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Optimal Cognitive Development With the Help of Play - Research Paper Example

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The paper describes Piaget’s cognitive theory of play that categorizes play into four types; sensory-motor play, symbolic play, games of construction, and games with rules. The sensory-motor play is also called a physical play. Children are asked to repeat a physical activity that they enjoy…
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Optimal Cognitive Development With the Help of Play
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?Theories of Play Piaget’s Cognitive Theory of Play Piaget’s cognitive theory of play suggests that play helps in the development of a relaxed atmosphere wherein students can easily learn. Play is different from learning. While both assimilation and adaptation are required in the cognitive development, play is achieved by assimilation alone and accommodation is not required. Piaget’s cognitive theory of play categorizes play into four types; sensory-motor play, symbolic play, games of construction, and games with rules (, n.d.). Sensory-motor play is also called physical play. In this play, children are asked to repeat a physical activity that they enjoy. In symbolic play, children represent different realities mentally that are not physically present. Symbolic plays are directed at improving children’s behavior, perceptions, or response toward different things. For example, a child frightened by a lizard is put in such a play that makes him brave toward lizards. Games of construction are those in which learning happens accidentally as a result of the symbolic play. Games with rules have rules, and involve at least two players. A potential example of learning according to Piaget’s theory is in a kindergarten classroom. It is noteworthy here that in the kindergarten classroom, children are in the preoperational stage in which, they are egocentric. When a teacher in the kindergarten classroom asks the students to discuss their activity when it snows outside, different children share different thoughts; some might say that they like to make snowmen while others might say that they like making snow angles. None of these responses can be regarded as incorrect because these responses are grounded in children’s personal experiences of being outside in the snow. Such a discussion in the kindergarten classroom helps the children visualize and realize different activities that can be performed out in the snow with the information provided by the fellow classmates. Children in the kindergarten classroom think that the only correct answer to the teacher’s question is theirs since they are egocentric. It is extremely important to realize different ways of employing the theories of cognitive development. Teachers can use Piaget’s cognitive theory of play in the kindergarten classroom to help the students become master learners. Major components of Piaget’s theory of play will be evidenced in my classroom through division of the classroom into different centers or sections, each for a different type of play, as well as one where different types of plays can be organized in combination. For example, children will be given musical instruments like pianos and guitars to play. This will be the application of sensori-motor or physical play because children will enjoy playing music and will be involved in a physical activity at the same time. There will be a section where children will play games with rules in which they will learn how to team up and follow the rules to achieve the goals. Likewise, there will be other sections in my classroom in which other sorts of plays will be organized. I will keep in mind while deciding the plays for the children that they should be related to different subjects like science, humanities, ethics, and social studies. Philosophy of Play Play is extremely essential for the cognitive as well as physical development of children of all ages in general and those in the kindergarten school in particular. The kindergarten age is critical for the cognitive development of the children. Further development depends on the self-awareness, knowledge, and skills created in the kindergarten age of the children. Play plays a very important role in helping the children achieve the right developmental pattern both cognitively and physically most importantly because it is something that children find enjoyable and interesting to engage in. In plays, children do not feel that they are being forced into learning something. Instead, learning in plays is spontaneous and children happen to have a good time together in the classroom that foster their relationship with other class fellows, the teacher, as well as with the school in general. In order to help the children derive optimal benefit from the plays, it is imperative that the plays are supervised. The main role of a teacher in a kindergarten classroom where play is being used as a way of fostering cognitive development of the children is of an administrator or a supervisor. The teacher needs to make sure that not only is the play being played in the right way, but also that the children are learning from the plays the lessons intended for them by the teacher. To achieve this, it is very important for the teacher to personally supervise the play and guide the children toward achieving their individualistic and collective goals, and derive the correct conclusions and moral lessons from the plays. A demerit of the plays is that room for unfavorable consequences is great. While playing in groups, some children might force others to be less participative. Children may also fight with each other while playing. To avoid such situations from arising, it is important for the teacher to have redirection activities already planned and sorted out so that in case any issues arise, the play can be redirected. To discourage children from fighting with each other, I might assign points to playing without fighting so that children feel intrinsically motivated to help each other out and avoid fighting. I might form small groups of children and assign them specific roles in the group so that they make a team effort to achieve their goals. Optimal cognitive development with the help of play can only take plays when the efforts of the teacher are directed at the development of a community in the classroom in which every child feels secure and comfortable. The teacher must supervise the play to ensure that all children are participating equally and are interacting comfortably with other children in the group. This is fundamental not only to the successful completion of plays, but also for the development of group skills and social skills in the children. To achieve this, I would brief the children on the rules of the games, what behaviors are expected from them, and what behaviors are discouraged. References: (n.d.). Theories of Play. Retrieved from Read More
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