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Literature review summary - Assignment Example

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The aim of the paper “Conceptual Analysis of Social Networking” is to highlight the impact of social media on an individual’s productivity and on company performance, and to find out the influence of social media on reaching out to more customers and its effect on sales…
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Literature review summary
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Literature Review Summary Year Journal Aim of study Research methods Finding Limitation Can social media make us more productive? Matt Hartley 2013 Financial Post To highlight the impact of social media on an individual’s productivity. Secondary methods were used to gather data. Information from past literature and the web were used to provide data. According to the article, social networking technologies are among the innovations that most contemporary firms are using to improve their productivity and competitiveness. This is by enabling collaboration between employees, management, enhance communication and a respite from the stress of office life. Senders have the ability to limit the information to their circle of friends and this is detrimental to publicity of business products. They also lack the capacity of privacy because it is possible to expose the information to the public who include the business competitors. It is also possible to have mockery information circulating to the public against a business. A study on impact of social media on company performance Prof. Sandeep Bhanot 2011 SIES College of Management Studies To find out the influence of social media on reaching out to more customers and its effect on sales. Review of literature on related topics by prominent writers. Secondly a questionnaire to establish whether they used social media to promote their products. Most companies used social media to promote their products. 84% of the companies used a combination of traditional and social media. Most of the customers liked social media. Increase in brand awareness was enhanced. The images in the media were not a replica of the real products in some cases. The messages in the media were not clear in some instances. Effect of online social networking on employee productivity : A.Ferreira, T.du Plessis, 2009 Institutional repository and scholarly communication. To investigate the effect of Online Social Networking on employee productivity and the possible Consequences would be if employees were permitted uncontrolled access to these networks. An empirical study was conducted by interviewing key personalities and by use of a formal questionnaire with an aim of measuring the target groups knowledge and consumption of various popular Online Social Networking sites Facebook proved mostly used site (82%) while LinkedIn was the lowest used site by the sample (18%). YouTube and MySpace seemed to be equally popular. It was established that 55.2% visited the sites while 44.8% did not visit the sites at all. For socialization, use was on facebook while for business the focus was on LinkedIn. Some of the terms that were used like intellectual capital were not appropriately understood by the respondents. Questions that require guided responses by the respondents did not give the best outcome because they were prone to lack of open opinion. A sample of 183 that were interviewed was not adequate to offer very representative opinion of the population. E-Learning in Practice – An Empirical Study of the Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies and ELearning on Companies’ Business Performance Tanja Arh1, Borka Jerman Blažič2 2012 The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2012, This paper targeted presenting the comprehension of a structural model that was developed with an aim of establishing the impact of e-learning, Web 2.0 technologies and organizational learning on the business performance of some Slovenian companies with above 50 employees A questionnaire that has been under validation for more than a decade was used in the study on companies with more than 50 employees in slovenia. The results of the study revealed the strong influence of e-learning on financial business performance. Companies view this mode of e learning as an expense and not an investment. It over emphasizes judicious application of e learning. Using social media for work: Losing your time or improving your work? Ioannis Leftheriotis and Michail N. Giannakos 2013 Computers in Human Behavior To examine whether employees utilize social media for work purposes, what principles boost this usage, and if that utilization is linked with their performance. 1799 employees Feedback in the insurance industry was used to scrutinize the effect of social media on work. Questioners was the method used and the questioners were distributed in three ways: (a) Researchers visit the participants work place and give the questionnaire on printed paper. (b) Researchers send an email containing the questionnaire in an on-line form to participants from distant cities. (c) The IIS Institute holds two large conferences all over the country with people from the insurance industry; links to the online questionnaire are distributed to the conference attendees Results confirmed that in the case of social media for work, employees make extended use of them no matter their age. We found also that both utilitarian and hedonic values influence employees to use more social media for their work, at least in the insurance sector. Last but not least, this study confirms that there is an important relation between the use of social media and the work performance only a small number of possible motivations based on the literature or experts were explored people tend to overestimate their abilities because they suffer a dual burden: their incompetence deprives them not only of the ability to make correct conclusions and choices, but also of the expertise necessary to realize it Understanding the Influence of Social Media in the Workplace: An Integration of Media Synchronicity and Social Capital Theories Xiongfei Cao Douglas R. Vogel Xitong Guo Hefu Liu Jibao Gu 2012 HICSS 12 Proceedings of the 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences The study looks at the performance level of the employee in relation to the use of the social media. The consumption of the social media has an impact on the ability of the employee. As such the use within an organization is crucial to the employer. Understanding the Influence of Social Media in the Workplace: An Integration of Media Synchronicity and Social Capital Theories Xiongfei Cao Douglas R. Vogel Xitong Guo Hefu Liu Jibao Gu 2012 Social media usage and organizational performance: Reflections of Malaysian social media managers Farzana Parveen, Noor Ismawati Jaafar, , Sulaiman Ainin 2014 Telematics and Informatics The study aims at revealing the importance of the use of social media within an organization. In the performance of the organization duties, the employment of social media is crucial and could substantially improve the employees performance. Social media usage and organizational performance: Reflections of Malaysian social media managers Farzana Parveen, Noor Ismawati Jaafar, , Sulaiman Ainin 2014 Title Authors Year Journal Aim of study Methods Findings Limitations The impact of social media on business performance Martin Smits, Serban Mogos 2006 Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems The motive was to explore the effect of social media by analyzing the extent to which social media impacted on organizational capabilities and business performance. Mixed research method comprising of qualitative technique based on interviews and quantitative mode based on a survey of 60 employees was adopted. It was found out that the use of social media promotes the capabilities and performances. This is not based on one tool but a combination of the six tools combined successfully. This study lacked in diversity because it concentrated only on online gaming industry. The analysis was based on a young organization. The study used a simple assessment tool. Impact of access to social media on employee productivity and organisational performance at econet wireless zimbabwe Agripah Kandiero, Perpetua T Mpanwa, Nelson Jagero , 2014 2014 International journal of knowledge & Research in management and E-commerce. To find out how usage of media both at work and out of work impacted on employee productivity. Stratified random sampling was used to establish the representative population to use for the study. The selected population were then given questionnaires because of its suitability in conducting survey The finding established that the participants had made use of the social media facilities in their personal activities at some point to communicate with their peers. The four sites that were mentioned in the questionnaire provided were YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn and Whatsapp. Face book and whatsapp took the lead while Myspace ranked last. It was found out that 64% believed that online social networks can help the company build the brand,32% believed that social networks will foster collaboration among workers. The study failed to find out the possibility of using social media by Econet to foster collaborative approach among their employees. Measuring the Impact of Organizational Social Web Site Usage on Work Performance: A Multilevel Model Philip Raeth, Maurice Kuegler, Stefan Smolnik 2011 Working Papers on Information Systems The research targeted to establish the relationship between Individual SWS usage and individual performance Impact. It also aimed to know the connection between ambidexterity and individual performance impact. The first phase was done by conducting interviews to aid in contracts conceptualizations. Individual SWS usage is directly proportional to an individual’s performance impact. The higher the individual’s balance between SWS usage for exploration and SWS usage for exploitation (i.e. ambidexterity), the higher the individual Performance Impact. Research focuses on team while analysis on the individual. Social Network Position and Its Relationship to Performance of IT Professionals Paul BurtonYu “Andy” Wu and Victor R. Prybutok 2010 Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline Volume 13, 2010 The study aimed at studying the inability to bridge the social networks gaps. Individuals who are in a social network find themselves in Clusters. Gaps between clusters form holes in the information flow called structural holes. Social network analysis was conducted among employees. Sample was nominees for a training course in leadership. Name generators which are commonly used in social network data collection. A questionnaire was mailed to respondents to reveal those whom they associated There are people whose networks bridge the structural holes. They are referred to as brokers. They provide interconnectivity where the social network gaps exist. Resources that are Exchanged unconsciously through informal networks hold substantial value, through task advice and strategic formation. This kind of resource exchange is to positively related to job performance. Single measurement tool was used. It only explored the relationship between performance and one single measure of network position, constraint. The study also assumed that the impact of social networks is equivalent in all societies. Data was also collected at one point in time this cannot make the researcher to establish the positive or negative variations in data.. A Conceptual Analysis of Social Networking and its Impact on Employee Productivity Benjamin B. Aguenza, , Ahmad Puad Mat Som1 2012 IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM) ISSN: 2278-487X Volume 1, Issue 2 (May-June 2012), The target of the study was to investigate how relevant collaborative technology was to employee productivity at their places of work. Secondly was the exploration of the attitude of people to social networking. Literature review was the major methodology adopted in this article. SN enhances employee collaboration and knowledge. SN channeled in effective way boost employee productivity. The following risks should be controlled so that SN becomes a boon: network security breaches and costs, legal liability, business information leaks. Employees who engage in SN execute their duties with confidence and direction.SN boosts employee performance and satisfaction if used efficiently and wisely This article encourages use SN in the workplace by stressing on the advantages but fails to succinctly declare workable remedial measures to guard against overconcentration on the same. This may be counterproductive to an organization. The complementary roles of traditional and social media in driving marketing performance Andrew t. Stephen and Jeff Galak 2010 INSEAD faculty working paper To ascertain the way the two categories of media affect businesses. Literature review on multivariate data models. Word of mouth research as well as publicity research. High degree of interdependence exists between traditional and social media. The set of data variables is not exhaustive; this is majorly based on the fact that new social media often spring up. The study examined only how media publicity affects only one organization, this makes the findings risky for generalization. The Impact of Social Media in the Workplace Myrian Herlle and Vivian Astray-Caneda 2012 Proceedings of the 11th Annual College of Education & GSN Research Conference The aim of this study was to investigate findings that had been done by other people on the use of social media at the workplace. Being a secondary study, the major methodology used was review of works that discussed the usage of social media in the workplace and also articles that discussed work distortion. It was analyzed Adam’s equity theory and how it relates to employee perception of balance at the workplace. It was found out that training on the demerits of using social media at the workplace would make the employees reduce this time wasting menace. Use of visual aids against this would help reduce it. Use of employee recognition means to reward those who have not wasted their productive time on personal social media at work. Introduction of the anti social media at work policies during induction of employees. Proper job matches during recruitment would help alleviate this. The study failed to make clear how a balance would be struck between productive and non productive use of media at the workplace. Their use of visual devices discouraging the use of media at the workplace is prone to abuse because people are known to be fond of doing that which they are discouraged from doing. Social Networks and Employee Performance in a Call Center. Emilio J. Castilla 2005 AJS Volume 110 Number 5 (March 2005): 1243–83 This study addressed role of referral contacts on the performance of employees. Review of data from the employees call center. Referrals prove to be more productive than non referrals. Exit of the referrer worsens the referrals performance. While the presence boosts the referrals morale at work. This study dwells much on the post hire performance only. This leaves out pre hire conditions bleak. The Impacts of Social Networking Sites on Workplace Productivity Femi Awolusi 2012 The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering The paper targeted to study the effects of social net­working websites on workplace output and structural functions like training, recruit­ing, communication, and brand management. Literature review of prominent works in this field of social networking of consumers and enterprises. Social networking websites have tremendous effects on the organizational productivity results by means of effective collaboration across the various work structures. This study was biased to the analysis of the consumer and corporate world. Is Social Networking Detrimental to Individual Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior? Prof. Dr. Appalayya Meesala, Vani. H., Prof. Dr. R. Nageswara Rao 2013 interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business 2013 The aim was to establish the relationship between an individual employee’s productivity and the overall Impact of the same employee using social media within an organization. Survey was conducted using published scales of OCB, social media use and performance. There exists a relationship between performance and OCB. However performance has no significant relationship with social media. The administrators of the questionnaire were MBA students who might have not explained the expectations of the questionnaire appropriately. The sample was picked by convenience and this could have led to poor representation. Sample was skewed towards zero face book users. Title authors year journal Aim of study Research methods findings limitations The impact of Social Networking 2.0 on organizations Van Zyl S. A 2009 Emerald Group Publishing This study aims at educating the business decision makes on the impact that the use of social networks may have on their companies. It gives the benefits of using social networks in an organization and the disadvantages of the same within the organization. The paper uses secondary research methodology where available literature on the use of networking 2.0 and organization cultures When social networks are implemented as knowledge management tool, the workers productivity and efficiency increases due to fast sharing of information through the computer. The research also showed that the use of this platform would expose the company to malware and network attacks. The study did not conduct a survey to justify the claims with empirical data that show the actual claims in a given setting or company. Social media’s impact on informal work place learning The CARA group 2010 The CARA group The study focused on the aspect of training as an attribute of productivity of the employees. The it tried to determine the impact of training employees through the use of social media The research method used was a survey. Most of the data was collected through interviews. In case of distant employees, the researcher used questionnaires. Most of the respondent who were interviewed (98%) agreed with the fact that elderly people learn best through informal method. This implied that the implementation of the social media within an organization as a training tool would achieve the same level of success as the rate of agreement with the fact. The study did not consider the possibility of the respondents who were distant erring in answering the questionnaires as the group was not trained on doing so. Effects of support and job demands on social media use and work outcomes Peerayuth Charoensukmongkol 2014 Computers in Human Behavior The aim of this study is to determine the effects of the use of social networking to perform job related duties within a company. It also highlights the impact of allowing employees to access internet or social networks during working hours The survey was majorly done through questionnaires the questionnaires used a continuous scale to determine the level of impact of the variables that were measured. The analysis of the data was done through the partial last square method. The job satisfaction this group tends to diminish as the possibility of the work is intended for the group that makes most of the job from social network. ` Reference list Aguenza, B. B. and Mat Som, P. A. (2012). A Conceptual Analysis of Social Networking and its Impact on Employee Productivity. IOSR Journal of Business and Management . Vol 1 No. 2. PP 48-52,d.ZGU&cad=rja Awolusi, F. (2012). The Impacts of Social Networking Sites on Workplace Productivity. The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. Vol 28 No. 1,d.ZGU&cad=rja Bhanot, S. (2011). A study on impact of social media on company performance. SIES College of Management Studies. Navi Mumbai – 400706,d.ZGU&cad=rja Charoensukmongkol, P. (2014). Effects of support and job demands on social media use and work outcomes. Computers in Human Behavior, 36 (2014) 340-349.,d.ZGU&cad=rja Galak, J and Stephen T. A. (2010). Complementary roles of traditional and social media publicity in driving market performance. INSEAD faculty working paper.,d.ZGU&cad=rja Herlle, M., & Astray-Caneda, V. (2012). The impact of social media in the workplace. In M. S. Plakhotnik, S. M. Nielsen, & D. M. Pane (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Annual College of Education & GSN Research Conference (pp. 67-73). Miami: Florida International University.,d.d24&cad=rja JAGERO, N., Mpwana T. P. and Kandiero, A. (2014). Impact of access to social media on employee productivity and organizational performance at Econet wireless Zimbabwe. International Journal of Knowledge and Research in Management & E-Commerce Vol.4, Issue 1 Montfort, v. K., van der Sluis, C. E. L. van Stormbroek-Burgers, G. B. M. R. (2011). Social networks: effects on identification, performance and satisfaction. Nyenrode research paper series no. 11-06.,d.d24&cad=rja Prybutok R. V., Wu, A. Y. and Burton, P. (2010). Social Network Position and Its Relationship to Performance of IT Professionals. Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline. Vol 13.,d.d24&cad=rja Raeth, P., Kuegler, M., Smolnik, S. (2011). "Measuring the Impact of Organizational Social Web Site Usage on Work Performance: A Multilevel Model ," Proceedings of JAIS Theory Development Workshop . Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Systems, 11(149). Rao, N. R., Vani, H. and Meesala, A. (2013). Is Social Networking Detrimental to Individual Performance and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Interdisciplinary Journal Of Contemporary Research In Business. Vol 5, No 1. Smits, M. and Mogos, S. (2006) The impact of social media on business performance. Proceedings of the 21st European conference on information technology.,d.d24&cad=rja The CARA group. (2010). Social media’s impact on informal work place learning. The CARA group publication.,d.ZGU&cad=rja van Zyl, S. A. (2009). The impact of Social Networking 2.0 on organizations. Emerald Group Publishing Limited,d.ZGU&cad=rja Villeval, M., Fortin, B., Lacroix, G. and Beugnot, J. (2009).Social Network, Peer Effects, and Work Effort.,d.ZGU&cad=rja Ainin, S., Jafar, I. S. and Parveen, F. (2014). Social media usage and organizational performance: Reflections of Malaysian social media managers. Telematics and Informatics. Vol 32 No. 1. 67–78 Gu, J., Liu, H., Guo, X., Vogel, R. D., and Cao, X. (2012). Understanding the Influence of Social Media in the Workplace: An Integration of Media Synchronicity and Social Capital Theories. HICSS 12 Proceedings of the 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA ©2012. Giannakos, N. M. and Leftheriotis, I. (2014). Using social media for work: Losing your time or improving your work? Computers in Human Behavior. 31 (2014) 134–142,d.ZGU&cad=rja Blažič, J. B. and Ahr, T. (2012). E-Learning in Practice – An Empirical Study of the Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies and ELearning on Companies’ Business Performance. The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2012. New York.,d.ZGU&cad=rja Hartley, M. (2013). Can social media make us more productive? FINANCIAL POST, 1-6. Read More
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