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Educational Success and Achievement Statistics, Depending on Gender - Essay Example

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The paper "Educational Success and Achievement Statistics, Depending on Gender" analyzes the relationship between the male and female gender as per the statistics on their educational achievement at the various levels of the curriculum of the United Kingdom…
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Educational Success and Achievement Statistics, Depending on Gender
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? Education Performance Since 1980 - Girls Vs Boys Task: Education Performance Since 1980 - Girls Vs Boys ExecutiveSummary This document extensively analyzes the relationship between the male and female gender as per the statistics on their educational achievement at the various levels of the curriculum of the UK. In so doing, the discussion will be made on the choice and preference of both genders on fields of specialization. This difference will be made distinct along the years from 1980 to date. A comparison of the different genders on achievement will thus be made clear to form a strong basis for the discussions to be made in the other sections. It will also target to achieve an understanding of the sociological explanations concerning the relative under- achievement of the female gender in the field of education. An appreciation of the improvement of the female levels of education since 1980 will be made, and the policies and drivers to this change stated. The changes implemented, however, do not eliminate the imbalance but works a great deal in reducing it. The various effects on both the genders in general and their attitude change will also be analyzed in the sections to follow. The challenges faced by this progress also exist. These challenges derail the progress of creating equality between the boy and girl education. This document will also aim at analyzing the reasoning behind the slower rate of the progress of male student educational progress. Introduction This document will be highlighting on the gender difference in educational achievement. This will be based on the extent of the difference at different levels in the curriculum. The behavior of males and females on both the social and biological aspects will also be discussed. Observations on various differences in the education achievement focusing on gender difference will be observed. The realization of the gap in gender achievement become a concern hence policy establishment for ensuring a balance. Various statistical analyses on the performance comparison between the male and female gender will be carried out from the 1980 to date. The reasons behind gender inequality before and efforts to ensure a balance will be discussed. The number of girls versus boys in particular professions will be highlighted at training level, and the comparison made. The natural and biological effects of gender on education and theories in this case will also be discussed. Various roles and identities based on gender also affect this topic. This will be explained in the subsequent sections. Factors that are caused within and without school reflecting on the difference between the different gender’s performances in education will be highlighted. Plans to improve the future in a balanced manner for both boys and girls in a fair manner are possible as per the analysis in the sections to follow. Average number of module enrolments per student registration by boys and girls at school in Scotland males females 1991-92 2.0 1991-92 3.0 1992-93 3.0 1992-93 3.1 1993-94 3.0 1993-94 3.2 Source: Scottish Office Statistical Bulletin (1995) Edn/F5/1995/18 Analysis on the current situation will be done, and the extent of achievement scrutinized on a broad perspective. The gender difference and achievement on education in the UK and some other countries will be looked into. Explanations of these gender differences will be given following the assessment ideas. Both the solved and continuing issues based on gender and attainment disparities will be torched on. Theories behind relative education under achievement of the female School organizational theory Many sociologists have come up with theories behind the overall underperformance of the female in education. They suggest that some of these factors are internally based in the organization of the educational institutions as supported by Robert and john (2001). These institutions operated in such a manner that the female were disadvantaged. Some of the factors that may have restricted the achievement of the female students include the fact that the reading schemes were made in such a manner that they encouraged the assumption of the traditional gender role. The teachers probably gave less attention to the female students; the authorities failing to rebuke the male students who insulted the female students. The boys might have monopolized the science apparatus thus denying the girls equal access; the girls who appeared to be too intelligent were not appealing to the boys thus the girls avoided such an outlook. The lack of confidence by the girls as a result of the negative treatment by the boys, inclusion of subjects in the curriculum that made the girls feel like they were practicing to become housewives rather than scholars, career guidance that sidelined girls from some professions Geoff (2002). Theories based on socialization This difference in the boy and girl educational achievement is theorized in one way to have been due to the difference in the way of socialization. It is through the social mechanisms that one gets to learn about the society norms, values, attitude and individual acceptance. According to Elaine and Sheila (2007), the social environment surrounding the girl pupil did not favor the girl education as it was for boys. This must have encouraged the underachievement of the girls in education. Biologically based theories It has been for many times put out that the female brains are relatively smaller compared to men. This difference enables the boys to do better in the sciences and technical subjects Arnot et al (1999). Besides, females are more likely to be judged by their emotional expression compared to males. Many due to the facts that, the average weight of the female brain is relatively heavier than the male’s, however, have criticized these kinds of arguments. The IQ tests carried out usually have no indication of females recording lesser than males. Research carried out on babies indicates that the female babies exhibit relatively better linguistic skills than the male Elizabeth (2010). In many cases, the average female performance in education has been better than the males by a non-disputed margin; thus, this theory remains inapplicable as per the criticism. Improvement of the female achievement in education from 1980s Females have performed better than males in the 1980s as they made improvement on various areas that derailed them before. The girls traditionally outshone the boys in the humanities and languages. The science subjects also improved in the years following 1980s even before the introduction of the national curriculum in the year 1988 when the sciences were made compulsory. This brought about equal study of both the subjects regardless of the gender thus the girls had no option but to do well in all the subjects Suzane (1994). The trend in the recent years is that more female than male are likely to enroll on GCE courses at advanced levels and perform better than males in this stage. It is worthy to note that the difference between female and male achievement in education at the advanced stages widened with time from 1980s as the girls performed better. Reasons for the improvement of the female educational achievement Since the 1980s, there has been significant improvement of the girl achievement in education. This has been analyzed to be because of biologically based reasons and sociologically based reasons. Biologically based reasoning Through suggestions, it is known that girls mature faster than the boys. This applies to intellectual maturity, as well. Therefore, girls become more sensible by the age of 13 to 16. They develop better concentration ability thus get more organized in their undertakings Claire (2004). This, however, is inconclusive because some other factors and some boys also influence the performance also have the ability to concentrate thus become more organized at this age Kenneth (1993). Socially based reasoning Marriage in the recent years before the 1980s did not leave room for the married women to advance in their careers. This has changed over time and women do not perform the role of being homemaker rather, they advance in studies and careers. More women were employed in different fields thus encouraging the females to do more reading compared to before. Political activities included the feminine gender hence better advocacy for their education. The feminists also advocated for equal rights in education for both girls and boys Parry (1997). The slower rate of male educational achievement Percentage of boys and girls leaving school at different stages in 1993-94 in Scotland S4 S5 S6 Boys 27% 32% 48% girls 20% 32% 41% Source: Scottish Office (Statistical Bulletin Edn/E2/1995/14) The belief by most boys that education is irrelevant and preference for work that requires less educational qualifications and more physical. The peers developing an anti-school subculture and decline of the manufacturing industries where most boys wish to work are some of the major reasons behind the low rate of educational achievement by the boys. Indiscipline cases are common with the boys relatively compared to the girls Skelton (1996). This denies them an opportunity to concentrate on educational key undertakings. The education disadvantages faced by the boys were not keenly looked into as efforts were made to improve the girl education. The table below indicates the relative perfomance of girls and boys in GCSE between 1988-1990 (female-male) % 1988 1990 Mean difference biology -7.7 -6.9 -7.3 chemistry -3.8 -2.5 -3.3 English 13.7 12.0 13.1 English Literature 11.7 12.4 13.1 French 5.2 6.3 5.6 Geography 6.1 7.0 6.2 History 5.7 6.1 5.8 Mathematics with cwk* -4.0 -4.9 -4.5 Mathematics without wk -9.7 -5.3. -7.1 Physics 4.0 4.0 4.0 Course work optionl in GCSE mathematics until1991 Source: Northern Ireland Schools Examinations and Assessment Council Statistical Booklet and quoted in D’Arcy (1994) Conclusion The female students were disadvantaged by many factors before the 1980s in the line of education. The girls were under an environment that was not socially supportive along the line of education. From the home yard, most women were homemakers and did not advance in education. Back in school, the curriculum boys and the teachers were not considering equity in education Gainna (2010). This, however, changed in the 1980s, when the curriculum was changed. The teachers considered them equal and job opportunities were open to all regardless of the gender. The females were better performers in the arts, and languages until in the 1988 when the sciences were made compulsory in the curriculum that they did better in the sciences and technical subjects too Maitreyi (2007). On the contrary, the educational environment favored the male students more than the females. This changed with time until there was equity in the education system. The boys have been outshone by the girls due to factors that include the peer influence, negative perception on education and job preference that require less skills but more work forces. The overall outcome since the 1980s is that, the girls have shown improvement in educational achievement more than the boys. This is because of girls being more serious on matters concerning education compared to the boys Mercy (2008). The achievement difference is at not only the lower levels but also the advanced levels where the girls still show better performance than the male students Davies (2004). Theories to explain the notion that males are naturally clever than the females have been put clear by some theorists. These theories, however, have been criticized to put it otherwise. References Gianna, K 2010, Supporting Inclusive Practice. Edition2, Taylor & Francis, California. Davies, B 2004, In Ball S Ed (above) Ch 6 ‘The discursive production of male/female dualisms in school settings’ Coffey, A 2001, Education and Social Change, Open University press, USA. Geoff, W et al 1998, Devolution and choice in education: the school, the state, and the University Press, University of Michigan, Michigan. Claire, H 2004, Gender in Education 3-19: a fresh approach, Produced for Association of Teachers and Lecturers, Atlanta. Kenneth, W H 1993, Curriculum-based evaluation: teaching and decision, Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., University of Michigan, Michigan. Suzanne, H G 1994, Gender issues in education, Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., University of Michigan, Michigan. Elizabeth, J. M., 2010, Gender and Sexual Diversity in Schools: An Introduction Volume 10 of Explorations of Educational Purpose, Springer, New York. Parry, O 1997, Schooling is fooling: why do Jamaican boys underachieve in schools? Gender & Education, vol. 9, no. 2 pp 223 – 231. Skelton, C 1996, 'Learning to be tough: the fostering of maleness in one primary school' Gender & Education, vol. 8. Maitreyi, B D 2007, Changing Norms about Gender Inequality in Education: Evidence from Bangladesh Volume 4404 of Policy research working papers, World Bank Publications, USA. Mercy, T 2008, Girls' Education in the 21st Century: Gender Equality, Empowerment, and Economic Growth, Directions in Development Directions in development: Human development Directions in development (Washington, D.C.).: Human development Developpement en marche Bank Publications. Arnot, M et al 1999, closing the gender gap: post-war education and social change, Polity Press, Oxford. Elaine, U & Sheila, A 2007, Practicing Gender Equality in Education, Oxfam, Australia. Robert P & John F 2001, Education, Reform, and the State: Twenty-five Years of Politics, Policy, and Practice, Routledge, New York. Geoff, W 2002, Making Sense of Education Policy: Studies in the Sociology and Politics of Education, SAGE, Ohio. Read More
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