources for Literacy Learning" discusses that the study included that the literacy of indigenous Australians remained lower than that of non-indigenous groups, despite that they reported using mobile phones as an important mode of communication…
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Using Mobile Phones as Placed Resources for Literacy Learning
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Evidence-based teaching and Learning School: Journal Articles Auld, G., Snyder, I., & Henderson, M. . Using mobile phones as placed resources for literacy learning in a remote Indigenous community in Australia. Language and Education: An International Journal, 26(4), 279–296. The main idea/ hypothesis The main hypotheses highlighted by the researchers was that mobile phones were an important source of communication for the community members living in the remote area, as communication systems also used to promote literacy levels. Methodology of study The researchers employed the survey methodology and design of study, in the exploration of the ways that mobile phones were used among the members of the remote community, as sources of literacy. Description of findings The outcomes reported from the study included that the literacy of indigenous Australians remained lower than that of non-indigenous groups, despite that they reported using mobile phones as an important mode of communication. The use of the mobile phone for the group was advanced to the extent that they knew how to download music from online sites, but the usage had not been used to improve levels of literacy considerably. The researchers reported the use of mobile phones as exceptionally advanced for the group, and therefore a channel that promoted levels of literacy. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The researchers emphasized the role that the use of mobile phones played in the social lives of the people living in the remote community, and went further to maintain that the usage was core to the levels of literacy attained. Main points supporting the argument The ideas used to support the arguments include that the exchange between the mother and the child showed considerably developed uses of the phone as a tool for fostering literacy among the members of the community. 2. Connolly, T. M., Boyle, E. A., MacArthur, E., Hainey, T., & Boyle, J. M. (2012). A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and serious games. Computers &Education, 59(2), 661–686. The main idea/ hypothesis Playing computer games affects learners’ learning capacity, in areas like study material comprehension and acquisition of new knowledge. Methodology of study The study employed a multidimensional literature review to examine the effects of playing games on the learner’s ability to learn and comprehend new content. Description of findings The analysis of the findings and the context reported from the 129 studies showed that exposure to computer games improved some skills, including those that were important to the learning of students. The skill areas reported to benefit from playing games included cognitive, perceptual; affective and also the learner’s levels of motivation for learning. The study revealed that the positive effects of playing digital games is widespread, therefore an area that calls for the exploration of the relationship further, so that it can be used to foster learning. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The authors emphasized the importance of digital games in the learning of the students aged 14 and higher, by pointing out that it affected a variety of the skill areas that foster or limit learning. In conclusion, the position taken about the materials was that more study is needed, so as to demonstrate the effects of computer gaming on learning. Main points supporting the argument The main points cited in support of the arguments made by the authors included that different types of games affect different learning skills, some of which relate to behavioral inclinations and learning ability. The wide-reaching availability of studies supporting the effects of learning was emphasized as a call for further studies. 3. Domingo, M. (2012). Linguistic layering: Social language development in the context of multimodal design and digital technologies. Learning, Media & Technology, 37(2), 177–197. The main idea/ hypothesis The main issue under study was whether the exchange and practice of language done outside the school environment reinforces language acquisition and learning. Methodology of study The researcher employed the case study review methodology on language development and acquisition, done in the UK. The case study review sought to explore whether the digital and the physical exposure received at school and outside helped in their learning. Description of findings Drawing from the data gathered during the previous study, the researcher established that linguistic development benefits from the learning done at school-initiated literary lessons, but also from the outside-of-school environment they are exposed to. The research made the main determination that the change of physical environment was core to their acquisition of the cultural and the social meanings that facilitated learning. The research took the solid position that the linguistic layering that resulted from the change of environment fostered the learner’s acquisition of linguistic tools. The conclusions drawn were that multimodal teaching can help learners to acquire and develop new languages faster. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The author’s main idea regarding the importance of the change of physical environment was that the learning of students can be fostered or inhibited by the context of learning a new language. Main points supporting the argument The main points used to support the idea were the role of the environment in the development of layering, which lies at the core of language acquisition and learning. The researcher, further, highlighted the importance of cultural and social awareness in learning, as a boost for language development. 4. Stornaiuolo, A., DiZio, J., Hellmich, E., & Hull, G. A. (2013). Expanding community: Youth, social networking, and schools. Comunicar, XX (40), 79–87. The main idea/ hypothesis The main idea of the study was that the learning of students is improved by the exposure of learners to a wider community that fosters their process of learning. The communities that were highlighted as likely to improve the learning of students included online communities, due to the interaction-based efforts that they trigger in the learner. Methodology of study The researchers did the study using the survey methodology, as the framework that enabled the team to examine the contribution of the new platform of learning of the 59 learners from US middle school centres. Description of findings The study done by the researchers showed that the learners used the online community as a new platform for the exchange of ideas, after establishing new relationships with the other learners that were members of the online communities. The avenues used for learning included those related to the learning that was relative from one learner to another and that which was shared by the entire group (public). The researchers ended with the conclusion that schools can play an instrumental role in helping learners to build online communities that can foster their social and ethical learning and awareness. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The researchers emphasized the importance of joining online and other student communities as a platform that can foster the exchange of information and learning materials, which improves the outcomes of learning. Main points supporting the argument The major ideas used to support the arguments included that schools can direct the exchange that takes places over the new communities formed by learners. 5. Wastiau, P., Blamire, R., Kearney, C., Quittre, V., Van de Gaer, E., & Monseur, C. (2013). The use of ICT in education: A survey of schools in Europe. European Journal of Education, 48, 11–27. The main idea/ hypothesis The main hypotheses communicated by the authors were that the use of ICT had widened by about double, during the duration between 2006 and 2011. Apart from the higher infiltration of ICT use, the systems proved useful to the learning of students, as more and more of them expressed confidence about using them. Methodology of study The researchers administered the study using the survey methodology, because it was the design that would gather the information in the easiest style and during the shortest time possible. Description of findings The outcomes of the survey study showed that the use of ICT systems had increased by about twice the number reported in 2006. Further, teachers use the systems as important aids to the preparation of their lessons and also to facilitate communication between them and students and also their parents. The indications of the findings were that the new platform has taken a centre stage in the learning of students, and could be used to improve outcomes. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The ideas expressed by the author were that ICT has become an influential part of the educational system, and that they can be used at a higher level to foster the learning of students. Main points supporting the argument The major ideas that the researchers to support the argument were that teachers found ICT important as aids for the preparation of lessons, as well as tools that could foster the outcomes of learning institutions. Non-Journal Sources 1. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2013). Changing course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. Babson Park, MA: Babson Survey Research Group. The main idea of study The main idea highlighted through the survey was that educational institutions have continued to adopt online learning, as a strategy for gaining long-term competitiveness. The evidence gathered to support the view, through the decade-long survey was that, about a third of students were taking at least one online course. Methodology of study The study employed the survey methodology, during the exploration of the adoption of online courses and services, among the administrators of colleges and universities; the survey exposed the levels of adoption and the reasons behind the change. Description of findings The study of 2800 educational institutions, including universities and colleges, the investigation of the adoption of online courses showed that 2.6 percent were offering the courses and 9.5 percent were in the process of offering the courses. Further, the data showed that 55.4 percent were not decided about the adoption of online courses and 32.7 percent had not conceived the plan of offering the courses. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The authors highlighted the importance of offering online courses, as many of the consumers of educational services showed high demand for the courses. Main points supporting the argument Among the educational institutions surveyed, more than half reported that offering online courses was critical to long-term competitiveness. The indicators cited included that a third of students were taking an online course. Barriers to the adoption of online courses included that the respondents viewed online courses were more time and resources-consuming, as compared to the traditional teaching style. More than half of the respondents reported that teaching online was more effective than the traditional style, despite that it was not appropriate for undisciplined learners. 2. Ávila, J., & Pandya, J. (Eds.). (2013). Critical digital literacies as social praxis: Intersections and challenges. New York: Lang Publishers. The main idea of study The main idea highlighted by the editorial contributors to the book included pointing out the benefits of using digital literacy tools in the delivery of educational services in different contexts of learning. The authors pointed out that it is necessary to deliver and adopt digital literacy tools, while at the same time taking into account the conceptual differences surrounding the practice of the tools. Methodology of study The development of the content contained in the book was primarily done using an empirical study, based on the data collected by other researchers and presented in books and other literature. The study also entailed the exploration of educational trends, so as to explain phenomena, through exploring questions like: “what are the benefits or losses that result from the combination of mainstream education and digital platforms?” Description of findings The main findings drawn through the book included that the definition of critical digital literacy (CDC) has been a major constraint for the adoption of the new platforms in the improvement of the educational services delivery platform. The authors highlighted the importance of exploring and addressing the conceptual differences that characterise the adoption of the new platforms, so as to improve the outcomes of educational systems. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The authors’ idea included that despite the trade-offs that need to be made, following the adoption of CDL in the delivery of educational services, the change has yielded many benefits. However, the authors pointed out the importance of exploring and addressing the conceptual differences that limit the adoption and the effective usage of the new platform. Main points supporting the argument The main arguments used to support the discussion included the influence of the ever-changing views of educational stakeholders in the delivery of services. 3. Azoury, N. (2014). Business and Education in the Middle East. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. The main idea of study The main position highlighted by the author was that the same way that doing business has changed from the traditional outlook; the administration of education has also changed greatly. One central change the author pointed out as a necessary observation, and also one that the society should respond towards adequately was anticipating opportunities and addressing threats. One area of change that can be pointed out is that of the infiltration of the internet, and its resourcefulness as a source of information for education. Methodology of study The author employed the review of previous studies, the multidimensional review of literature and also the gathering of information from a team of experts on education and the changes that have taken place in the past and in the recent past. The different methodologies of study were employed at different times during the development of the information resource, and in making the consultations leading to the change. The review of trends and other sources improved the outcomes of the study. Description of findings The conclusions drawn by the author included that the changes in business and the delivery of education should be combined to offer learners, education in a more innovative style. The engagement of experts from the different fields will help in the development of strategies that will improve the governance and the performance of education. The author pointed out the importance of engaging teams from different fields, including education and business experts, so that the models developed will be effective. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The author highlighted the importance of engaging multi-professional teams in the development of innovative strategies that will improve educational outcomes. Main points supporting the argument The arguments used to support the conclusions included the importance of developing multi-professional teams and modelling a future-looking educational model. 4. Ito, M., Gutierrez, K., Livingstone, S., Penuel, B., Rhodes, J., Salen, K., Schor, J., Sefton-Green, J., and Watkins, S. (2013). Connected learning: An agenda for research and design. Digital Media and Learning Research Hub website. Retrieved from: The main idea of study The researchers highlighted the importance of delivering education in a style that builds on the social aspect of the learner, passion and drive, and adjusting all contextual advantages, so that they can foster the learning of the student. The researchers highlighted the importance of getting social support from parents and friends, as a way of boosting educational attainment. Methodology of study The study used the case study methodology, and the focus was integrating the literature developed on the adoption of the connected learning approach. The education approach championed for the broadening of socially-supported education, and using styles that are driven by interests and also built on contextual differences. Description of findings The findings of the study included that the previous studies done highlighted that connected learning is the outcome of linking educational work with personal interests, which orients learning towards economic, academic and society-based opportunities. The authors highlighted that getting social support from friends and parents improves the learner’s ability to develop the various aspects of attainment, including education, career development and social engagement. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The researchers highlighted the importance of using new media to improve the capacity of societies in fostering educational attainment and equitability among societies and learners. The researchers presented a variety of reforms that can be made in educational development, starting with the in-depth knowledge of child development and learning processes. Main points supporting the argument The main points used to support the study included the research findings that have supported the advantages of developing on personal interests and offering learners the support to help them overcome learning constraints. 5. Madden, M., Lenhart, A., Cortesi, S., Gasser, U., Duggan, M., Smith, A., & Beaton, M. (2013). Teens, social media, and privacy. The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project website. Retrieved from: The main idea of study The main idea of study was that adolescents are highly connected to social sites, and are less concerned with their privacy, which is an indicator of the information-communication capacity of the internet. The authors explored the issues, in a way that highlighted the potential of the internet as a platform for communicating information among adolescents. Methodology of study The study was done using the survey methodology, among 802 adolescents. The study explored the extents to which the subjects managed their private information, and the levels of using the platforms. Description of findings The findings of the study included that privacy management was not a major area of concern for learner, as the statistics of information sharing over the internet showed. The data showed that at least 60 percent tried to keep their information private and more than half of the subjects had deleted friends due to privacy concerns. The interest of learners in using social sites was remarkably high, whether over smart phones, home computers or other gadgets like tablets. Author’s ideas about significance of the materials The authors highlighted the importance of the statistics as a platform that could be used by learning institutions and learners, to foster the communication of academic ideas. Main points supporting the argument The main hypothesis explored through the study was that the use of social media has increased, and adolescents are allowing access to private information without taking the precautions that are necessary. However, the study pointed out that the usage of sites like facebook was reducing, but that of twitter was increasing. Read More
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