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IT Project Management of Xemba - Assignment Example

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This assignment "IT Project Management of Xemba" focuses on the team that will aim to complete its tasks by August 30. It is feasible for the expansion to launch in Quarter 4, or the coming year. The project team must work with the finance department to discuss options for funding.  …
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A. Xemba Translation’s Telecommuting Expansion Project Risk Assessment Description of risk Impact Likelihood of occurrence (L, M, H) Degree of impact (L, M, H) Initial action to take if event occurs Team member responsible Strategies for prevention and mitigation 1. Project unable to meet deadline Xemba Translations unable to increase telecommuters in Q3 H M Determine how many can transition to telecommuting (those with computers, sufficient data space, security) PM Have supporting members (Darius, Clemencia, Valene) on task; meet with those behind schedule to discuss strategy to complete tasks on time 2. Project over budget on personnel costs Xemba Translations unable to implement telecommuting to full extent H M Meet with team members behind schedule and find means to complete work in given hours PM Hold weekly meetings with team members to track progress and discuss challenges to meeting deadlines; provide support when necessary 3. Late delivery of computers ordered Delay set up of telecommuting and testing computers H M Speak with Notebooks and Computer Supplies to try and get the computers delivered before April 25. Elizabeth Identify computers in office which could be transferred for home use; 4. Project over budget on computer costs Funding taken from other projects/tasks; other purchases cannot be made H H Talk with Finance regarding need for 12 additional computers (costing $136,000-desktop or $170,400-laptop), other items within budget if additional computers are not considered (Firewall $20,000; Document server $34,600; Shared Drives $8,650; FTP $6000; web based meeting $2,000=$65,250) Elizabeth Explore possibility of partial refund for those telecommuters who purchase a new computer; other means of obtaining additional computers or possibility of limiting number who telecommute initially 5. Loss of customers due to telecommuting Loss of business as translators are not readily available for customers to access M M Meet with the customers to find solutions to the needs of the company and Xemba Translations’ services Hugh Have translators representing commonly needed languages scheduled to be at the office every day; explore option of using skype or other cost-effective communication methods B.  Explain the metrics you would use to measure the project’s performance. The metrics that should be used to measure project performance (within a work team) include: Time Scope: The measure of time taken for the project at any stage should be in tandem with the projected duration. Completion of deliverables within the set time frame should be met. Cost Benefit Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis measures the cost of the project incurred to the projected expected cost. The cost is expected to be at par or less than the projected cost and if it surpasses or exceeds the projected cost, investigation should be carried out to ascertain why and how the shortcomings occurred. Sampling and Simulation analysis During the project progress, sample data should be used to simulate a given best scenario, average scenario as well as a worst case scenario as this will enable the project to be gauged at every stage and identify any bottleneck being experienced. Opinion polls should be carried out by the company as the project progresses to vet and verify the market response to the new project e.g. Customer Queries/complains on the hitches, successes experienced and Customer expectations and the telecommuter’s experience. Audit Trails /Data Security & accessibility This is supposed to evaluate and measure the systems merits against the determined or preferred work attributes. The project should be able to work efficiently, effectively and in a timely manner. B1 Justification of Metrics  The above metrics measure the work done, the success of the work, the cost of the work, and the time frame. These four measures allow the PM and others to evaluate the status of the various teams, identify the gaps in the project, and identifying the remaining work. According to Kerzner (2009), tracking and controlling the planning and scheduling of work during a project are important aspects of the projects success. In a project, time value diminishes over time and it becomes more and more expensive to recoup any benefits /gains in the project as time progress. Technology changes from time to time and this makes the underlying technology obsolete if allowed to stay on for too long when a newer and better technology is discovered. Sampling and Simulation analysis is important as it forewarns the project management of any probable future occurrence that might affect the project in the future. Cost benefit analysis will benefit the project as cost and quality are the key success criteria for any project (Dainty, Cheng, and Moore 2010). B2. Current Status  Project’s Current Status 2.1 Cost Benefit Analysis Projected VS real costs (Personnel) Projected costs Costs to date & remaining costs Surplus(Deficit) Personnel 173329.43 112586.02+79315.27 Total 173329.43 191909.29 18571.86 From the chart above, we can observe that the Costs to be incurred by the personnel will have exceeded the projected costs by at least $ -18571.86. -FTP sites, Firewalls and web based meetings projected budget stands at $ 73,670.57 but has reached $ 88690 exceeding by $ 15019.43. 2.2 Time Scope The Projected time scope is stipulated at 2693 hours to completion, so far 1788 hours plus 1220 hours needed show a total of 3008 hours need hence a deficit of 315hours thus the project is lagging behind. The projects 55 tasks have 21 completed, 17work in progress and 17 pending and with 1220hours needed, completion on time is not feasible. 2.3 Sampling and Simulation analysis The project is yet to embark on the sampling as well as the opinions of the staff involved in the daily running and the customers as depicted by the CFO Faustino Kurisu where he express concern of lack of well laid communication and addressing the issues at hand. There is need to educate the masses as well as convince them that though there is less of personal touch or one on one contact. The result of the more web based meetings will still have the personal touch apart from it saving on time and cost. The fears of increasing costs inform reimbursement is clearly rife as the telecommuters are reimbursed to help offset the costs of having adequate connectivity. 2.4 Audit Trails /Data Security & accessibility Reliable and adequate connections are an issue as stated by the CFO where he would like to be able to see each other and not just hear and not see. The Data security remains a big concern as laid down by the CEO Phuong Wolfing as concerns Data backup, illegal and unauthorized access, timely and scheduled data back up and data recovery. Below is a metrics chart of the five measures for each of the eight teams working on the project; only one team has completed the tasks and deliverables. Most teams are on budget, though the extra 12 computers requested have overspent the equipment budget. Three teams are behind (Technical support, Computing support, Web based meetings). FTPs and Firewalls have the most work remaining, but also the most time remaining to complete the work. We will continue to monitor their progress as we push for teams to submit their reports and work on testing a web based meeting. Work Team Completion of Tasks (%) Work Deadline Completion of deliverables within timeframe Acceptance of deliverables Cost of task/deliverable completion Computer inventory and requirements 100% Met Yes, within time Requested 12 extra computers, putting the equipment costs over budget; report accepted and work continued On budget ($27,715.16) Technical support 81% Behind deadline (still has 36.67 hours of work remaining) No, Report of technical support needs and staff requirements remaining; Due 4/13 awaiting report Over budget on Determining Technical support; 2 tasks remain Computing support 74% Behind deadline (has 66 hours of work remaining) No, Report of computer support needs and staff requirements remaining; Due 4/6 awaiting report On budget to date Document servers 68% 11 work days (114 hours remaining) Due 4/27 (Operational document servers) Due 4/27 (installation of servers) Cost of document servers feasible; provided two pricing options; on budget to date ($34,600 for 173 telecommuters using 50GB each) Shared drives 65% 9 work days (122.4 hours remaining) Due 4/25 (Operational shared drives) Due 4/25 (installation of drives with adequate storage for each telecommuter) Cost of shared drive within equipment budget ($8,650 for 173 telecommuters using 10 GB each) FTP Sites 37% 1 month (390.8 work hours remain) Due 5/17 (Operational FTP sites) Due 5/17 (Installation of FTP with storage space for each telecommuter) On budget to date; feasible option for FTP $6000 for 1000 GB of storage space and unlimited bandwidth Firewalls 23% 2 months (320 hours of work remain) Due 6/20 (Operational firewalls) Due 6/20 (implementation of firewalls, access for telecommuters, limit non authorized access) Firewall quite expensive option ($20,000) but CEO feels necessary to have strong firewall to protect data and company; on budget to date. Web-based meetings 60% Behind deadline (has 170 hours of work remaining Due 4/11; awaiting development of software updates and functional web based meetings awaiting test of web based meetings Estimated cost of web based meetings $1000-$2000 which is feasible; on budget to date 3a. Implementation 3.1 Problems affecting Project implementation and post implementation One problem identified in the metrics is the three teams behind schedule in submitting their deliverables. Second, the cost of the twelve additional computers requested by the Computer inventory and requirements team was unanticipated and over budget for the equipment. Last, the number of work days remaining until the deadline cannot accommodate the number of work hours remaining. These problems will translate into the project being behind schedule and over budget (for both equipment and personnel). The team will have to adjust its project plan, as reports are behind and tasks are not completed on time. Thus, Xemba Translations should not expect to begin its expansion of telecommunications in Quarter 3. 3b. Recommendations  The team will aim to complete its tasks by August 30. It is feasible for the expansion to launch in Quarter 4, or the coming year. Considering the additional resources required in purchasing computers, the project team must work with finance department to discuss options for funding. Alternatively, the team will explore a revised telecommunication plan with the original 35 computers (rather than 47). In short the team should check on; Cost Carry out a simulation analysis addressing probability and feasibility evaluation of the projects addressing both socio-economic aspects. Set a strict but workable Cost Budget analysis and a performance based work schedule to ensure targets are achieved in a timely and effective manner. Ensure a well-defined work schedule stipulating what to be done, when to be done and by who also outsourcing for less sensitive end product services e.g. hardware networking. Time Consider time based work schedules that should be keyed in on a daily basis and if not achieved user to create more time to meet target. Ensure tasks run concurrently as well as having a continuity of tenure and succession arrangement to eliminate stalling of projects due to absence or in competencies. Back up plans, timely communication mechanism to be put in place. Audit & Human Resource Set up an Audit team to carry out independent audit checks, automate log checks, updating antivirus and periodic review of all noted illegal/suspicious cases. Accountability to the personnel e.g. should investigate why some members seem to be lagging behind is it due to incompetency or other underlying issues. Consolidate some functions so as to create room for the key areas e.g. personnel to be handled by one person, FTP to work in unison with firewalls. The above actions will mitigate the budget concerns, though the timing of the project is likely to be delayed. C. Executive Summary To date, our project team has completed 76 working days on the telecommunications expansion. Within the team, we have leaders for Computer inventory & requirements, Technical support, Computing support, Document servers, Shared drives, FTP sties, Firewalls, and Web-based meetings. Much of the groundwork has been completed by the Computer inventory & requirements team, who submitted a report. One key finding from this report was the need to upgrade 47 computers for our future telecommuters. Initially, 35 computers were budgeted for the expansion project. These computers will cost an additional $136,800 (for 12 desktops) or $170,400 (for 12 laptops), putting the equipment funds over budget from the start. Three teams are continuing with the bulk of the work (Technical support, Computing support, and Web-based meetings). We are awaiting their reports and a trial of a web-based meeting. While behind schedule, Technical and Computing support have 3/4 of the work completed; web-based meetings have further to go. We will provide support to this team in order to reach the goal of testing a meeting online. Document servers and Shared drives are scheduled to provide deliverables within the next two weeks. Both have identified financially feasible options for integrating document servers ($34,600 for 173 telecommuters using 50GB each) and shared drives ($8,650 for 173 telecommuters using 10 GB each) into our system. Finally, FTP sites and Firewalls will work through May and June to produce working sites and firewall for our telecommuters. The FTP suggested option requests a budget of $6000 for 1000 GB of storage space and unlimited bandwidth. The firewall is quite expensive at $20,000. However, anyone who has experienced a company’s data being compromised understands the importance of investing in a proper firewall (and back up systems under document servers and shared drives). Even at $20,000, this is within budget (not accounting for the extra 12 computers). As previously mentioned, the team is behind schedule and it is not likely that the telecommuting expansion can begin has hoped in Quarter 3. Our revised plan is 30th August for project completion. A discussion is needed with finance regarding the additional 12 computers; if it is not feasible, the team will produce a revised expansion plan within the limit of 35 computers. Also, there was a memo from the company supplying the computers noting they will be two weeks late due to a fire. This will also impact set up and moving forward with the expansion system. There is some concern from our partners that telecommuting will make it more difficult to access translators. Some customers rely on the source of translators who are present at the office and available by phone. The team will also explore options of cost effective calling (Skype) or deliberate scheduling where a pool of the high demand language translators are at the office. Additional challenges include power outages and change in work culture. While generators help mitigate the concern of power at the office, installing one in each telecommuter’s home may not be feasible. Perhaps a partial rebate incentive can be provided to these employees. Human Resources is working with some of our team members (Hugh, Lianne, Kimberly) on topics for presentations to telecommuters, including time management and project management. While this is another project over budget and behind schedule, these concerns can be dealt with by working with finance and meeting with team members to provide support for completion of their tasks. While we anticipate completing the work two months later than planned, all team members will strive to produce quality work which will result in a successful telecommuting expansion. List of references Dainty, A. R. J., Cheng, M-I., Moore, D. R. (2010). Redefining performance measures for construction project managers: an empirical evaluation. Construction Management and Economics. Vol 21(2): 209-218. Hartman, F., Ashrafi, R. A. (2002). Project Management in the Information Systems and Information Technologies Industries. Project Management Journal. Vol 33(3): 5-15. Kendrick, J. (2009). Measures and Metrics for PMO Success. [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from Metrics(Kendrick).pdf Kerzner, H. (2009). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Read More
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