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The qualitative and quantitative research paradigms and its underlying principles - Essay Example

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The paper is based on explaining and analyzing the qualitative and quantitative research paradigms and its underlying principles as well as addressing the issue of different epistemological, ontological and methodological worldviews underpinning each of the two perspectives. …
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The qualitative and quantitative research paradigms and its underlying principles
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?RESEARCH PHILOSOPHIES AND PRINCIPLES Introduction Epistemology has its origin from Greek and refers to knowledge. Therefore, the term epistemology is the acquired knowledge or explanation of how people come to know about the existence of something (Trochim 2000, p.6). The epistemology knowledge can be acquired through first hand experience or through theoretical study. According to Trochim (2000, p. 6), epistemology defines and explains how people come to know the reality of life. In general epistemology try to explain some of the following concept; the relationship between the knowledge and the individual who have acquired it, the manner in which the knowledge has been acquired, what is the meaning of the term knowledge to various individuals, and the general explanation of the important of the acquired knowledge to the knowledgeable and the entire society (Trochim 2000, p. 6). On the other hand, the term ontology refers to the understanding and explanation of real life situation while the term paradigm is the entire belief systems that help people and researchers in doing their daily activities. It defines a set of practices and activities that are normal and valid in any situation (Trochim 2000, p. 6). Therefore, proper understanding of the knowledge under study and the available research methods are the pillars of coming up with the best and practical research method which can bring about the desired outcome (Trochim 2000, p.10). In scientific research various methods are applied on various different scenarios. The paper below is based on explaining and analyzing the qualitative and quantitative research paradigms and its underlying principles as well as addressing the issue of different epistemological, ontological and methodological worldviews underpinning each of the two perspectives. The paper will also address the ethical considerations relating to research in tourism. Coll (2000, p 90) observed that, paradigm explains the experiment and practical means of acquiring knowledge, beliefs, and ideology on how an activity should be done. It is the manner in which people acquire the knowledge and understanding of different perspectives. The object being studied should be researched and thoroughly analyzed to get the in depth knowledge and understanding of the subject (Coll 2000, p 91). The knowledge of the paradigm are acquired and approved through observation and analysis of the available ideas and facts. The individuals expected to acquire the paradigm beliefs and ideologies must practice the knowledge acquired to gain consistency and first hand experience. Therefore, knowledge is acquired through the meaning attached to a certain event. Researchers have to come to touch with the subject under study to acquire data necessary in the analysis process. The process to coming into touch with the object under study or the scenario under investigation to collect data is what is referred to as scientific research The interaction with the subject under investigation enhances changes in knowledge to both the researcher and the subject (Coll, 2000, p. 91). Therefore, the knowledge and understanding of the epistemology differences between the various research paradigm among the research conducted on tourist is pure philosophical but not methodological. Denzin (2002, p. 102) stated that, the researcher theoretical knowledge plays a very crucial role in deciding the method to be used in a research. This is because of the implanted beliefs systems and ideologies about the subject under study. Hence, the researchers in the tourism study were guided by their initial knowledge about the tourism sector. The knowledge which guides the decision on the method can be acquired either through literature review or physical observation of a phenomenon. Therefore, the ontological assumption is squarely responsible for determination of the methodology to be applied in a research. In the study on tourism, the researchers have used the qualitative and quantitative methods of research. Due to this, the study below will focus more on qualitative and quantitative research methods. There are varieties of differences between the qualitative and quantitative methods of scientific research but their differences are based on philosophical ideas (theoretical ideas) but not the manner the researches are conducted (methodological). Prior understanding of the philosophical assumptions is important in understanding the method to be used in the study (Sedmak, 2011, p2). Therefore theoretical paradigms are the bases of any important scientific research. Scientific investigations are therefore conducted on the bases of assumption and concepts that underline the subject under investigation. Researches play very crucial role both in academic and other outside academic activities. In the academic field, all the knowledge in this field is attributed by various researches. Research in the academic fields also plays the role of challenging the already exciting knowledge. Due to the improvement in technology the old knowledge and concepts are becoming outdated therefore scientific research plays a very relevant role in ensuring that the academic field is incongruent with the present knowledge. According to Bogban and Biklan (1982, p30) scientific research is very important in academic field for its contribution in the already exciting knowledge. New researchers come up with various knowledge concepts which are important elements in the modern knowledge. Bogban and Biklan (1982, p30) further explained that, research is also important in academic filed for its testing and retesting role of the already done and approved researches. New research therefore provide antithesis to the already existing thesis (Sedmak, 2011, p. 2). As Coll (2000, p100) observed, research is unavoidable in all industrial and professional arenas. In general, research provides the entire and concrete knowledge on any field and on any phenomena under investigation. Therefore, to get an in depth incite about any phenomena research is the way to go. It’s due to this important role of research that all avenues have committed a lot their resources in conducting frequent researches. In most modern sectors research department are very important and are manned by well educated and able professional. On the other hand, it’s clear that, researchers are among the very well paid professional which is an indication of the important of their input in businesses and companies. Tsoukas (2011, p. 5), observed that, modern technologies and development are all the outcome of the intensive researches done either in manual ways or through the use of internet technology. The benefits of research therefore demand an intensive and extensive understanding of various research methods as well as getting knowledge on the ethical factors to consider in the choice of the most appropriate research method. In the case of the tourism research, the researchers have decided to use qualitative and quantitative methods. 1. Constraints to sport tourism: a cross cultural analysis by Simon, tom, Gordon and Bonnie In reference to the available literature, the researcher focused on sport as a cultural tourist attraction but not on culture that influences sport tourism. The researchers based their research in downhill skiing as a cultural activity (Simon, Tom, Gorden and Bonnie, 2010, p. 71). The researchers used qualitative research method in their studies. They also used questionnaire to collect their data. The researcher in this case decided to use qualitative research to get a deep incite on the relationship between different interests (Simon, Tom, Gorden and Bonnie, 2010, p. 71) According to Tsoukas (2011, p. 3) qualitative and quantitative studies are based differently in terms of epistemological assumptions. Qualitative researchers are guided by the assumption of understanding a scenario by observing it in its own context. They focus on one portion of the situation without losing the entire meaning of the general situation. According to them (qualitative researchers) the best way of looking and addressing a situation is by going deep into the root cause of a scenario (Tsoukas 2011, p. 4). The researcher in this case used the available literature to get the level in which the study have been done and the factors that affect sports and culture. In the qualitative research under study, literature review was very fundamental as it provided an understanding of the situation under study hence assisting in the analysis of the data collected. The qualitative researchers investigate the cultural and organizational nature of what is being studies to get a deep incite of the entire situation (Tsoukas 2011, p. 4). Qualitative researchers do not come up specific question in their researches but rather they allow the questions to emerge as the study proceeds. In the study on tourism, the qualitative researchers did not have structured questions. The questions they used were open ended to allow for free flowing and detailed response. On the other hand, qualitative researcher conduct further investigation from other sources to get an understanding on why the tourist sector has been underestimated in relation to sport and leisure. It is through the in depth literature review that we understand that the study on the important of leisure to attract tourist have not been studied deeply. The qualitative researchers in this research focused on different ontological assumptions about the surrounding and different world phenomena (Meazrow, 1994, p. 224). According to them (qualitative researchers) people perceive reality differently. The different perceptions are influenced by the different manner in which people experiences the reality, the cultural beliefs, social class, residential areas, and the level of exposure. In the study, different people perceived the relationship between culture and sport differently. There were those who thought culture influences sport and there were those who perceived sport to influences culture (Meazrow 1994, p. 224). The qualitative research reviewed different perception on culture and sport. Therefore, qualitative researchers’ are for the existence of multiple realities. The qualitative researchers must take into consideration the different view of the people reality. They believe that, researchers are unique individuals with unique view of the reality and therefore the results of the outcome are specific to the researcher perception of the reality. (Merriam, 1998, p. 250) In reference to this, qualitative researches do not require testing for validity as different researcher produces different outcome depending on the researcher’s perception on the reality. This reality of qualitative research explained the reason why the researcher in this study considered the view of the all the interviewed stakeholder without questioning their views. In the cases of the tourist study, different researchers came up with different finding and conclusion depending on their own individual perception on culture and tourism sector. That explains why they used different methods of research in the same study. In regard to this, the qualitative research is based on subjective reality but not objective reality (Meazrow, 1994, p. 224). People experience realities in different ways which affects the outcome of the study. The different views from different people are analyzed to come up with an order in a research. The reorganization about the reality of the information collected is differentiated by the analysis and computation of the excising knowledge with the information collected. On the other hand, the interviews give different response to different question asked by the researchers. The explanation on the reason why people gives different opinion for the same phenomena can be explained by different perception on the reality by the different people. Due to this, qualitative researchers in this study were more concerned with the differences in perception of reality among different people. (Lythcott and Duschl, 1990, p. 450). There were some ethical issues which emerged in this study. There was different in perception on the influence of culture on the sport of the two cultures under study. According to Chinese culture, relaxation was and enjoyment was the main motivators in tourist. On the other hand, the Anglo Canada was not motivated by relaxation. The other ethical issues which emerged were the different perception of interpersonal constraints between the Chinese- Canada and Anglo-Canada. According to Anglo-Canadian constraints was structural in nature while Chinese- Canadian considered constraints as the greatest challenge in sport and cultural activities. This cultural issue affected the findings of the research. 2. Unexploited potential of networking in the hospital business-Slovenians case by Sedmak G.and Planinc S., The research focused on various advantages of industrial networking. The research addressed two sections. The interviewer interviewed the manager from two formal networks managers and the mangers of hospitality companies. The semi structured interview and quantitative analysis was used in the study. From the research findings, there were distinct differences in operational functions between the hospitality companies and the formal net works companies. The purpose of the research was to fill the information gap in industrial networking. However, according to Frankil (1963, p. 67) quantitative researches do not go into deep incite of the reality. They rely on a single observable reality. In the research under study the researcher did not go deep to analyze the cause of mistrust in the hospitality and tourist sector. The data collected are not valued in relation to the literature available since they are for the ideas that, the reality can not change by observing and conducting intensive study. The researchers values and views the world in one way (Healy and Perry, 2000, p. 120). The two opposing mangers view on the important of networking were valued on individual bases. The quantitative method under study underrates the presence of the metaphysics (Healy and Perry, 2000, p. 120). The purpose of the research was to describe a situation that can be observed or experienced. Quantitative researchers are not interested with the past knowledge and experiences but they are interested with the situation at hand. They (quantitative researchers) restrict themselves to what can be observed and measured by the researcher in relation to the phenomena under study. The researcher in this case was purely concerned with what they can observe. The researcher reacted on the reality at hand. The study and knowledge beyond what can be observed in the situation at hand is irrelevant and impossible to get hence, they distance themselves from the real world situation and specify themselves to the phenomena under study (Meazrow, 1994, p. 227). In most cases, the quantitative research tries to explain and analyze a situation but they are not interested in giving a solution to the situation. In the case of the quantitative tourist study, the researcher only expound on the real situation between the tourist sector and networking without analyzing why the tourist sector has no relied on networking in its marketing activities. The quantitative researchers relied on the information they observed at that particular time without relying on the previous experiences. Denzin (1994, p123) stated that, the quantitative researchers are for the opinion that, science is a mean of getting the truth. The truth acquired by scientists is afterward used to predict and control the future happenings. The researcher recommended the bats way to control the future of the tourist industry. The researcher was for the opinion that, the tourist future can be determined because they operate under the law of cause and effects which are consistent hence proper utilization of the science knowledge can be used to control and manage the future. The exciting theories are not compatible enough to predict the future of the tourist industry networking. There is therefore need for adjusting the theories to be competent in predicting the future. According to qualitative researchers in the tourism and hospitality networking, the causes of similar scenario are always synonymous and an understanding of one case can help the researchers to understand the other similar scenario. According to Denzin (1994, p. 123) in quantitative research the commitment of scientific studies are based on observation and measurement and any effort beyond that is the manipulation of the reality to fit any scientific knowledge. This can be illustrated by the tourist study researcher failure to use scientific knowledge to understand the reason of lack of involvement of the networking method of promotion in the sector. The researcher in this case describes the relationship between networking and tourist without getting ant theoretical knowledge to explain the relationship (Burrell, 1979, p. 2000). In the research there were several ethical issues which emerged. The cooperation between two different competitors emerged as very essential hindrance to effective networking. It’s very difficult for two different competitors to network effectively (Becker, 2002, p. 60). The issue of trust between two different is an ethical issues in the networking process. Good and workable trustful partner is very fundamental in industrial networking. It is therefore very difficult to assess the magnitude of trust between two or more partners. On the other hand, limited communication and interaction, inappropriate organizational structures, and misappropriation of resources emerged as other ethical issues in the research. Other relevant issues which emerged in the research entails genders consideration on the need and relevant of networking. There was different perception on the relevance and need for networking between different genders (Chen, 2011, p. 320). . 3. Sustainable development model for nautical tourism ports Byalen, Mirjana, and Ana The study relied on both qualitative and quantitative method in data analysis. The nautical tourism is a complex system which requires concrete research to acquire concrete knowledge about its revolution. The articles author undertook a research on possibility and the delimiting factors of the nautical port development (Jugovic Kovacic and Hadzic 2011, P 176). Researchers have relied on data collected from business operation analysis. Linear function was used to come up with the business development model. To get the maximum coefficient in the study the researchers used liners programming. The solver method was also included in the method due to the simplicity of optimization (Jugovic Kovacic and Hadzic 2011, P 176) One of the ethical issues which emerged in this research is the limitation associated to the impossibility of liner presentation. Due to the improvement in the sector and the cultural diversity of the tourist under study, there is need for a proper analysis of the most relevant research methods (Chen, 2011, p. 320). Tourists from different cultural background have different understanding of the reality of the world. Therefore, when conducting a research whether qualitatively or quantitatively, there is need for the researcher to get an understanding of the realism of tourist under study (Jugovic Kovacic and Hadzic 2011, P 176). In the quantitative research, the concern is on single reality and in interpretive research the concern is on multiple perceptions. Tourist from different destinations have different perceptions on reality hence researcher should learn how to handle tourism with different unique perception in order to get the expected outcome of the research. Additionally, the knowledge on reality is based on the social condition within an individual, therefore the actor in the individual social makeup must be considered with the tourism social makeup (Chen, 2011, p. 320). Conclusion Research is very essential in inventions, innovations, and discoveries. Research is what has made the science sector a reality since all the knowledge in the sector is based on research. In industrial sector, research is very essential and basic. The development, innovation and high profit in industrial sector owes the contribution of research. There are various research methods which have different distinct characteristics. Nevertheless, all research methods have some specific characteristics which are common. Various research methods help in understanding phenomenon from different dimension. The method used by researchers is determined by the purpose of the research hence the method used depends on the expectation of the study. In some situations different phenomena calls for different research methods. Researchers should therefore focus on the purpose of the study in identifying the method to use. On the other hand, the only distinctive different between the qualitative and the quantitative research method is only on objectivity where the qualitative research method beliefs on the prediction of the future using the available phenomenon while the qualitative research method are for the opinion of a theoretical causes of a phenomenon. Additionally, the qualitative and the quantitative research methods are relevant in research in relation to realism framework. There is also need to consider other ethical issues in deciding on the most appropriate method to use in the study. Various subjects have various beliefs which can alter the outcome of a research. Furthermore, in tourist sectors, there is need for more research to enhance concrete understanding. In the tourism researches the ethical issues which affected the researcher and the subject are very important to realize the best outcome of the research. Cultural background is also a matter of consideration in conducting a research in tourist sector. The manners in which the researcher and the researched perceive the reality affect the outcome of the research. Hence the understanding of the reality is very important in all researches. References Becker, H 2002, The epistemology of qualitative research: Essay on ethnography and human development, Chicago: University of Chicago press. Retrieved March 14 2012 from http://home. Bogban, R. and Biklan, S 1982, Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory and methods, Boston: Allyn and Bacon. PRINT Burrell, G 1979, Sociological paradigms and organizational analysis, London: Heinemann. PRINT Chen, C 2011, On exploring meanings: Combining humanistic and career psychology theories in counseling, Counseling psychology quarterly, 14(4), 317-331. Coll, R 2000, Choices of methodology for cooperative education researchers, Asia pacific journals of cooperative education, 1, 1-8 Denzin, N 1994, Handbook of the qualitative research, Thousand oaks, CA: SAGE Frankl, V 1963, Man search for meaning, Boston: Beacon press. Healy, M and Perry C 2000, Comprehensive criteria to judge validity and reliability of qualitative research within the realism paradigm. 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Retrieved march 14 2012 from Read More
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