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The Set Guidelines of CCSSI and NJCCCS for Grade Seven Geometry Introduction The society today expects to perform cognitive tasks in each grade level in various ways. By this, it means that there are outcomes that all students in a certain level must cognitively achieve which are quite distinct, yet relevant and related to other grade levels. These are academic “standards” set in order to be consistent, yet diverse, all the way in the learning process (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2012).
In this paper, the focus will be on the comparison between the set guidelines of Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) and New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJCCCS) for Math of grade seven students.The Geometry of MathematicsReaching grade level seven, students must arm themselves with the basic knowledge in Geometry. It may all be about identifying shapes or using figures to solve a problem, but in Common Core State Standards Initiative or CCSSI (2012), the guideline set in this category goes beyond classifying figures since the emphasis was on the application on “angle” measurements and covered distances.
The ability of students to grasp the idea of distance within surfaces in solving realistic situations is the goal of teachers in this grade level (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2012). On the other hand, New Jersey Department of Education Office of Academic Standards or NJCCCS (2008) focuses on how to measure geometrically-perceived things and expects students to innovate, as well as execute cognitive actions, to come up with the measured distances of the shapes combined. Guidelines include the use of grids for estimating measurements (New Jersey Department of Education Office of Academic Standards, 2008).
ConclusionBoth guidelines from CCSSI and NJCCCS are somewhat interconnected. Both focus on the ability of students to apply prior knowledge in real events and their lives, as well. The goal is for students to master the guideline and all its related outcomes affixed for grade seven Geometry. Once a student has proven to accomplish the grade level’s expectations, he/she will be able to move to the next level to optimize his/her learning experience. ReferencesCommon Core State Standards Initiative. (2012). Common core state standards for Mathematics.
Retrieved from Jersey Department of Education Office of Academic Standards. (2008). New Jersey core curriculum content standards for Mathematics. Available from
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