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Increasing Volume of Holiday Sales - Research Proposal Example

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The package must incorporate an online holiday travel agent’s services and capabilities.
Every business is profit oriented;…
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Increasing Volume of Holiday Sales
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WHAT TYPE OF PACKAGE IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO INCREASE THE VOLUME ON HOLIDAY SALES TO (FAMILY/ BACKPACK TRAVELLER) THROUGH AN ONLINE HOLIDAY TRAVEL AGENT? By Student’s name Code+ course name Professor’s name University name City, State Date Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 2. RELEVANCE OF THE RESEARCH 4 3. LITERATURE REVIEW 4 3.1 Boosting Holiday Sales 5 3.2 Online Holiday Travel Agent 5 3.3Type of Package holidays 5 3.3.1. Reservations 6 3.3.2. Prices 6 3.3.3. Cancellation and change by the Customer 6 4. SPECIFIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES OR QUESTIONS 7 4.1. Research question 7 5. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY 7 5.1 Research Strategy 7 5.2 Ethical Issues 8 5.3 Access issues 8 5.4 Data collection tools and methods 8 5.5 Sampling 9 6. PRELIMINARY IDEAS FOR DATA ANALYSIS 9 7. PHASING/TIMESCALE OF RESEARCH 10 8. PROBLEMS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL 11 9. REFERENCES 13 10.1 Appendix 1: Key Channels consumer use to find hotels on the internet 14 10.2 Appendix 2: Participants Table 15 10.3 Appendix 3: informed consent form 15 10.4 Questionnaires 17 10.5 Interview Guide 18 1. OVERALL AIM The main purpose of this project is to identify package that would positively influence holiday sales to either families or backpack travellers. The package must incorporate an online holiday travel agent’s services and capabilities. 2. RELEVANCE OF THE RESEARCH Every business is profit oriented; however, there are factors that must be considered for a business to succeed. One of such factors is customers’ attraction and retention tactics. This project seeks to find a type of package that can assist organization to boost their holiday sales. From the very origin of life, expedition and travel have fascinated people (Cook and Ward 2004). Tourism and travel have been significant social practices of people from time immemorial. The pleasure to discover new locations within one’s own nation or external and seek a transformation of surroundings and experience has been practiced from olden times. It comes with need of budgeting and prioritizing thus organization must be aware of appropriate services and timing to increase sales. What make some corporation to excel in areas where others have failed is proper planning and priority. Families or backpack travellers need quality, convenience, reasonably priced services and ease of operation. In order for an organization to meet these requirements they must be able to select provide package that would attract more customers and increase the sale (Hayward 2002; Bryan 2011). Travellers or tourist have time limitation and the faster the process the better. This leads to selection of a competent online travel agent to assist guest in making reservation and payments. This study is relevant because it seeks to find relevant facts or information that can assist organization to make informed choices to increase their holiday sales volume (Robinson et al 2011). 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Increasing volume of holiday sales through online travel agent is a topic that has been discussed by many researchers. However, these researches have been based on other business procedures to increase the sale. This paper seeks to analyze selection of package as a means of boosting holiday sales (Hayward 2002; Bryan 2011). 3.1 Boosting Holiday Sales The holiday makers need a high-quality rate of return on their venture. They must be attracted by value additions and enhanced customer service delivery. This also put prominence on the standard flow of human resource with specific abilities at the suitable levels to cater and match global principles (Pasiuk 2005). The accomplishment of the hospitality business comes from supply of quality food, rooms, service and atmosphere. There is no hesitation that health fitness has progressively become a larger fraction of everyone’s life (Cook and Ward 2004). 3.2 Online Holiday Travel Agent The Internet has propelled the development of the tourism and travel industry by availing online booking services. It has furthermore provided individuals with the authority to discover destinations and heritages from their residence personal computers and have informed decisions before completing travel strategies (Laing and Roberts 2005). With its vast information materials, the Internet permits tourists to examine hotels, read up on local food, check climate forecasts, and talk to other travellers around the planet about their travel encounters for a selected destination. According to Ljubica et al (2012), there are numerous online tourists’ agencies (OTAs) that associations should be alert of and keep trail with so as to stay relevant. In order to select and preserve the right sales approach hoteliers must always ask these important questions: “Are customers getting lower rates and means to reserve rooms (Ljubica et al 2012)?” Hotels must constantly survey rates provided on OTAs and home web not to lose profits with poor revenue management. (See appendix 1). 3.3Type of Package holidays According to Expedia Inc., package holidays are distributed by Suppliers like Expedia Travel agency and are obligated to the restrictions and rules of the suppliers of the holidays. Guest must read these restrictions and rules before reserving (Expedia Inc 2014). A package holiday is an expedition, for a sole price, with a reservation of more than one day, in which at least two of the subsequent three components are provided (Hayward 2002; Bryan 2011): - accommodation; - transport; - a traveller service that does not constitute part of the accommodation or transport (Expedia Inc 2014), but is an important part of the entire price. The vending of package holidays is controlled by the Package Holidays, Package Travel, and Package Tours Regulations. These requirements are complemented by the subsequent conditions (Laing and Roberts 2005). 3.3.1. Reservations Approval by the provider of reservations completed by the guest will depend on accessibility of the package holidays (Robinson et al 2011). Providers do not have to offer reasons for rejecting to allow a reservation. Acceptance by the provider is formalised by providing a proof of reservation through mail (online) within specified days of a reservation being put by the guest (Expedia Inc 2014). 3.3.2. Prices Prices are competitive agent that must be competitive oriented. The Customer has to be aware that the domestic authorities in some nations can impose extra taxes such as tourist tax, which have to be remunerated locally (Expedia Inc 2014). The client is wholly accountable for paying such extra taxes. Clients must be aware that the prices revealed on the Website and Expedia Mobile systems can be altered at any moment without prior awareness (Expedia Inc 2014). The price and reservation information are essential during customer selection of a vacation destination. The two must be well coordinated by an organization in order to maximize sale through more customer attraction. 3.3.3. Cancellation and change by the Customer The package must be flexible to allow advance booking and cancellation procedure in case customers are unable to travel as earlier booked due to some unavoidable circumstances (Expedia, Inc 2014). Also permission to change customers is also an incentive measures that boost sales if a customer unable to travel they can give their loved one the chance. 4. SPECIFIC RESEARCH OBJECTIVES OR QUESTIONS The objective statement of this study is to determine package selections that are suitable in boosting holiday sales through online travel agencies. This is the main aim of the study and it is guided by the research question. However, in order to get viable and reliable results the following specific objectives are analyzed To determine type of package that attracts more customers during holiday sales for family tourists or backpack travellers. To analyze online holiday travel agency with capability of boosting the sales as stipulated by the organization. To determine general requirements that can assist in increasing holiday sales. 4.1. Research question What type of package is required in order to increase the volume on holiday sales to (family/ backpack traveller) through an online holiday travel agent? 5. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY The research would entail participants in hotel and tourism industry that are aware of service industry requirement. The stratified random sampling would be applicable since it deals with a sample population that is not harmonized and contains subgroups such as CEO, managers, hotel attendees, receptionists, consumers and online agency personnel (for this study)in a listing of travel and tourism industry (Denscombe 2007). Proposed participants would be 40 (N=40), with 50% gender representatives (male = 20; female 20) and age range 18 to 50 years. (See appendix 2 for table breakdown). 5.1 Research Strategy There are three categories of research strategies; explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. When using the descriptive research strategy the concept is to illustrate an occurrence. This can be used as an expansion of both exploratory and explanatory research techniques (Loska 2013). This study proposal is an explanatory research, provided that the correlation between diverse variables is considered (Loska 2013). Applied mixed method since literature review formed the essence of secondary data. The research questions and objectives guided during selection of research approach. 5.2 Ethical Issues Ethics are guidelines and standards that assist to establish and maintain what is acceptable in a study. There are numerous ethical issues that must be considered when designing research that will utilize participants that are human beings (Thomas et al 2011). Elements that have to be measured to make sure that study has observed ethical requirements are disclosure issues, understanding participant (knowledge ability of subject), voluntariness (it is voluntary activity), competence (professionalism) and informed consent. (Appendix 3 gives a sample of disclosure and informed consent). 5.3 Access issues Through interviews and questionnaires the required information can be attained from established organization personnel and consumers. It is evident that getting senior management or busy workers to devote a few of their time to engage in interview is a challenge (Thomas et al 2011). However, with proper awareness education and explanation of benefits the participants and their organization will gain from such a study, it is obvious they will be interested. The interview should be conducted either through face to face or telephone. This is a subject of participants’ choice, however, questionnaires to be emailed since through mail documentation and tracing of the data would be easy. 5.4 Data collection tools and methods Distance, time and financial constraints are limitations that must be handled during data collection. To manage these limitations the collection tools for this proposed research comprised telephone interviews and email questionnaires (Cook and Ward 2004). A questionnaire comprises of some distinctiveness; such as questions must be meaningful to the varied respondents, it must be easy and understandable. It should be definite that, the participants are competently adequate to respond to the questions. The questions are organized and answer to be predictable in such a way to resolve the study questions and objectives (Kvale 1997). The questions are asked and included in study, especially the ones whose answers are not accessible in secondary data sources. Questions were prearranged in different headings and typically in unstructured mode. This is to allow the respondents to react to the questions at their own convenience. (Appendix) Interviews can be either in person (direct), that denotes face to face or not direct like over email, telephone, fax, and others (Kvale 1997). The selected mode is telephone interview. Several telephone interviews with diverse respondents within travel and tourism industry will be conducted ethically. The questions of telephone interviews must be open and specific regarding the holiday package that can increase holiday sales. The selected participants are very communicative and relaxed to converse as the telephone conversations to be recorded for later interpretation (Bailo 2011). (See Appendix) The methods have been selected since they are easy to execute and cost effective. It is necessary to pilot the study to make proper preparation for real problems that would be encountered during actual research task. 5.5 Sampling It was not likely to study the whole methods of boosting holiday sales within the industry due to opportunity and economical limitations. The type of package provides all-inclusive approach that can be used to attain the objective without involving other factors (Denscombe 2007). To get as broad standpoint as possible staffs at travel agency, staffs of travel and tourism organizations and independent consumers with important insights in tourism were interviewed. The participants that were interviewed are the following: CEO, managers, hotel attendees, receptionists, consumers and online agency personnel. 6. PRELIMINARY IDEAS FOR DATA ANALYSIS The data collected from respondent must be interpreted and analyzed before presentation. This is to enable readers to understand the research outcome with ease. The interview transcripts, data sorting and charting tools would be used for presentation. Computer software, Excel would be used to present data since it has table and charting capabilities. It is also readily available. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) could also be used for correlation of variables applicable during the study (Carver and Nash 2011). The package selection is the one maximize on marketing spending, prices, online services, incentives provision and sales results. The outcomes of these variables can be statistically assessed and tested by SPSS to verify correlation (Carver and Nash 2011). The questionnaires output must be presented as percentages in a table and chart format for easy interpretation and understanding. This is possible through the use of Microsoft Excel or any other application software with same capabilities. The interpreted interview data are also transformed into information that can be understood by the reader through statistical software. 7. PHASING/TIMESCALE OF RESEARCH The study should take two weeks with clear timetable of what to be done per what session. Proper phasing ensures that the objectives of the project are adhered to and achieved within stipulated time frame. This is essential in budgeting and time management of the project. With timescale well managed the participants can fit in without unnecessary inconveniences. The table below provides the breakdown of activities within the 10 weeks project phasing.   Time Task Week1 Week2 Week3 Week4 Week5 Week6 Week7 Week8 Week9 Week10 Define Problem and literature review                     Research preparation                     Resource gathering and identification of participants                     Collection of data                     Data analysis                     Validation                     Write Report and research presentation                     Table 1: Gnatt charts representing Project Timescale Table 1 is essential for ensuring that the project activities synchronize well and does not overlap if should not overlap with other task. 8. PROBLEMS AND LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL The key limitations are time, funds and participants selection. The time frame for research is always affected by other factors such as last minute cancellation by participants. This make it time consuming to contact alternative respondents. A fund to run all the project requirements are limited thus prioritization is essential during the process. Numerous assessment criteria are applicable to justify the reliability and validity of researches based on the discipline of research but the trustworthiness can be vindicated by the readers. The result of research is appreciably depends on researchers surroundings when the research is a methodical approach to the information creation (Litwin 1996). Moreover, it requires a critical approach of experts that, how they employ the theories and empirical outcomes to analyze and understand them for drawing a consequential conclusion. There are two kinds of validity in a study – external validity and internal validity. Internal validity needs a research to be carried according to the regulations and conditions of a customary research. External validity denotes that, the findings of study can be generalized in other circumstances (Litwin 1996). Reliability designates the degree of steadfastness on research outcomes. 9. REFERENCES Bailo, PJ 2011, The essential phone interview handbook. Pompton Plains, NJ: Career Press. Bryan, D 2011, A straightforward guide to the rights of the consumer. Brighton, Straightforward. Carver, RH, & Nash, JG 2011, Doing data analysis with SPSS version 18.0. Boston, MA, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. Cook, S & Ward, G 2004, The Rough Guide To Travel Online. London, Rough Guides Denscombe, M 2007, The good research guide: for small-scale social research projects. Maidenhead, Open University Press. Expedia, Inc. 2014, General Terms and Conditions for Booking. Retrieved on 25th April from Hayward, P 2002, GCSE leisure and tourism for OCR Double Award. Oxford, Heinemann Educational. Kvale, S 1997, InterViews: an introduction to qualitative research interviewing. Thousand Oaks [u.a], Sage Publ. Laing, F & Roberts, I 2005, Hospitality travel & tourism. Oxford, Heinemann Educational Publishers. Litwin, MS 1996, How to measure survey reliability and validity. Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a: Sage. Ljubica P, Šimunić, M & Car T 2012, Online hotels sales strategies with emphases on web booking. NO13037 Loska, T 2013, Integrated reporting. S.l.: Grin Verlag. Pasiuk, L 2005, Vault guide to the top retail employers. New York, Vault Inc. Robinson, P, Heitmann, S, & Dieke, P U C 2011, Research themes for tourism. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, CABI. Thomas, JR, Nelson, JK, & Silverman, SJ 2011, Research methods in physical activity. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 10. APPENDICES 10.1 Appendix 1: Key Channels consumer use to find hotels on the internet 10.2 Appendix 2: Participants Table Gender Number (N) Age range (years) Male 20 18-50 Female 20 18-50 10.3 Appendix 3: informed consent form Informed Consent Form I, __________ do hereby give permission to __________ to use any data collected via surveys, inventories, or interviews for the purpose of his research and evaluation. I realize that this information will be kept confidential and all attempts for anonymity will be made. Date: ____________________ Signature: ____________________ Should you desire information about the outcome of this project, please feel free to contact me at………………………. INFORMATION SHEET You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide whether or not to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully. Participant Requirement Participation in this research is completely voluntary and you are at liberty to withdraw at any time without prejudice or negative consequence. Nonparticipation will not affect/harm you in anyway. If you do decide to take part you will be asked to sign a consent form. Confidentiality All information collected about participants will be kept strictly confidential. Confidentiality, privacy and anonymity will be ensured in the collection, storage and publication of research material. Participants will not be identifiable in any published material. Contact Information For further information please contact myself or my supervisor. My details Supervisor details E-mail: E-mail: Telephone: Telephone: 10.4 Questionnaires Section I: Personal Information 1. In what age group are you? Read More
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