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Racial Profiling for PowerPoint - Essay Example

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The essay "Racial Profiling for PowerPoint" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in racial profiling for PowerPoint. Many useful facts were presented about the racial profiling PowerPoint, though there is never an excuse for a moral justification for racial profiling…
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Racial Profiling for PowerPoint
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Racial profiling is an ineffective means of accomplishing whatever task the individual sets out to do. In short, racial profiling only helps because it creates a situation in which expectation for a given activity or behavior is created within the mind of the profiler. Another powerful complement of understanding this was the fact that racial profiling oftentimes helps to make stereotypes more powerful. By treating an entire group of people in a certain way, it becomes more likely that these individuals would begin to identify with the way they are treated and exhibit more and more signs of adherence to these stereotypes. Ultimately, within everyday life and an increasingly globalized world, the extent and level to which racial profiling can be used for any positive benefit are all but nonexistent.

Similarly, although there was a great deal of information presented about diversity and different communication styles that men and women often engage, the most important aspect of this particular piece of research was that it is necessary for the reader/participant to always be mindful of the fact that different people communicate via different styles. Although such an understanding is somewhat dangerous because it can create an expectation that men and women are inherently different and behave/communicate via entirely different standards, this is not always the case. Rather, the stakeholder needs to realize that women and men can express themselves in different ways and two different extents. This mere ability does not mean that they will always do so. From a leadership perspective, it is important to understand this because the reader will both be leading men and women regardless of the organization or business entity to which they are responsible. In this way, within one’s personal life, it is necessary to always seek to interact with others so that a type of baseline of communication is represented within the conversation. Although this may seem somewhat obvious, it is oftentimes neglected and can ultimately result in a breakdown of communications and/or a misunderstanding of key information about stakeholders within either of the genders.

Lastly, concerning the PowerPoint presentation concerning extroverts and introverts, the most powerful understanding that this student gained from this presentation was about the fact that neither being an introvert nor an extrovert is necessarily better than the other. All too often within our culture, we are taught that an extrovert will succeed whereas an introvert will ultimately fail within the business environment. However, as the PowerPoint noted, a diversity of these individuals is required within disbarment as a means of ensuring that specific strengths within the organization can be spoken to leverage. Whereas the extroverted personality is more likely to engage with others and be outgoing/bold, the introvert is more likely to be a problem solver working quietly within their respective field. Most importantly, from the information that was provided within the particular PowerPoint presentation, it was noted that both introverts and extroverts have the potential to make exceptional leaders. Whereas leadership has almost always been understood as something needful of an extroverted person, introverts are oftentimes able to analyze situations thoughtfully and make precise and informed decisions to a better degree than their extroverted counterparts. Seeking to apply this information to one’s personal life and future career decisions, it becomes clear that extroverts nor introverts should be penalized and/or passed over for promotion merely because of who they are. Rather, the most determinant way in which their strengths can be determined is concerning the fruits of their labor. Lastly, from the presentation, it was also understood that extroverts and introverts, although most often compared and contrasted to one another, have a great deal in the compound of the traits of personality that they can exhibit within leadership.

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