Our website is a unique platform where students can share their papers in a matter of giving an example of the work to be done. If you find papers
matching your topic, you may use them only as an example of work. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you
should remember, that this work was alredy submitted once by a student who originally wrote it.
Believe it or not, digital sources of information like social media, databases, libraries, and, most importantly, websites have become a norm in the academic niche. Students are allowed to derive snippets from web platforms if they help to express thoughts, support the main idea behind the essay, add strong arguments, or enrich the paper with some fresh and exciting data. However, there is a catch. If you want to use the source in your high-school work, it is crucial to ensure it is trustworthy. At a minimum, it needs to be peer reviewed or featured in instructions provided by the professor. There is more. Every such snippet requires correct reference to give credit to the author by adapting principles of MLA citation for websites.
Basics of MLA Website Citation
The basic rules of MLA website citation are:
Feature author or editor name. Students can use a compiler name if there is no single author.
Display the title of the article, page, or website. Set it in italics.
Disclose publisher information. Specify the name of the institution or organization affiliated with the site.
Determine the version number if it is available.
Include the date when the article was posted.
Identify DOI. If it is unavailable, replace it with a direct URL or permalink.
Finish the citation with the date when the web page or website was accessed.
Note not every website or web page has the following information. Therefore, some citation elements can be omitted or replaced with others. For instance, if the article does not feature an original date of publication, it is allowed to use the date when it was updated. When it comes to the department websites, students should also specify the instructors name, the title of the course, and department and school names. That is not all - students must know some other tricky nuances to avoid errors. If this sound tricky, there is a way out. You may use the website citation generator MLA. It creates correct citations according to current specifications and rules within seconds. Use it to avoid mistakes and avoid pressure and nerve-racking situations.
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