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Interpersonal Communication, Internal Staff Communication - Coursework Example

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The paper 'Interpersonal Communication, Internal Staff Communication" is a good example of business coursework. Interpersonal communication performs a critical role. The interaction between and among people in the daily life duties is basically an example of interpersonal communication, and interpersonal communication is either consciously or unconsciously used in almost every situation of daily lives and places, such as homes, school, social gathering etc…
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Student’s Name: Course Code: Lecture’s Name: Date of presentation 1) Overview of interpersonal communication Interpersonal communication performs a critical role. The interaction between and among people in the daily life duties is basically an example of interpersonal communication, and interpersonal communication is either consciously or unconsciously used in almost every situation of daily lives and places, such as homes, school, social gathering etc. The role of communication is basically to define the intent or perception of individuals towards others or about themselves through the building of a positive platform through which ideas can be clearly and thoughtfully communicated (Van de Ven, 1974). Interpersonal communication can be generally defined as transactional process that happens when two or more people use either verbal and non-verbal messages to either create or influence an understanding of each other in an interaction. According to (Adler, 2002)The key idea behind interpersonal communication is the need for creating, clarifying, influencing and understanding each other’s cue are the key concepts that distinguish interpersonal communication from other forms of communication. It basically informs the concerned parties striving to achieve a common page. According to (Brownell, 1992) the communication is transactional: involving a simultaneous the sending and receiving messages. Verbal communication remains as the widely used form of interpersonal communication. The use of verbal communication or language is basically the best means of expressing thoughts, ideas, and feelings. In interpersonal communication, language is used define explain ideas (Dwyer, 1993). Other than verbal, non- verbal communication plays also a vital role when direct physical contact communication is involved. These is manifested in form of actions that can be interpreted as involuntary actions such as; vocal qualities (change of tones), hand and bodily actions, facial expressions. These verbal actions and motions vary by region and culture can convey a message without the words. While conversing while conveying a message, an individual can be able to control the communication flow through facial expression gas, gestures, eye contact, posture etc. in most cases; some of the actions of non-verbal form of communication are subconscious and are perceived differently by gender and culture. In summary interpersonal communication arethe modes in which relationships are formed, maintained and altered (Krizan, 2002). Key elements of interpersonal Communication The components of the interpersonal communication include the source of the information, message communicated, channel used to convey the message, receiver (intended destination), feedback from the receiver, and the context. Source: This refers to the person who harbors the feeling, idea or intent that he wishes to express to another person. The thought of the best means of expressing oneself while communicating is called encoding. This is basically a process of assembling the thoughts, ideas and feelings, into both verbal (words) and nonverbal (actions) cues. Encoding thus, is a deliberate act of thinking about ones goals and the most appropriate means to meet the objective through communication. For instance, when one thinks of how he will convey a certain message to another person without the message being perceived in a wrong way (Timm, 1980). Receiver: This refers to the person listening to the conveyed message. He is tasked with the obligation of decoding the communicated message. Decoding process basically refers to the process of evaluating and interpreting the others persons message through the building of sense out the relayed message. This involves interpreting both the verbal (words) and non-verbal involuntary actions such as facial expressions, gestures and other forms of body language (Walton, 2004). Message: This refers to the communicated information from the sender to the receiver. Conditions that inhibit Effective Communication Individuals interpersonal life is founded on his capacity to clearly convey his/her feelings, thoughts, and needs and also his ability to share similar data with the other person. Thus the effectiveness of communication is the as result of the concerned parties working towards this end. Although communication can be defined as the sending and receiving of message, as the two elements need to be present. However, the central transaction of message conveyed does not necessarily mean that communication has occurred. In most cases, it has partially happened or has been totally aborted due to the circumstances around the situation when the communication was being made. These circumstances can be grouped as either emotional, environmental, phenomenological, verbal- skill based, or leading to a number of conditions possessed by the persons attempting to interact. The message communicated is thus refracted by the interpersonal, intrapersonal and environmental factors that form the atmosphere which we are relating. Some of the conditions that inhibit communication are causing the refraction of the communicated message include: Emotional Blocks This involves the deliberate charging of words with emotions, possibly because (Hughes, 1999.)of an individual’s childhood upbringing or the prevailing circumstances in their lives. For instance an adult while man can in good intentions speak to a black man by refereeing to him as “colored boy”. Another example is when a woman who is not able to bear children finds herself in a forum where people are discussing about population control. She may respond subconsciously irrational about the topic. Hostility This is also another phenomenon which can cause refraction of messages. Hostility usually occurs when one is communication with a person that he/she is angry with or when they start discussing a topic which arouses anger and hostility. When two individual engages in a hostile confrontation, they begin to distort the messages communicated from each other and this may further fuel more venting of anger and hostility. For instance a woman may come home irritated from a confrontation with the boss at work and may transfer the same hostility to the husband depending on his reaction about her bad day dramas at her workplace. Charisma The charisma displayed by the sender while communicating the message may alter that manner in which the message is received. Charisma often plays a key role when political candidates are elected due to their elegance and the quality of charisma rather than attributes. A charismatic person can make a bored and tired message come to life and become new and more important to the recipient. This can however be detrimental if the recipient insists on an elaborate clarification. Inarticulateness Lack of verbal skills and simple inarticulateness may distort the initial intention of the sender. In order for the true message to be delivered, clarity is essential. Also the sender must possess well developed verbal skills in order to effectively communicate with the receiver. Also verbal patterns that are unique to a particular culture may interfere with the communicated message. Physical Environment Physical environment may create certain distinctconditions under which communication is heavily impaired. For instance a dark and polluted room may hinder an individual from either sending or receiving communicated message effectively and accurately. 2) Impact of interpersonal communication on managerial effectiveness in hostels Effective communication between among the hotel staff and also with the client is one of the significant elements for improving client satisfaction, and smooth interaction among the employees. Effective communication is crucial in any organization in that it builds an environment of mutual understanding between employees and management; thus helping in improving productivity. Within the hospitality industry, revenues to the concerned organizations is driven the satisfaction of the guest. The key to success thus is the customer satisfaction. (Bamporiki, 2010). According to him effective interpersonal communication is the nerve of an organization. Where a company lacks these functional internal communication systems, one is liable to loosing friends. Thus advance forms of interpersonal communication forms the backbone of a wider spectrum of the guest services, thus increasing the guests’ incentive to stay longer or come back another day. In an ideal hotel setup there should be channels of promoting effective interpersonal communication. Intra organizational communication is crucial since it permits internal communication within an establishment, whether to boost employees’ satisfaction or to optimize the efficiency of their productivity; these objectives call for synchronized consideration of interpersonal, intrapersonal, intra-organizational and inter-organizational internal communication. Managerial Communication Managerial interpersonal communication is a management principle that focuses on behavior and language within an organization context and deals with the individual manager as a unit of scrutinizing the interpersonal communication across various levels such as individual, group, organizational, in some cases, to arbitrate when appropriate. This often requires all the relevant channels so as to accomplish the aim and objectives such oral, non-verbal actions, written as well as arbitration. Hospitality Hotel operates within the hospitality industry. From the definition of hospitality, hotels must offer generous and cordial reception as well as care and entertainment of the guests, both commercially and socially (Sigband, 1994). The Role of management in Hotel Industry The primary focus management is communicative aspects of the customer service encounter where interpersonal communication can influence the clients’ service satisfaction. The key theme is to build and establish relationships with the guests. This is indeed very crucial especially in situations where there are no tangible goods transacted and thus level of satisfaction is based on quality of personal relations (Sundar.P., 2001). In order for the management to achieve a real internal communication, it is crucial to relate the external communication functions with operational utilization of interpersonal communication channels. This changes are necessitated by the internationalization of the hospitality industry and workforce and the also the rapid transformation in the guests demands. Also, the workplace has been in the recent days increasingly technologically automated, thus necessitating a clear and timely interpersonal communication. Internal Staff Communication In the hospitality environments, it is crucial for the managers to take responsibility in ensuring that all employees exchange information freely in an accurate and timely manner, and this can be encouraged by rewarding the staff behaviors that foster healthy interpersonal communication interaction both in and outside the organization. Among the proposed method of promoting interpersonal is “line structure”, which is founded on the notion that each level of management, people administers and control the work of the group of employers in the level below them. This form of administrative structure outlines the general responsibility; thus everyone is aware what to do and who to report to, and all levels of management are informed of matters in their docket.t to be This structure is however cumbersome since it leads to disproportionately long lines of interpersonal communication within an organization, thus causing the higher levels of management to be overloaded with information. This can be solved by division or compartmentalization of the information. Regardless of the method used in relaying the information, there should be a positive effect on the clients’ satisfaction (Wolvin, 1994). Interface with the Guests In the interaction between the hotel and its guests, a common problem usually crops outs when the staff classifies the guests based on their real or assumed ethnic or racial groups. Instead of forming a convergent orientation, the service employees can opt to “foreigner talk” and, thus leading to a unsatisfactory host- client encounter (Brownell, 1992). The interaction between the guest and the hotel staff is critical, and the information derived can be customized for each guest can be used in formulating the action strategies. Conversation 1 Simon smiles as he welcomes Samantha into his office. Samantha is in good spirits although seemingly tired. Simon: Morning Samantha, how is your morning? Samantha: I am fine. Thanks. Samantha sits on the visitor seat Simon: What do you want me to do for you this fine morning? Samantha stretches the leave-of- absence application form to Simon. Samantha: I am requesting for a day off on Friday. Simon sighs slightly and subconsciously shakes his head Simon: I do appreciate your request. However, I believe you understand how busy we are in the front office department. It would have been fair for you to request for the night off prior to the submission of the roster. For your information, the General Manager is concerned about our performance as a department. Samantha seems rather agitated but calm Samantha: I appreciate the concerns raised by the General Manager, in any case that are his obligation to keep everyone on check. However I believe this is a special request I am making. It’s on record, for the past two years, I have never requested for a time off. It’s needless to say the law entitles me to have a rest at some time in the course of my job. On Friday my mother will be flying to town in a rather abrupt visit and I have not met her for long. This would mean a lot to me, having to spend some nice time with her. During my absence, Brendan will be there to cover my shift, so it will not be a total loss. While Samantha is says, this Simon turned his eyes to the computer screen where he was prior to the conversion, composing an email. Simon: (Simon interjects though Still facing the computer screen) I beg to differ with your choice, Brendan! I know she is a hardworking member of staff, but lately I have developed some reservations about her conduct and commitment. It has come to my knowledge of her occasional lateness, and general non-commitment to her work. This reason clearly makes her no fit enough to occupy your position more so on a Friday. For your information, this Friday will be our busiest day this week. We are anticipating having over350 guests arriving. Samantha remains calm though uncomfortable with Simon’s response Samantha: Please Simon; this is really important to me. It is worth noting that I have been doing exceptionally well in my duties. You understand for the past 8 weeks I have been working continuously with only one day off a week, sometimes nightshifts followed by day shift together with a number of split shifts. I would relay appreciate if you reciprocated this devotion with only this one favor. I promise when I report back I to put more effort for you. Simon shakes his head Simon: Am sorry. I hope you are not implying that you will not work harder in case I deny you this Friday off? As an employee of this company you are expected to give your almost best at all times regardless of the favor that you anticipate. It would be fair also if you recognized rather contribution of the company to your welfare. Samantha: (looking rather downcast) Well Simon, I understand that the company has done well for us but it’s good to look at the welfare of the employees as well, through motivation Simon :( in a sad tone) I understand, but am afraid your wishes will not be granted today. Samantha: (Rises from her seat. with downcast voice and looking on the ground,) Fine. Nice time Simon: Good day Conversation 2 Mr. Tomson approaches the Front Office Desk Counter, looking tired, and worn-out Samantha: Hi sir, are you here for reservation? Samantha glimpses at Mr. Tomson and makes an assumption that he is of Indian decent. She recalls an earlier incident when a man with Indian accent was making an inquiry in a rude and arrogant manner. Mr. Tomson: yes, My Name is Mr. Tomson Samantha: Kindly hold on as I check your reservation Samantha peruses through the reservation documents and seems not to find his. Samantha: Am sorry I cannot find any reservation for Mr. Tomson Mr. Tomson: It cannot be true, my assistant arranged for this reservation 2 weeks ago. You have also sent me a confirmation email Samantha raises her head and tries to convince Mr. Tomson otherwise Samantha: Seems I it’s not here. I have checked twice and I cannot find it Mr. Tomson: it quite unfortunate then. I have just ended a very long flight; I just hope I will get a room soon. Perhaps you can go through your file one more time. One more thing my name is spelt T-O-M-S-O-N. Samantha: (with a slight smile) Oh well you should have said that! You know Tomson is spelt As T-H-O-M-S-O-N with a silent H. Mr. Tomson: Very well. I really need to take a shower, eat and a rest Samantha: oops. Sorry for the delay. It’s not my fault. Kindly give me your credit card and sign this registration card. Mr. Tomson complies and is handed the key to Room 2106. Samantha: (in a jolly mood) have a nice stay REFERENCES Adler, R. &. ( 2002). Communicating at work (7th ed.). New York : McGraw-Hill. Bamporiki, A. S. (2010). the impact of internal communication on guest satisfaction in hospitality establishments in cape town. Cape Town: Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Brownell, J. (1992). Hospitality managers’ Internal communication practices. International of Hospitality . Dwyer, J. (1993). The Business Communication handbook (3rd ed.). New York: Prentice Hall. Gilmore, A. (2003). Service Marketing and Management.. London: SAGE publication Ltd. Hughes, J. (1999.). The use of case studies to enhance diversity management effectiveness. Council for Hospitality Research Conference. University of Surrey . Krizan, A. M. (2002). .Business Communication (5th ed. Ohio: South-Western. Sigband, N. B. (1994). Internal communication for managers. International Thomson . Sundar.P. (2001). Guest satisfaction through employee satisfaction. Retrieved August 26, 2013, from Timm, P. &. (1980). Managerial communication (3rd ed.). . New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Van de Ven, A. (. (1974). Group decision making and effectiveness: An experimental study. . Kent, OH: Kent State: Kent State University Press. Walton, S. &. (2004). Communication principles: A modular approach. Sydney: Prentice-Hall. Wolvin, A. D. (1994). Internal communication in the hospitality industry. . International Journal of Hospitality Management. Read More
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