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Enhancing Pedagogical Outcomes - Coursework Example

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The paper "Enhancing Pedagogical Outcomes" describes that the current system of learning emphasizes on the fact of memorizing the classics written by the ancient masters and the ability of the student is assessed on how best he could recite the masters correctly…
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Enhancing Pedagogical Outcomes
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Management Action Plan for enhancing pedagogical outcomes on a selected institution Education is not an end but a means to an end. Educational attainment is one of the prime factors of human development and advancement of civilizations. More educated the citizens are more they contribute towards the betterment of the society. Thus a nation needs to have a strong and good education policy which should have relevance keeping in view the recent global change in political, economic and socio-cultural spheres. Education is not merely obtaining degrees but a lot more than that. It is rightly said a teacher transforms a two legged animal to a human being. With the constant endeavor of the thinkers/intelligentsia, ‘Pedagogy’, the science of teaching evolved as a separate and distinct discipline wherein emphasis was given on improvising the teaching methods to make the teaching-learning process more productive and result oriented. The teacher, students and the teaching methods combined make the skeleton of the education system and a good education policy focuses on all of them taking them as interrelated factors. “Education should develop pupils and students as independent individuals by promoting such qualities as initiative, courage, enthusiasm and the desire to learn something new. Education should make it possible for the individual to cope on his or her own, to develop his or her potential and make his or her contribution to the civil society. In this way, education sustains the community and the common cultural identity.” ( ) Including all above, action plans for pedagogical development is prepared. Learning outcomes are very much dependant on pedagogy. These refer, to what a student will be able to know or do at the end of the instruction. Likewise a plan for actively doing something is called an action plan. When students are taught in classes, they are supposed to learn according to the learning outcomes. But, in many cases, it is seen teaching is done in a very traditional method where neither any goal is fixed nor is achieved. Particularly, taking the case of china, the pedagogical structure is based on decades of practice and according to the instruction of Ministry of Education of Chinese Communist Party. (Lang & Zha 2004). So, the challenge here is to remove bureaucratic hurdle and also placing realistically achievable goals.( Andrews et al 2002) Where there is a need to combat a problem or to introduce a new pedagogical approach, a plan is made for achieving some specific kind of learning outcomes. So, it is very much required to have a improvement action plan followed by auditing. ( ) To know about the priorities of a teaching institution, self evaluation is made which is termed as auditing. It is a process that uses “candor, rigor, and scope”( Fenwick 2000) While putting a plan, many factors are to be taken into account like a proper statement identifying priorities is made. The plan should have a clear structuring and formatting. Timescale and key issues for action are also included. ( ) Available resources and infrastructure are also taken into account. Action Plan To get the desired learning outcome, plan is constructed with some fixed prior goals. The specific aims are- 1. To create interest for research 2. Learning enhancement(including e- learning) 3. Joining research with curriculum 4. Developing participation and retention through projects and case study 5. Proper maintenance of academic standard 6. Enhancement of academic standards through staff development 7. Appropriate course designing for proper assessment 8. Development of quality through e-learning The primary aim here is to create interest for research and acquiring new methods for enhancement of teaching and learning. By doing research, grass root of a particular object is discovered. Research is an attempt to find out something systematically and scientifically. When a student is given a topic for doing any kind of research, then he has to go through a lot of books, journals etc. So, the constant study habit increases with enhancement of knowledge. Now-a- days, the age is considered as the age of computers or internet. The traditional learning should be changed through e-learning. This does not only give scope for wide range of learning outcomes but give chances for modernization and discovery also. In china, the curriculum is based on decades old practices, so linking of curricula and research is very much necessary. Students generally practice those things which the curriculum consists of, so joining of both gives the cognitive development of students. Participation and retention are to be increased by engaging them with projects and case studies. It is said that by doing something, we get practical knowledge of it. Every student’s participation is really needed for self improvement. The academic standards are to be maintained properly as it is an important aspect of research as well. Staffs are very important facets of teaching-learning process, so growth of this aspect is always to be taken care of. This is possible by enhancing the professional aspects of teachers as they are treated differently than other professionals. The view of the teachers as professionals and leaders are to be changed by workshops, seminars and talks. The psychological and economical growth would definitely enhance quality development. Proper assessment procedure always gives help in knowing how far we have achieved the learning outcomes. So, the course designing is to be proper. The teaching-learning process through e- learning can bring revolution in china as this aspect is not much developed in china. Research as well as the above factors are very much necessary for getting a higher class of intelligence. As approach to modern pedagogy will really bring a higher level of thinking or meta-thinking which is much necessary in china. (Cheng, 2000). According to Cheng, students should learn to learn, the emphasis or stress should be on curricula that the students should know to learn how to read critically, systematically and creatively and this can be best done by doing the perfect research, as systematic research will make students systematic and scientific. To make students perfect, systematic and creative, this type of action plan has been made. By implementing this, students will not only learn but also learn how to learn. Rationale of the Action Plan It is really very difficult to change age old practices to a new and modern approach (Gess-Newsome et al 2003). So, to bring any kind of new pedagogical approach, it is necessary for the students as well as teacher to feel the newer concept by heart. That is why, the action plan is very much based on research as the students can realize the root cause of a theory. By doing proper kind of research, students become organized and get different type of approaches and an array of intelligence as it is necessary, for a pupil to have different spheres of intelligence. It creates generalization and creativity, which is the need of the hour (Berling 1999). So, according to the plan to inculcate scientific attitude among students are to be exposed for research. It will make them creative, scientific and systematic, by which all the three domains cognitive, affective and Psychomotor will be developed. They will able to solve problems by analysis and synthesis. The capacity to take right decision will be enhanced. Different levels of intelligence will be inculcated. Learning through the world wide web is the new open window to the world. Not only it gives different spheres of intelligence but also rejuvenate their minds. Research using this kind of new technology, opens up the student. Generally, students are much curriculum oriented. So, the addition of research in the curricula, promotes the student to do it, so that a strong IQ can be guaranteed. Like other parts of the world, china is also becoming globalize, to match with this new dimension of the country, new consciousness is required, which can be fulfilled by following this kind of new approaches. Students as well as teacher participation is constantly needed for a developed teaching-learning situation. A teacher should always act as friend, philosopher and guide, in a better war we can add that a teacher should be more preferred “as a guide on side” rather than “a sage on stage”. There should be open and frank discussions between the teacher and taught, rather than a speaker and audience. So, quality of interaction and discussion between them should be increased. (Berling 1999) Projects, case studies are the mediums by which these kind of participation can be developed. Proper quality maintenance is another important aspect and taken an important place in the action plan. To establish, a staff development programme is another necessary wing of the action plan. By facilitating economic and mental growth, they should be accepted as professional and leader of the pupil as this sense is very much required in china ( Hayes et al 2004). Appropriate course is to be designed for proper implementation of the plan. Plan into effect Action plans are made, taking into account of some factors like its stakeholders, resources available, time limits etc. So, in this plan the major stakeholders are teachers as well as students. It is an effort to change the age old practices, applicable to the teachers as well as to students. As in the Chinese educational system there is a long gap between the students and the teachers. One of the aims of this action plan is to narrow the gap between the teacher and taught. The Confucian roots of Chinese education can be eradicated through this plan. So, the stakeholders, both the teachers and students will be benefited. To know the validity and reliability of the test, we have to administer it for many times. Though the goals prescribed are very much easily achievable within a year, reliability test of it will give light on its future. But, it can also be planned in a weekly manner. Week Task 1 Thorough understanding of teaching-learning situation 2 Development of research projects with intended learning outcomes and revision of it 3 Staff development and active e-learning for students 4 Active learning process 5 Encouragement for teacher-student participation 6 Assessing learning outcomes In the action plan research and e-learning are two important facets. For the research aspect books, journals and other learning materials are needed. Like wise for e-learning internet facilities, virtual classroom system are to be introduced. For the above things, finance is needed. Financially though an institution may not more highly equipped but a basic establishment is available everywhere. As these are very basic infrastructural needs, they are available in almost every educational institution. Utilizing basic structures present, much pedagogical improvements can be done. Resources required are minimal according to this action plan. A major action in the plan is about development of teacher’s professional view like other profession as there is a very Confucian kind of view for the teachers. By organizing workshops, seminars, talks etc. this type of stereotype attitude can be changed. Teachers would be encouraged to take leadership and act as friend and guide rather than a passive speaker. Taking a view of students need, more qualified teachers may be appointed, to increase quality as well as minimize stress on other teachers. Students will be assigned projects and case studies , so that participation of students and teachers will be enhanced and students will be exposed in practical situations. Likewise, projects will be assigned for worldwide web as well. There will be a committee for auditing the standard of the study materials, as a result of which appropriate quality can be maintained. So, by adopting above means, the plan will be implemented. Appendix Key points 1. There is a need for a new approach to pedagogy which assumes the individuals as a multidimensional personality in contrast with the prevailing concept of student as repository of knowledge who can not process the information in a reasoned or argumentative way. 2. The traditional approach which is still dominated by the Confucian traditions of pedagogy need to be changed to the modern approach which will promote higher level of intelligence and meta-thiniking. 3. In this higher level of thinking the student should understand the techniques of how to learn systematically, critically and creatively. The onus of cognitive development rests as much on the students as on the teachers. A flexible approach should be adapted to in designing the course curricula and models of instruction. 4. To promote reflective pedagogy: The theoretical knowledge should be compared with the real life experiences and students to be allowed to debate on the knowledge taught to them. 5. The leadership exercised by the teachers should be strategic rather than pedagogical only. Normally in institutions only the Principal enjoys the strategic leadership. 6. The educational system should be that much flexible so as to change as per the developments around the world. Of course these requires fundamental change in the traditional thinking. Partnership between the government and private sectors are sometimes desirable to achieve greater level of change. 7. The bureaucratic obstacles to change to a more decentralized system of learning should be removed. 8. The current system of learning emphasizes on the fact of memorizing the classics written by the ancient masters and the ability of the student is assessed on how best he could recite the masters correctly. Also the communist mode of thinking though emphasize on the scientific learning but in the strict framework of socialism, Marxism and maoist. 9. The new teaching strategies must include models that demonstrate key skills and engage students in active thinking and problem solving. There also needs to be adequate revision, provision of multiple pathways for access to content, including online learning resources and interactive learning experiences. 10. The role of teacher should be essentially be that of a facilitator rather than that of an instructor. 11. Teaching should be treated as an important profession like many others and the teachers should possess all the qualities of a professional thus satisfying their clients who are students and parents. They should have greater social status which can be achieved by giving them due government attention. 12. The teachers should keep themselves abreast of the recent developments in their field of specialization by reading the scholarly journals, research papers and books regularly. References Andrews, Dorothy, Frank Crowther (2002) Parallel leadership: A e contents of the "black box" of school reform, The International Journal of Educational Management. Bradford. Vol. 16, Iss. 4/5; p. 152 (8 pages) Anonymous(2002) The Danish Governements’ vision of better education: [online], Available from < > [Accessed 7 November 2006] Berling, Judith A. (1999) Student-centered collaborative learning as a "liberating" model of learning and teaching, Journal of Women and Religion. Berkeley:. Vol. 17; p. 43 (12 pages) Cheng, Yin Cheong (2000) A CMI-triplization paradigm for reforming education in the new millennium, The International Journal of Educational Management. Bradford:. Vol. 14, Iss. 4; p. 156 Fenwick W. English (2000) in his book, Deciding What to Teach and Test, Corwin Press, California Gess-Newsome, Julie, Sherry A Southerland, Adam Johnston, Sonia Woodbury (2003) Educational Reform, Personal Practical Theories, and Dissatisfaction: The Anatomy of Change in College Science Teaching, American Educational Research Journal. Washington: Fall. Vol. 40, Iss. 3; p. 731 Hayes, Debra, Pam Christie, Martin Mills, Bob Lingard. (2004) Productive leaders and productive leadership: Schools as learning organisations, Journal of Educational Administration. Armidale, Vol. 42, Iss. 4/5; p. 520 Lang, Daniel W, Qiang Zha. (2004) Comparing Universities: A Case Study between Canada and China, Higher Education Policy.. Vol. 17, Iss. 4; p. 339 Read More
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