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The Perceptions of the Sports Centre Members and Non-Members about the Quality of Services - Research Paper Example

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Thus, the questionnaires of is compresses tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy of the individual toward sports centers. The responses are…
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The Perceptions of the Sports Centre Members and Non-Members about the Quality of Services
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Extract of sample "The Perceptions of the Sports Centre Members and Non-Members about the Quality of Services"

Quantitative Research Analysis Analysis The questionnaires for the research have been designed keeping in mind the performance dimensions of SERVQUAL. Thus, the questionnaires of is compresses tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy of the individual toward sports centers. The responses are gathered from the member and non member individuals to determine dependency of the responses on the varying degree of SERVPERP. Therefore, the questions are designed to measure perception of services rather than determining expectations of customers. The questionnaires contains closed ended as well as open ended, part 1 of the question are close ended questionnaires, the questions of second part are mixed as well as third part of questionnaires are close ended as well as open ended questions. The questionnaires has been designed in three parts, the first part of the questionnaire is contains 21 question that are measured by the five dimensions of service quality ranging from low to high (1-5). The subsections of these questions address the tangible elements of services that are between 1-6, whereas 20 and 21 question determines empathy dimension. The question 16 to 19 measures assurance dimensions of services centre. 7, 10, 11, 12 states on reliability, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 determines responsiveness of the participants to the sports center. The responses of questions are measured within the range 1-5, the point scale 5 is rated to be the highest service quality and 1 is rated the lowest service quality. The second part of the questionnaires measures the importance of the response regarding the five dimension of service quality. The third part of the questionnaire is the key independent variables that are the demographic characteristics of the participants. Thus, the questionnaires were designed with an objective to determine variables influencing perceptions of the sport centre members. Research Aim The aim of this research is to determine the perceptions of the sport’s centre members and non members about the quality of services provided in the research. Hypothesis H1 Members were satisfied of the service quality of sports centre H 2 Members were not satisfied of the service quality of sports centre. H1 Non-Members were satisfied of the service quality of sports centre H 2 Non-Members were not satisfied of the service quality of sports centre. Analysis of the Survey Data In order to conduct the research, approximately 202 participants have been selected that often visit the sports centre. The researcher had used Descriptive Statistic to analyze the data. The reason descriptive statistics has been used for the study is because it provides simple summaries about the sample that make it easier to develop relationship with the variables. The main determinate, independent variable are the demographic characteristics of the participants and how they influence the level of satisfaction and perception about the service of sports centre on the basis of their gender, usage of services, member or the course of the individual visited the sports centre. Satisfaction Level T-1 The part 1 of the questionnaires measures satisfaction level of the participants with different features of Sports Centre. However, there is dispersion in the responses from the participants as some of the participants did not voluntary or involuntary answered some of the questions of the questionnaires. The section of analyzes the satisfaction level of the participants: The respondents were asked if they were satisfied about the equipments of the sports centre (if they were modern or latest gym equipment). 54.73 percent of the respondents were satisfied, 25.37 were neutral, 11.94 were satisfactory, whereas only 7.76 percent were dissatisfactory. The mean of 3.71 indicates that the responses were satisfied about the modern sport equipment. T 2 Further, the respondents were asked about the modern changing facilities at the Sports Centers. The results of the descriptive show a mean of 3.67 showing satisfaction of the respondents about the modern changing facilities of the sport centre. T 3The respondents were also satisfied about the visual appealing facilities of the sports centre (mean 3.67). However, there was a great dispersion in the data (SD .82) that shows that the perceptions greatly varied among the participants. T 4 Moreover, the participants were asked about the professionalism of the sports centre, the mean of 3.57 indicates the participants were also satisfied about the professionalism of the sports centre. T 5 In addition, when the participants were asked about the appearing staff, relevancy and appealing of the documentation. The mean 3.44 show that they were neutral about the informative relevant and appealing documentation gym class and timing. T 6 The mean of 3.54 reflect that the respondents were satisfied about the convenient hours of operations. D1 The respondents were asked if the services at the sports centre were reliable as promised. The results show mean of 3.70 indicating strong satisfaction of the individuals. R1 The participants were asked about the services of the sports center in dealing with customer complaints. The results show mean of 3.31 reflecting neutral response of participants. R2 The respondents were neutral about the prompt action of the sports centre on based on customer feedback. D3 The mean of 3.66 shows that the respondents were satisfied with the services performed that were promised at the first time. D4 The mean of 3.64 shows the individuals were somewhat satisfied about the service that was promised at the time. D4 The participant’s respondent was somewhat satisfied about the information sports centre provided to its customers about the changing schedule. R3 The participant’s respondent somewhat satisfied about the prompt service to facility users, as the mean is 3.62. R4 The respondents agreed that the willingness to help facility users was satisfactory (mean 3.69). R5 The results show means of 3.56 that shows neutral responses of the people that were asked about the readiness of the sport center to respond to users. C1 The participants were satisfied about the well mannered and informative staff of the sports centre. C2 People were neutral about highly motivated staff that encouraged individual at the sports centre. (mean 3.48) C3 The individuals were asked about the securing transactions about the membership payments and booking facilities. The results show mean of 3.60 indicating somewhat satisfaction of the respondents. C4 The respondents were asked about the knowledgeable and reliability of the staff, the results show a mean of 3.53 reflecting that the People were neutral about the knowledgeable and reliability of the staff in the sports center. The mean 3.48 shows neutral response of participants about the attending of the needs of every customer and customer’s services at the sports center. Crosstab analysis In order to determine the satisfaction level of the individuals that were member or not members of the sports centre crosstab and chi-test analysis was performed to determine the relationship between two groups. The reason Chi Test has been chosen to test the hypothesis is because of the data for the research was categorical data. In the similar research conduct by Agbor (2011) Chi-Test has been adopted to test hypothesis for customer satisfaction (Agbor, 2011). Hence, Chi-Test has chosen to test the hypotheses for this research. The members and pay each time is the variable that were assessed with the different satisfaction levels (See Appendix 1.1). When the respondents were asked about if they were satisfied about the modern sports gym equipment, 53 members out of 189 and 50 non members were satisfied about the modern gym equipment at sports centre. 49 members and 46 non members out of 189 respondents were satisfied about the modern changing facilities. When the respondents were asked about visual appealing facilities out of 188, 47 members were satisfied, whereas 48 non members were more satisfied, indicating that the non members were relatively more satisfied about the visual appealing facilities. Non members were more satisfied about the smart, professionally appearing staff as compared to members, as 46 members and 47 non members out of 190 were satisfied. 47 non members were satisfied and 43 non members were satisfied about informative, relevant and appealing documentation of the sports centre. In the similar manner, non members were more satisfied about the convent hours of opening. However, the members were found more satisfied as compared to the non members about the reliable and promised series of the sports centre, as satisfied members were 52 and non members 48. Most of the respondents were neutral about the dealing with the customer complains, members were more neutral than non members (Bryman & Cramer, 1997). In the similar manner, the members were relatively more neutral about the prompt action of the sports centre based on customer feedback. The respondents were satisfied about the first time promised services of the sports centre. 49 of the non members and 37 members were satisfied. Moreover, when the participants were asked about the informing customers regarding new and changing schedule and timetables (Anderson, 2006). Members were relatively more satisfied as compared to non members. In the similar fashion, the participants were satisfied about the prompt service of the sport center, 51 non members and 49 members were satisfied about the service. 48 members were satisfied about the well manner and informative staff and only 47 non members were satisfied. The participants were investigated about the customer services dealing of the staff. The results indicate an overall satisfaction of the individuals. However, the non members were 46 and 41 members out of 187. The results of the Chi-Test (see Appendix 1.2) indicate a p value of 0.00 that is less than p 0.05 showing significant relation between the both variables (that are, member and non member) (Bryman & Bell, 2007). It can be clearly stated that there is an overall significant difference between the responses of members and non members about the satisfaction level about the tangibility, reliability, responses, and confidence and empathy services of the sports centre. Descriptive Statistics N Mean Equipment Rating Weighted 201 95.4378 Changing Facilities Weighted 200 93.8000 Appearance Weighted 200 94.4850 Smart staff weighted 202 91.9554 information weighted 200 87.6250 Convenience weighted 202 89.2624 Reliable Service weighted 200 67.4650 Service carried out 1st time weighted 198 66.3485 Service provided as promised weighted 200 66.1100 Informing Customers of changes weighted 200 66.7500 prompt actions on customer feedback weighted 191 60.5471 prompt service to users weighted 191 60.7199 willingness to help users weighted 201 66.7214 readiness to respond to user requests weighted 199 67.2915 dealing with customer complaints weighted 198 65.7551 well mannered and informative staff weighted 202 65.1832 highly motivated staff weighted 199 60.0578 secure transactions weighted 201 63.2289 knowledgeable and reliable staff weighted 198 60.8763 Attending to needs of every customer weighted 197 70.8376 Staff with good customer care weighted 199 73.0251 Valid N (listwise) 177 On the bases of weighted averages of the satisfaction levels of the participants about the sport center services it can be determined that the tangibility of the sports centre was relatively higher than the other services of the sports centre. According to statistical findings of the data it can be determined that the sport center’s modern equipment had the highest weighted average of 95.43. It reflects that the respondents were satisfied by the equipments used at the sports centers. The appearance and changes in the sports centre were dominant aspects of the sports center. The overall results show that the tangibility of the sports centre ranked first. Reliability had the second highest weight age, empathy was third, whereas confidence and responsiveness had the lowest weight age of satisfaction level of the participants at sports centre. Recommendation and Conclusion The findings of the data reveal that the overall satisfaction level of the participants at the Sport’s centre was satisfactory. The perception of the participants, member or non members of the sports centre was neutral or satisfactory about the services provided at the sports centers. The information reflects that the perceptions of the participants towards the Intangibility (appearance, modernity and changes) of the sports centre were perceived to be most satisfactory among aspects of the sports the centre. However, still the sports centre requires making efforts to bring changes in the services because the poor responses were obtained about the responsiveness of the staff towards its customers. Thus, it can be determined that sport centers require focusing on its customer services and human resource management in order to improve experience of the individuals at sports centre. The sports centre should develop training programs for its staff and consider motivation aspects of its employees. It will allow the sports centre to encourage its employees actively participate and communicate with the customers. Moreover, the training programs will enhance skills and knowledge of the staff, resulting in higher satisfaction of its customers. In addition, no significant difference between the perception between the members and non members of the sports center are indicated by the results. Perhaps, slightly difference in the perception of the members and non members of the sports centre are evident. It indicates that the sport centre’s services for its members and non members are similar. The non members were more inclined towards the intangible aspects of the sports centre, whereas the members were neutral. However, the customer dealing and services were the major concerns that the sports centre should consider to attain greater satisfaction of its customers. In addition, the reliability of the sports centre was relative satisfactory. It is evident from the results that the customers were satisfied about the promises and commitment of the sports centre to deliver the services in accurate manner. In addition, the empathy of the customers at the sports centre was also satisfactory for members and non members. Herein, it can be concluded that the services of the sports centre were perceived to be satisfactory. However, the concerns about the employee’s satisfaction, motivation and customer dealing had relative lowest satisfaction level among all. On the basis, of the information it can be overall concluded that the customers perceived sports centre satisfactory but it can attain a higher level of satisfaction among customers by focusing on its employee’s motivation and training. References Anderson, P., 2006. Statistics for Business and Economics. London: Thompson. Bryman, A. & Bell, E., 2007. Business Research Methods. 2nd ed. Oxford: Univeristy of Oxford Press. Bryman, A. & Cramer, D., 1997. Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS for. Cambridge : Routledge. Appendix 1.1 are you a member or do you pay each time * How satisfactory modern sports/gym equipment Crosstabulation Count How satisfactory modern sports/gym equipment dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 8 23 53 13 pay each time 8 24 50 10 Total 16 47 103 23 are you a member or do you pay each time * How satisfactory modern sports/gym equipment Crosstabulation Count Total are you a member or do you pay each time member 97 pay each time 92 Total 189 are you a member or do you pay each time * modern changing facilities Crosstabulation Count modern changing facilities very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 1 5 32 49 pay each time 0 6 27 46 Total 1 11 59 95 are you a member or do you pay each time * modern changing facilities Crosstabulation Count modern changing facilities Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 10 97 pay each time 12 91 Total 22 188 are you a member or do you pay each time * visually appealing facilities Crosstabulation Count visually appealing facilities very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 0 9 30 47 pay each time 1 7 21 48 Total 1 16 51 95 are you a member or do you pay each time * visually appealing facilities Crosstabulation Count visually appealing facilities Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 11 97 pay each time 14 91 Total 25 188 are you a member or do you pay each time * smart , professionally appearing staff Crosstabulation Count smart , professionally appearing staff very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 0 10 35 46 pay each time 1 7 25 47 Total 1 17 60 93 are you a member or do you pay each time * smart , professionally appearing staff Crosstabulation Count smart , professionally appearing staff Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 7 98 pay each time 12 92 Total 19 190 are you a member or do you pay each time * informative, relevant and appealing documentation such as gym and class timetables and opening times Crosstabulation Count informative, relevant and appealing documentation such as gym and class timetables and opening times very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral are you a member or do you pay each time member 4 17 25 pay each time 1 10 25 Total 5 27 50 are you a member or do you pay each time * informative, relevant and appealing documentation such as gym and class timetables and opening times Crosstabulation Count informative, relevant and appealing documentation such as gym and class timetables and opening times Total satisfactory very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 43 7 96 pay each time 47 9 92 Total 90 16 188 are you a member or do you pay each time * convenient hours of operation Crosstabulation Count convenient hours of operation very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 1 15 26 42 pay each time 3 12 22 45 Total 4 27 48 87 are you a member or do you pay each time * convenient hours of operation Crosstabulation Count convenient hours of operation Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 14 98 pay each time 10 92 Total 24 190 are you a member or do you pay each time * providing a reliable service that is promised Crosstabulation Count providing a reliable service that is promised very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 2 7 24 52 pay each time 1 5 24 48 Total 3 12 48 100 are you a member or do you pay each time * providing a reliable service that is promised Crosstabulation Count providing a reliable service that is promised Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 12 97 pay each time 13 91 Total 25 188 are you a member or do you pay each time * dealing with customer complaints Crosstabulation Count dealing with customer complaints very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 2 7 51 29 pay each time 0 10 42 30 Total 2 17 93 59 are you a member or do you pay each time * dealing with customer complaints Crosstabulation Count dealing with customer complaints Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 4 93 pay each time 5 87 Total 9 180 are you a member or do you pay each time * prompt actions based on customer feedback Crosstabulation Count prompt actions based on customer feedback very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 2 9 47 30 pay each time 0 11 42 29 Total 2 20 89 59 are you a member or do you pay each time * prompt actions based on customer feedback Crosstabulation Count prompt actions based on customer feedback Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 5 93 pay each time 5 87 Total 10 180 are you a member or do you pay each time * service carried out as promised first time Crosstabulation Count service carried out as promised first time very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 1 12 21 37 pay each time 0 8 28 48 Total 1 20 49 85 are you a member or do you pay each time * service carried out as promised first time Crosstabulation Count service carried out as promised first time Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 23 94 pay each time 8 92 Total 31 186 are you a member or do you pay each time * service performed at promised time Crosstabulation Count service performed at promised time very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 3 8 26 43 pay each time 0 7 32 41 Total 3 15 58 84 are you a member or do you pay each time * service performed at promised time Crosstabulation Count service performed at promised time Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 17 97 pay each time 12 92 Total 29 189 are you a member or do you pay each time * informing customer of new and changing schedule / timetables Crosstabulation Count informing customer of new and changing schedule / timetables very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 2 4 29 49 pay each time 0 7 37 34 Total 2 11 66 83 are you a member or do you pay each time * informing customer of new and changing schedule / timetables Crosstabulation Count informing customer of new and changing schedule / timetables Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 13 97 pay each time 13 91 Total 26 188 are you a member or do you pay each time * prompt service to facility users Crosstabulation Count prompt service to facility users very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 2 11 20 49 pay each time 2 6 27 51 Total 4 17 47 100 are you a member or do you pay each time * prompt service to facility users Crosstabulation Count prompt service to facility users Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 15 97 pay each time 6 92 Total 21 189 are you a member or do you pay each time * willingness to help facility users Crosstabulation Count willingness to help facility users very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 2 6 29 40 pay each time 0 8 23 51 Total 2 14 52 91 are you a member or do you pay each time * willingness to help facility users Crosstabulation Count willingness to help facility users Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 18 95 pay each time 10 92 Total 28 187 are you a member or do you pay each time * readiness to respond to user request Crosstabulation Count readiness to respond to user request very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 0 14 29 41 pay each time 1 6 32 41 Total 1 20 61 82 are you a member or do you pay each time * readiness to respond to user request Crosstabulation Count readiness to respond to user request Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 11 95 pay each time 11 91 Total 22 186 are you a member or do you pay each time * well mannered and informative staff Crosstabulation Count well mannered and informative staff very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 0 8 25 48 pay each time 1 8 19 47 Total 1 16 44 95 are you a member or do you pay each time * well mannered and informative staff Crosstabulation Count well mannered and informative staff Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 17 98 pay each time 17 92 Total 34 190 are you a member or do you pay each time * highly motivated staff for example encouraging gym staff Crosstabulation Count highly motivated staff for example encouraging gym staff very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 0 15 32 41 pay each time 2 8 29 44 Total 2 23 61 85 are you a member or do you pay each time * highly motivated staff for example encouraging gym staff Crosstabulation Count highly motivated staff for example encouraging gym staff Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 7 95 pay each time 9 92 Total 16 187 are you a member or do you pay each time * secure transactions e.g. membership payments and booking facilities Crosstabulation Count secure transactions e.g. membership payments and booking facilities very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 3 10 20 45 pay each time 2 8 32 42 Total 5 18 52 87 are you a member or do you pay each time * secure transactions e.g. membership payments and booking facilities Crosstabulation Count secure transactions e.g. membership payments and booking facilities Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 19 97 pay each time 8 92 Total 27 189 are you a member or do you pay each time * knowledgeable and reliable staff Crosstabulation Count knowledgeable and reliable staff very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 0 9 34 40 pay each time 4 8 28 44 Total 4 17 62 84 are you a member or do you pay each time * knowledgeable and reliable staff Crosstabulation Count knowledgeable and reliable staff Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 12 95 pay each time 7 91 Total 19 186 are you a member or do you pay each time * attending to the needs of every customer e.g. on a personal one to one basis Crosstabulation Count attending to the needs of every customer e.g. on a personal one to one basis very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral are you a member or do you pay each time member 1 11 36 pay each time 1 7 35 Total 2 18 71 are you a member or do you pay each time * attending to the needs of every customer e.g. on a personal one to one basis Crosstabulation Count attending to the needs of every customer e.g. on a personal one to one basis Total satisfactory very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 37 8 93 pay each time 39 10 92 Total 76 18 185 are you a member or do you pay each time * staff with good customer service Crosstabulation Count staff with good customer service very dissatisfactory dissatisfactory neutral satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 0 13 28 41 pay each time 2 6 27 46 Total 2 19 55 87 are you a member or do you pay each time * staff with good customer service Crosstabulation Count staff with good customer service Total very satisfactory are you a member or do you pay each time member 13 95 pay each time 11 92 Total 24 187 Appendix 1.2 Chi-Test Test Statistics How satisfactory modern sports/gym equipment modern changing facilities visually appealing facilities smart , professionally appearing staff informative, relevant and appealing documentation such as gym and class timetables and opening times Chi-Square 108.114a 171.100b 154.800b 154.337c 130.150b df 3 4 4 4 4 Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Test Statistics convenient hours of operation providing a reliable service that is promised dealing with customer complaints prompt actions based on customer feedback service carried out as promised first time Chi-Square 118.545a 178.650b 186.461b 173.005c 117.202b df 4 4 4 4 4 Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Test Statistics service performed at promised time informing customer of new and changing schedule / timetables prompt service to facility users willingness to help facility users readiness to respond to user request Chi-Square 124.350a 146.350b 163.701b 147.256c 128.768b df 4 4 4 4 4 Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Test Statistics well mannered and informative staff highly motivated staff for example encouraging gym staff secure transactions e.g. membership payments and booking facilities knowledgeable and reliable staff attending to the needs of every customer e.g. on a personal one to one basis Chi-Square 149.238a 133.739b 116.289b 137.707c 131.706b df 4 4 4 4 4 Asymp. Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Test Statistics staff with good customer service Chi-Square 133.437a Df 4 Asymp. Sig. .000 a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 50.3. b. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 40.0. c. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 40.4. d. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 38.2. e. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 39.6. f. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 40.2. g. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 39.8. h. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 39.4. Read More
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