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Multiculturalism and Diversification of Segmentation and Targeting - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Multiculturalism and Diversification of Segmentation and Targeting" presents information, that diversity is a quantitative term defining otherness as determined by gender, culture, race, appearance, ability, religion, sexual orientation, and class…
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Running Head: Multiculturalism and Diversity Multiculturalism and Diversity Name Institution Date Outline Introduction Statement of the problem Literature review Multiculturalism and justice Democracy, Politics and Multiculturalism Findings Pluralism and Multiculturalism Diversity and Journalism: Redevelopment Plan in a Latina Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Diversity is a quantitative term defining otherness as determined by gender, culture, race, appearance, ability, religion, sexual orientation and class. In spite of the actions taken or avoided by individuals, diversity still exists. In a nation where democracy is the order of the day, the belief is that everyone has an equal opportunity and accessibility of public utilities and opportunities (Gandy, 2001). On the other hand, multiculturalism is qualitative term defining existence of multiple norms whereby definition of people by only one cultural norm ceases and understanding the people in terms of multiple norms exist. Multiculturalism is experienced in all areas of life calling for diversity in areas of public service journalism, teaching, counseling among others (Shannon, 2008, p.43). From the findings, multiculturalism exist when people find a common interest or goal that will result to the common good of all despite the presence of different personal interests. It is for this reasons that politics should not be about self fulfillment but influencing the process to attain results that support the interests of the group at large. Justice cannot be overruled when discussing multiculturalism. This paper explains the meaning of justice with regard to multiculturalism and factors that may result to injustices. Politics have been discussed in explaining justice. Multiculturalism and diversity are increasing as the world slowly turns into a global village. This is aided by mass migration of individual from one place to another. Such movements are on the increase especially with increasing social unrest in many countries resulting from increasing competition for available resources. The aspect of multiculturalism is represented in all social institutions and nations. Understanding multiculturalism is important in aiding co-existence of communities whose norms, values and cultures are completely different (Baker, 2002). This paper draws from the diversity that exist among journalist in the way they report an eventuality in addressing multiculturalism and diversity. A case study method has been applied to study multiculturalism and diversity in journalism in San José’s Latina. A conclusion is then drawn in reference to the findings, discussion and the literature review. Statement of the Problem Eroding credibility of the media has raised question as to how effective they will be in the future in providing accurate news that meet the needs of an increasingly divergent society. Day after day, the American population is diverging as people migrate and intermarry. However, the media has maintained its previous state where concentration is given to news that meets the need for the whites. It is for this reason that ASNE (American Society o Newspaper Editors) has consistently pushed for coverage of the diverse communities with accuracy through racial parity monitoring in the newsroom. By 2025, the newsrooms are expected to reflect a clear racial diversity that exists in the American society. Diversity in journalism is not only inevitable but also a necessity if the media is to remain relevant to the changing American society. Mass migration has seen the American population increase in terms of diversity in cultures, race, and sexism among others. A readjustment in the press to integrate the personnel and product is an inevitable but painful process. When this is achieved, then democracy and fairness in comprehensiveness of news reported will be achieved. The question is just how the media should conduct its self in a place like United States where cultural difference and structural inequality are in existence (Young, 2000, p.6). In addition, we seek to understand how relevant it is for the press to put into consideration the diverse community and its needs in promoting democracy. Literature Review True commitment to change that is well informed is required for multiculturalism to exist. Systematic barriers to the process of multiculturalism include justice and equity of which sexism and racism are part. Justice and equity are aimed at enhancing co-ownership and empowerment of the community for the purpose of sustainability and strategic building of inclusivity, multiculturalism and diversity. Multiculturalism can be defined as the existence of multiple cultures or groups in a geographically defined area and their ability to coexist. Specific characteristics determine the inclusion and exclusion criteria of individuals from the groups thus forming a common way of acting or by which justice in the social systems is defined. According to the Government of Canada (2001) their belief that all citizens are equal is based on their multiculturalism as it ensures that all citizens have a sense of belonging, take pride in their ancestry and keep their unique identity. In this sense, multiculturalism is a positive alternative for assimilation policies through which citizen’s ethnic identity including that of minority groups and rights are recognized. It is hence a social doctrine that affirms the value and importance of cultural diversity. As global migration intensifies, the world is slowly transforming to an integration of multi-ethnic states. The diversification of communities and citizens in every country are in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, social class, sexism among others. Multiculturalism and Justice Two views are incorporate in defining justice with regard to multiculturalism. The ability of a given group to assert its interests is linked to its social position. This means that groups have a common ground of conditions that weaken or silence their voice. Secondly, for justice to exist, each group should have the other group in mind as it asserts its interest. This is to ensure that one group’s interests do not trump on those of the other. Justice demands that existence of multiple “social perspectives” and the basic social structure in a society that whether willingly or not place people is a similar way (Young, 2000, p. 146). The social perspectives consist of assumptions, kinds of experiences and questions which form the beginning point of reasoning and not concluding. The existence of different positions indicates the difference privileges and opportunities which include differences in status, influence, prestige, material resources including income, occupation and the quality of education (Kim, 2009, p.57). There exist wide gaps between one’s capacity to participate in the process of multiculturalism whereby other people can become aware of these interests and even accept them. These processes must be hospitable, accessible and open to all if they are to be just. Democracy, Politics and Multiculturalism Failure to live up to the democratic ideal of having every citizen have equal control over the social world lived by culturally diverse societies is pegged on the idea that cultural differences coincide with social position differences. From the multiculturalists’ perspective, political justice comes with political equality where everyone is given an equal chance to participate and influence the outcome of political processes hence resulting to equitable distribution of power. The collective efforts of the public are aimed at achieving parity in a combination of all social perspectives (Baker, 2002). It emphasizes on commitment to the political process rather than opportunities for making decision and discussions. Individuals are not bound to merely accepting the interest of others but should aim at identifying a common and agreeable interpretation through deliberation and dialogue to hem them together in pursuing a common interest. For journalists to ensure that democracy is practiced and enhanced, they are expected to integrate different interests and perspectives in the political arena without disregarding different experiences and histories from which these perspectives are drawn. In this regard, their role of bringing culture together to create harmony should not diminish their social positions and their significance (Young, 2006, p.14). This means that the journalists move from the idea of looking at the societies from the angle of a common past to that of a common future. Findings Pluralism and Multiculturalism Pluralism denotes the importance of resolving disagreements and differences through a market economy and refined and redefined claims virtues of politics for interested groups. It view politics from the perspective of private contest whereby individuals enjoy freedom of choice in exercising their rights but in most cases considering the interest of the others so as to secure ground for influencing other people’s decisions in achieving what they want. In this regard, multiculturalism denotes that market forces are impartial and inherently fair and that a system of representation is necessary in enhancing justice in the resolution of disagreements and differences. This does not disregards social inequality patterns but rather makes necessary adjustments (Gandy, 2001). This is contrary to multiculturalism through which politics is considered a public activity that is conspicuous resting on commitment of those under control to ensure equitable distribution of resources. Shared interests and common goals are discovered through a culture of mutuality and cooperation where opportunities for debating and deliberating issues are aimed at enhancing political participation. Pluralist democracy operates in a similar way as a competitive market where power is distributed across a wide range of groups and individuals. This form of democracy emphasizes on constant negotiations that ultimately result to winning the consent of all interest groups. From the multiculturalism perspective, pluralists conception of politics is simply a mask that covers power imbalances existing in a society and has very little to offer in preventing some ethnic groups from dominating above the others. It aids the existence of denigration, exploitation, marginalization, domination and oppression (Bhikhu, 2000). People including journalists in this case are driven to act by their private interests rather than the common interest of the public. Contrary to the believe of pluralist, groups exist as a result of social processes that result to a discovery of differences in affinities, histories and situations that matter and make sense to them. Groups continue living mindful of their past but not bound to them and this result in redrawing the social lines beyond the expectation of what history presents (Putnam, 2007, p.161). It is for this reason that journalist should focus on presenting reports from the perspective of a common future rather than a common background thus harmonizing and meeting the needs of the society regardless of existing diversity. Multiculturalism unlike pluralism recognize the importance of societal policies, plans, goals and values that aid the transformation of individual interest to general societal interests. Multicultural democracy rest on provision of opportunities for deliberation rather than competition as is the case with pluralism. It is aimed at enhancing mutual understanding through strengthening public communication structures. The community at large is called upon to consider the plight of every person in exercising personal rights and thus resulting to a just society. Diversity and Journalism: Redevelopment Plan in a Latina Diversity has been in the way journalists present their reports regarding various issues. The media in San José’s Latina/o is no different. A clear diversity was indicated in reporting on the redevelopment plan when a private developer was appointed to redevelop Tropicana which is a local strip mall. Everyone was in agreement that there was need to renovate the old mall which is predominantly occupied by the Latin/o population. In 2001, the city council gave a tender of $ 50 million to a private developer to give the mall a new look including mainstream stores. However, the court ruled against the council in 2003 stating that the actions taken in giving the public property to a private developer were not in any way for the public good (Foo, 2003). Local public press covered this story in diverse ways and for different reasons with each press defining its role and services provided for the Latin/o population. The local press includes El onservador, Nueve Mundo and Knight Ridder’s San Jose Merry News. Diversity in the way the journalist perceived and expressed the situation is obvious. For instance, Merry News approached this story as hard news which they did not have control over. The news in Merry News appeared whenever an associated protest, announcement, event or law suit was being held. Conflict framed these events and indicated the ideas as factual. Nuevo Mundo on the other hand omitted the map and physical description in reporting the story. However, her news highly relied on what Merry News reported and in most cases duplicating the cases and others simply having added quotes. La Oferta and El Observador reporters were placed as compatriots having community a factor that strengthened their position and credibility in this case. These journalists detached themselves from the community and wrote about the struggle of their people and the plight of their community (Folmar, 2003). Multiculturalism and journalism Discussion In America and other countries, news involving politics generally compel media coverage. In the same way, news on conflict is held to be of value especially in cases where journalists attribute it to an event rather than an assessment of an event. These kinds of news are rarely judged as biased and find acceptance by the majority. The story by Merry News expressed the fate of Tropicana by bringing out the distress of shop owner and shopkeepers and the city officials position. In this news, a map for Tropicana and physical description was given. In addition, the news in Merry News appeared whenever an associated protest, announcement, event or law suit was being held. Conflict framed these events and indicated the ideas as factual. El Observador and La Oferta on the other hand expressed ownership while reporting. They aimed at bringing out the evils happening in the society directed to undermining and disregarding Hispanic community. For instance, El Observador expressed the ruling by the court in 2003 as victory despite the hard history of the community living in San José’s Latina/o of a life of struggle by giving it the title “Until when will we have to fight for our rights, until when will the discrimination against Hispanics persist?” La Oferta expressed ownership when they referred to the community as “Our people” and brought out political injustices that continually threatened their freedom. “Although we have four Latino representatives in the City Council, [we] Hispanics continue to be orphans in political power”. These two Latin/o publications aimed at clarifying issue or expressing an opinion and never as a result of an occurrence or event. The journalist judgment and passivity is expressed more in El Observador and La Oferta . Their reports were not aimed at alerting and mobilizing readers against each emerging instance of indifference and discrimination. American journalists have lost this and believe that own interpretation and synthesis is crucial to adequate reporting. However, for the reporters in the four companies, Latina/o community was given an opportunity to express their views. Conclusion Diversification in the press is not only an inevitable process but an important one if the society has to enjoy and appreciate the role of media in enhancing democracy. The dilemma now becomes how to maintain a state of unity in the debates and discussions a multicultural society since if this is not organized carefully, it may depend the extent of social inequalities. It is for this reason that media should seek to strike a balance between coordination and competition. Journalist are to focus on presenting reports from the perspective of a common future rather than a common background thus harmonizing and meeting the needs of the society regardless of existing cultural diversity and structural inequality. When multiculturalism prevails through provision of avenues for discussion and debates to influence political processes, then transformation and a state will justice will be achieved. Pluralism should not however be confused with multiculturalism. References Baker, C. E. (2002). Media, markets, and democracy. New York: Cambridge University Press. Gandy, O. H. (2001). Dividing practices: segmentation and targeting in the emerging public sphere. In W. L. Bennett & R. M. Entman (Eds.), Mediated politics: Communication in the future of democracy (pp. 141-159). New York: Cambridge University Press. Putnam, R. (2007) E pluribus Unum: Diversity and community in the twenty-first century. Scandinavian Political Studies, 30(2): 137-174. Young, I. M. (2000). Inclusion and democracy. New York: Oxford University Press. Young, I. M. (2006). “De-centered deliberative democracy,” Kettering Review, 24(3), 43-53. Shannon, D., Kok-Mun Ng , Jesse, B. and Evgenia, M. (2008). Multiculturalism Diversity & Social Advocacy: A 17 Year content analysis of counselor education and Supervision. Charlotte: Department of Counseling, University of North Carolina. Kim, J. (2009). "The Claims of Multiculturalism and Journalism's Promise of Diversity With Professor Theodore Glasser and Isabel Awad" Journal of Communication 57-78. Bhikhu Parekh (2000). Rethinking multiculturalism cultural diversity and political theory. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press/Palgrave. Folmar, K. (2003, April 27). Tropicana merchants fight to survive redevelopment. San Jose Mercury News, p1B. Foo, Rodney (2003, October 21). Mall takeover dealt setback; Merchants predict victory over S. J. San Jose Mercury News, p. 1A Read More
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