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The Debt-Equity Trade-Off - Assignment Example

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The paper "The Debt-Equity Trade-Off" highlights that generally, the success of a business is seen by an increment in profits, a reduction in expenses, or even when the production gets reduced further while the passengers realize the full consumption of the commodity…
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The Debt-Equity Trade-Off
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I hereby wish to reiterate the progress that I have been able to make in the efforts ad input that I have done to make the operations of Simply Airline improve. While ensuring the operations are effective, I managed to raise the salespersons from 1 to 2 in the first and second quarters and even raise the wage to $18000 for each employee. This was a good move as it motivated them to work harder, loyally, and even be determined in the operations of the business. In this context, therefore, It is important to highlight that better remuneration to employees is always a good move as they will always feel they are cared for.

In my position as the sales and marketing director, I use all the resources within my proximity the attracting passengers to use our airline and make them know and came to the reality that the services we offer are of high quality and that they cannot regret the value of their money after the consumption of the transport service.

A lot of factors need to be well addressed by the management on the operations of the airline effectively and efficiently. In this, it is worth considering that the airline is operating in different markets and with the expansion, it is, therefore, important for the management to do proper supervision on the staff in the other markets as well as thorough auditing of the financial records that are prepared by the accountants in those markets. In this regard, what can be very useful to prevent any losses that may rise due to accuracy, omission, and commissions?

The management should also give discounts to the passengers who make online reservations as this will make most of them o book online whenever will want to travel. Online reservation is a good way to save time for various passengers as it also reduces the cost of spending says for people living far away from the operating locations of the airline. It is also a safer way since cash is directly sent to the account thereby theft and fraud is highly controlled. Passengers should also be escorted by security personnel all through the journey so that they are assured of their security. Read More
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