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Efficiency and Management of Tourism and Hospitality - Assignment Example

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The paper "Efficiency and Management of Tourism and Hospitality" is a perfect example of a business assignment. The pace and the changes in tourism made it popular and it is a part of policy discourses. It was being demonized and idealized according to the policies. The value of the environments had been increased with the tourism and hospitality industry…
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Tourism and Hospitality Industry Prepared by Submitted to Word Count 3028 words 1. Introduction The pace and the changes in the tourism made it popular and it is a part of policy discourses. It was being demonized and idealized according to the policies. The value of the environments had been increased with the tourism and hospitality industry. The research on tourism provided a greater understanding of the processes involved in hospitality industry. This can shape the emerging tourism landscape in any country. Though in some cases, the research failed to meet the challenges it was not a total failure. It emphasizes the need for further research. The research of tourism and hospitality industry should be related to broader social relationships. This enables to complete the task of remedying the deficiencies that lie beyond the scope of research. The collective approach of the tourism researchers can solve the problem. This lies in the conceptualization of tourism. This requires broader debates about the mobility. As the tourism is related with number of forms of mobility, labour, retirement migration, knowledge and capital transfers; these constitute the scopes and flows. The above-mentioned aspects are mutually informing and constantly shifting in time. This pace of change and shift is swifter in the context of globalization. This makes us to understand the complex opportunities it can offer and the needs of new tourists. The understanding differs from place to place depending on opportunities, risks and constraints accompanied with the practices of tourism and hospitability. The basic aspect that creates market for tourism is that everyone wants to travel. This makes people to feel positive and find liberation. The exaggeration of the positive nature and liberation can ignore the complexity of travel motivations. The next step is to minimize the inequality in the access to travel. (Shaw, Gareth, 2004) 1 2. Efficiency and Management of Tourism and Hospitality 2.1 Increasing Efficiency: Increasing efficiency and managing tourism and hospitality services can be termed as a result of extended discussions between researchers and the administrations. The clarity regarding the important convergences in tourism and hospitality research and its relation to the study of service management will bring efficiency in tourism and hospitality services in any country. This made the tourism and hospitality a rapidly developing sector. The rapidness in the development will depend on the efficiency of the service management. The provision of benchmark for understanding and examination of the range of research methods applied will enhance the efficiency of the tourism and hospitality industry. This depends on service management research that needs to be according to the geographic and environmental aspects. The present and future researches should be considered to record a development in the frontiers of tourism and hospitality. This depends on the collection of the material that enhances the understanding of the quality regarding tourism and hospitality. The initial review of the evolution of tourism and hospitality is needed to plan the conditions that increase the efficiency and development of tourism and hospitality sector. The analysis of international tourism, hospitality management practices can be drawn from the many sectors of the industry. A term known as medical tourism was being used in some countries. These type of aspects will increase not only the pace and scope of the tourism but also the frontiers of tourism. This will result from the interesting selection of research methodologies and conceptual approaches. The understanding of the current tourism practices will identify some gaps and these results in further research in this sector. The efficiency lies in considering the customer satisfaction as the core issue for tourism and hospitality management. The specific examples can be drawn together to identify the theoretical and methodological approaches. The customer satisfaction should be combined with the structural issues of tourism and hospitality management. (Prideaux , 2006)2 2.2 Growth with Efficiency: The management technology improves the efficiency of any industry when the communication of marketing message has been done globally. The message will be conveyed and shows result when the efficiency can be increased by technological enablers and when this results in development of products, facilities and services that satisfy the people. In turn the satisfaction of the visitors will propel the development in the need for travellng and can generate motivation and realisation. This is possible with destination management systems around the world. These systems work on the concept of the total tourism product. These generally include the information about the experience that can be provided by the organizers. The managing of destinations depend on the attractions and facilities and can even incorporate the difficult task that requires bringing all locals the ability to undertake the reservations. This brings together the actors and stakeholders and results in increase of business. This makes the planning a part of destination management services by DMOs. The coordination, marketing between public and private organizations can undertake the services offered to the tourists and the guests. This provides new tools public sector and marketing area for private sector. These partnerships increase the efficiency of the industry in a particular area and enable the stakeholders to increase the business regarding tourism and hospitality. This system of coordination of doing business needs the dissemination of information between the partners of local tourism industry and can attract the international tourists. This is possible by mass media advertising and by making every activity transparent and every person accountable. By doing this the services available for consumers (tourists and guests), facilities for travel and trade will increase the essence of destination management services. This system when developed results in moving of DMSs towards the transactions and the strategic responsibility of the commerce can be organized. The increase in the use of information communication technologies regarding the activities of communication and transaction between consumers and the stakeholders will make operational management successful. This in turn can gradually penetrate into the internal services and can create the destination management services firms, which is a symbol for the development of efficiency and growth of the tourism and hospitality industry. In some cases, the destination management services can be handled by hospitality organizations. The development of tourism industry worldwide resulted in expansion of multinational chains in most of the countries compelling the different administrations and local private organization to develop efficiency by using information technology. This depends on economic conditions and availability of technology in an area. (Prideaux, 2006). 3. Economic Conditions The economic conditions depend on the available environments and negative effects of the pollution. This can be termed as an unusual composite nature of tourism that frequently takes place in the course of development and after that. The analysis regarding these aspects are country specific and this can be characterized by the alternative methods to meet the economic demands by the atmosphere in the place of development of tourism. This should not undermine the relevance and importance of the subject of tourism and hospitality and the controversies can be perceived as healthy willingness to reexamine the things. There is a chance of development of tourism when the economic benefits to the administration and the locals are more than the benefits they are getting before considering to develop tourism. This compels the tourism and hospitality industry to overcome the competitive sectors in giving benefits to the stakeholders. This requires debates within the economics and should be a reflection of the development that can reflect the problems arise within the changing economics. The examination of the issues in tourism involves conceptual, theoretical and methodological aspects in nature. The debate on economic conditions is a reflection of development as the industry is ready to offer more benefits than the present situation is providing. The debate can solve the problems regarding the change of the economics and the structure according to the tourism and hospitality industry. As the tourism is an activity that changes with a reasonable pace, the underlying conditions alter and this should be acknowledged by the administrations and economists. Addressing the issues that are generated by rapid changes in tourism can be considered as a part of analysis of the tourism and hospitality industry. The mainstream thinking in economics has emphasized the attainment of equilibrium in the outcomes. This is to protect the interests of common people in other sectors when tourism is developing in largely populated country. This type thought may be opposed by the restrictive assumptions This can be solved by challenging the consumer behaviour concepts by economic psychology and traditional theories of firm and markets called in question by alternative views. According to Greenaway et al in 1996 the pluralistic attitude is required with cross fertilization of concepts, theories and methods. These can be within or from outside the subject. The applying of economic conditions of the place to the tourism industry using both conventional and alternative methodological frameworks can result in the sense of a useful vehicle. This is capable of evaluating the appropriateness of alternative policies in the discipline and even enables the testing of the robustness of the concepts and methods. The analysis of the local economy will contribute to greater understanding of tourism. This is supported by the field experiences of administrations and hospitality organizations. The strong theoretical frame work is possible when the policy regarding tourism satisfies the economic conditions and concerns of the local people. This avoids the methodologically unsophisticated and detrimental consequences for management and development policies. The recognition of rigour in tourism analysis and usage of economics as a means to achieve this will oppose the notion that the tourism should be treated entirely economic activity. (Sinclair, M. Thea, 1997) 3 4. Improvement of Tourism and Hospitality Industry The greater challenge for any things exists in the market place. The market for tourism and hospitality lies internationally. The industry thrives when it attracts international tourists. This is possible by providing satisfactory hospitality services for the tourist. The examination of service tasks, design and service encounter can contribute for the increase of encounters with the tourists. According to Schmenner the delivery system in the hospitality industry is specifying the service that is being produced. This service should be synchronized with the service task and the service standards. This makes the services encounter a pleasurable one for both the tourists and stakeholders. The managerial responsibility that uses its resources to create a service will improve the productivity. In this case increases the efficiency and scope of the services. This results in increase in the number of customers being satisfied. This is possible by increasing the quality of services and their standards. The relationship between the productivity and the quality of services in the tourism and hospitality industry implies they can be improved by getting increased output from the existing level of resources. Yet times this needs reconfiguration of the productivity and services. This helps in achieving the goals regarding the revenues collected and profits incurred. In some cases the cutting of the number of staff also will make the services cost effective. This in turn may result in unemployment in the area the hospitality industry was being operated. To neutralize this effect the industry should grow in a volume more than the cutting of the staff for the cost effectivness of the operations. This results in more recruiting numbers than the retrenchment and records a positive growth in employment also. This can be made possible only by continuous and rapid development in tourism and hospitality industry in any area or country. This depends on using the technology, for example information technology to publicize the services offered and to enable the organizations to make the customer feel easy to book those services. The online booking of the services can be done when they are affordable for the target customers. The cost of the services will be less and they are available to be booked online when the technology plays an important role in enhancing the quality and scope of the services. These approaches can make use of the technology and the demographic conditions of the area the tourism and hospitality industry has been operating. The increase of business will find a need to recruit more staff and this should be more than the cut off staff for cost effectiveness in operations. (Laws, Eric) 4 5. Illustrations of Family Maintained Hospitality Organisations The hospitality organization that will be studied now is a firm that offers exciting rides and trips for tourists from urban areas. This can attract tourists internationally but do not operate overseas. Unlike the other industries, the tourism and hospitality organizations were observed to be more successful when families are operating them. The family members in the managerial positions will offer the company much required commitment. The family managed hospitality organizations like Albarok stables are offering innovative services like rider’s lounge. In the farm based family businesses. This is a family based incorporation that offers outdoor business with lifestyle motivations. As the organization has been located in sand ring, round pen, paddocks, pastures and the foot hills of the rocky mountains there is every chance for them to offer the much required exciting rides for the tourists. The aim of the organization is to attract the international clients to rural atmosphere. The perspective of the management is the primarily recreational that entails a pragmatic response to the needs of high degree of direct customer service. This proved a potential source of services for tourism development. As the farm land under Alborak stables contains large forest area, it contains rocky mountains and green forests that is suitable for exciting tourism. The firm offers English horse riding, show jumping and eventing for the tourists. They even offer training, lessons, clinics horse, two bedrooms stabling and management and commission sale from family managed tourism and hospitality organization. As the firm is having a large area, the local clients come there and avail services with their own horses also. (Getz, Donald , 2004)5 The best example for an organization that operates internationally and offers varied and quality hospitality services is intercontinental hotels group. It operates in about 100 countries with 7 hotel brands millions of stays per year. In 3700 hotels of this group there are 558000 rooms. This infrastructure has been developed by offering quality hospitality services up to the customer satisfaction. This group has been selected because the company will try to see the world through the eyes of customers. This made the company to have more number of guest rooms than any other company. The quality and customer satisfaction has been observed in the services by using technology and behaving with them according to their needs. The use of technology and acting according to the needs of the diversified customers made the company one of the largest hospitality organizations in the world. The company is trying to build the hotel industry as a strongest operating system focused on the biggest markets and segments. This has been driven by the demands of the customers depending on the demographic and geographic conditions. This helped the company in delivering the consistent customer experiences. The company expands internationally by operating the hotels in the form of franchisor, manager, owner and on a leased basis. The franchising comprises of the largest part of the company’s business. There are 3200 hotels operating on the basis of franchise. The next place is managing 510 hotels. The company owns 24 hotels, which is less than 1 percent of its portfolio. This makes clear that the company is expanding its hospitality business acting according to the local economic and technological conditions. The company is focusing on increasing number of franchised and managed hotels. Though the company is having enough finances to manage and own hotels, it tries to franchise when a good partner is available in an area it wants to operate. The partner may be good in technology, hospitality business or popular in the area the company wants to operate. This ensures business and expansion of the company in that area. In the journey to become a best company in the world, the heart of the company has been nearer to the people bringing the life of the owners and guest nearer to the company. They may be franchisees, stakeholders or the employees. The values reflected in the services are important to the company as they are attracting more customers to the hotels of the company. The company has partnerships with the tourism organizations in the area it is operating to increase the business regarding international customers or tourists. The company drives the demand in many ways. This includes advertising and marketing campaigns. The company’s sales and other work force concentrate on promoting brand awareness by the quality in services offered by the company and the human resources in the hotels. The network of 3700 hotels in 100 countries demands good networking infrastructure internally. Out of top 6 brands of the world, there are 3 of the company’s brands. In general the people look for familiar brands when they travel abroad. Making familiar a brand is the fundamental activity that is capable of attracting the customers. The fund paid by the franchisees is being used on their behalf for marketing and promotional activities. This is helping in driving the demand and absence of lack of fund crunch for these activities. Not only the infrastructure, the company had a budget of $700 million to spend on promotional and marketing activities. The company is maintaining a club of 33 million members by giving a priority club rewards to them. This is the largest loyalty hotel scheme in the world that is capable of maintaining a customer base and even increasing it by giving rewards to the satisfied and regular customers. This type of scheme is good for the company and works for the local tourism industry in the area the company operates. The company makes its easy for the clients to book a room or a service with them. It is having 13 global reservation offices that make hotel bookings from guests 24 hours per day in 26 languages worldwide. Thus the growth of the company depends on the quality of services, the strategies for increasing the demand, partnering with the tourism organizations in the area it operates and maintaining a club of regular customers by rewarding them periodically. (IHG group, 2007) 6 References: The referencing has been done on the following format Name of the author, year of publishing, title, publisher, page number or edition, date retrieved, type of media, website address. 1. Shaw, Gareth. 2004, Tourism and Tourism Spaces. London, , GBR: Sage Publications, Incorporated,. p1, 3-08-07, 2. Prideaux, B. 2006, Managing Tourism and Hospitality Services : Theory and International Application. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing, p 1, 3-08-07, 3. Sinclair, M. 2007 Thea. Economics of Tourism. London, UK: Routledge,. p 2, 3-08-07, 4. Getz, Donald. 2004, Family Business in Tourism and Hospitality. Cambridge, MA, USA: CABI Publishing, p 117, 3-08-07 5. IHG group, 2007, overview, IHG group, ,electronic, 3-08-07, Read More
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