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Franks All-American BarBeQue - Case Study Example

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The paper "Frank’s All-American BarBeQue " is an outstanding example of a business case study. The data collected by Frank and Robert in considering the location of the new restaurant in Connecticut will determine the success of a new restaurant. The data gathered from the business plan showcases the conducted focuses on segmenting a market purposefully to determine the sales effort of the new restaurant, likely customers to purchase the products hence the ability to earn greatest returns based on the services rendered…
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The paper "Frank’s All-American BarBeQue " is an outstanding example of a business case study. The data collected by Frank and Robert in considering the location of the new restaurant in Connecticut will determine the success of a new restaurant. The data gathered from the business plan showcases the conducted focuses on segmenting a market purposefully to determine the sales effort of the new restaurant, likely customers to purchase the products hence the ability to earn greatest returns based on the services rendered. Frank’s restaurant is a small business hence the conducted market segmentation based on the population size is essential for the new restaurant because the Frank’s and Robert’s businesses don’t have the capacity and the resources to serve large aggregated market inclusive of the wide range of products for different markets. The report further showcases an analysis of the target market such as individual average income within the Connecticut location. As such, the selected target market in the business plan is more important for the new restaurant because it will enable Frank and Robert new business to be precise with its marketing efforts hence cost-effective outcome from the business hence increasing the chances of the new restaurant's success. Additionally, the targeted market will contribute towards the new restaurant maximization of the efficiency and effectiveness of the restaurant services and products.

Robert’s business plan showcases shortcomings in marketing strategy based on the restaurants' competitions. Literature indicates that competition is the most essential risk factors facing small businesses. As such, the business plan needs to showcase detailed information of the competitors at Connecticut and how to tackle the situation effectively. Conversely, the business plan comes handy based on new restaurant differentiation technique that will boost the restaurant success. Frank’s All-American BarBeQue has a positive reputation due to its brand for more than a decade hence the capability of putting the new restaurant into top position because of its services under the same management. Additionally, Robert’s business plan advocates for the new restaurant Website which is a very important technique for the development of the new product in the market by communicating with consumers through internet by displaying the company general information regarding products and services. Finally, Robert’s business plan has a marketing plan for the new restaurant as per the finding of the Connecticut targeted customers income level that will enable the new business on how to attain its objectives within marketing strategic process.

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(Franks All-American BarBeQue Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words, n.d.)
Franks All-American BarBeQue Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words.
(Franks All-American BarBeQue Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words)
Franks All-American BarBeQue Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words.
“Franks All-American BarBeQue Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words”.
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