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Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities - Glass Bottle - Case Study Example

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In order to make a sustainable organization, various policies and strategies are being implemented to ensure profitability along with sustainability (Wong & et. al.,…
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Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities - Glass Bottle
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The paper "Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities - Glass Bottle " is a perfect example of a business case study. In today’s world, sustainability is the main motto that all the organization is adopting for long-term success. In order to make a sustainable organization, various policies and strategies are being implemented to ensure profitability along with sustainability (Wong & et. al., 2015). One of the major components of a sustainable organization is the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

Even though the main objective of every organization is to earn profit and maximize the amount of revenue, but it is highly responsible towards the society, economy and the environment in which it is operating. Similarly, for the sustainability of an organisation, it is very essential to implement CSR activities in its business activities for a better future. The majority of the times it is seen that an organization knowingly or unknowingly creates harm to society and the environment through its products or waste materials during the manufacturing process.

This creates a negative impact on the organization on the stakeholders and society. Therefore, in order to reduce this negative impact on the organization, it needs to implement CSR activities that will benefit the society and environment through the deliverance of eco-friendly products. It also helps the company to sustain among the competitors and maximize the amount of revenue with the help of various CSR activities for the benefit of customer and society (Amato & et. al., 2009). In this context, the organisation for its long-term sustainability is planning to design, manufacture a product, which is eco friendly and have a positive impact on the environment.

Therefore, the company is taking measures to manufacture a Glass bottle for the sustainability of the organisation by maintaining CSR activities. Glass bottle industry is a manufacturing industry and various types of harmful chemicals are used in its manufacturing process, therefore the waste products of the industry are poisonous to the environment as well as society. Therefore, the CSR activities of the industry should include measures that will reduce the harmful impacts of waste materials through the help of various tools and techniques and make the manufacturing process environment friendly.

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