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Citation generator - mla for newspaper

MLA Newspaper Citation Guide

Despite its controversial existence in the academic search landscape, many professors across universities in North America constantly include newspapers in their instructions when it comes to writing an essay or any other sort of academic paper. There is a good reason for that. Articles in the newspaper have got a massive improvement since last decade. Although some of them still can be called the yellow press, nevertheless, there are numerous famous and content-heavy publications like NY Times or BBC News that sincerely care about their reputation. They have a staff of experts and specialists in various fields that play a role of assistance to ensure the news media company is associated with only proven material. Therefore, their articles can be used in academic works to get some fresh insights on the topic, demonstrate the general opinion of the modern community, share new experiences, and even add a spicy twist to the reading experience. Much like any source of information, it requires students to follow a particular protocol when used in the paper. For instance, the MLA newspaper citation guide implies taking some essential steps and following some best practices, which include checking the reference through our professional yet user- friendly MLA cite newspaper generator at the end of the routine.

Citing a Newspaper Article MLA Style – Basic Steps

According to the 9 th edition (that is the most recent for the time being), citing a newspaper article MLA
style calls for these steps:

Step 1 – Gather this crucial information:
  • authors personal information, such as last and first names;
  • title of an article;
  • nameplate of a newspaper;
  • date of publication;
  • page number.
Step 2 – Format every piece of the citation according to these styling rules:
  • Use a comma between the author's name and a full stop at the end.
  • Use a full stop between major units.
  • Set the title in italics and enclose it in double quotations.
  • Feature the full date starting with the day.
Step 3 – Adjust it according to the type of source. For instance, if the article is derived from the website, the reference should also include a direct URL. If the piece is in a library database, specify the databases name and permalink.

Step 4 – Keep in mind nuances. For instance, if the article appears on non-consecutive pages, students must showcase the first page number and finish it with a plus sign.

Step 5 – Check and double-check everything through our generator. Last but not least, MLA in text citation newspaper should provide only scarce information about the
article: the authors name enclosed in round brackets.
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