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Letters about Crisis Communication in Company - Assignment Example

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 The writer of this essay considers various letters about crisis communication in the company. It analyses a memorandum to the managers(aim at reducing the damage; an email to the employees; a letter to the board (about how to increase the company's stock price).  …
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Letters about Crisis Communication in Company
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 Letters about Crisis Communication in Company The purpose of this memorandum is to apologize to you for the email I sent to all the managers on March 13, 2001. It was rude and expressed wrongly evaluated issues. I kindly seek forgiveness from the management. This company has a lot of quality resources and therefore the accusation to the managers and employees was wrong. My second aim of writing the email was to motivate the workers to work harder so that our organization can increase its volume of profits I also intend to emphasis to the managers the need for greater zeal of success. . Because of the mistake, I would wish that we worked cordially with an aim to rebuild the image of the organization. Shareholders have lost trust in us but it is not all over. I believe the far we have come is the most difficult and that we will work to earn their trust back. Our employees are very instrumental towards us achieving this. As the managers in the various departments, am requesting you to hold meetings with members of your department and explain to them that the memorandum was wrong and pass my sincere apologies. I have a passion for the success of this company and am willing to work extra hard towards redeeming our success. I am working on time schedules to ensure that the employees are not overworked. More to that, I have designed a reward scheme that will award the best managers annually. This is in an attempt to bring back the hardworking company to its position. For us to succeed as an organization we, need to carry this burden together. Let us motivate our employees to continue working the same way they have been doing. As leaders, let us make plans of bringing together the broken pieces of our company so that we can continue working and competing with the other companies in the health care IT sector. I hope that you comply with the request given. In the next meeting that we will hold, I expect that you will improvement records. Thank you in advance. 1. Dear employee fraternity, It is with sincere apologies that am writing to all the employees in this organization. The email sent to your managers was wrongly written and the issue addressed in it was wrongly evaluated. .I take full responsibility of the mistake that occurred. I am sorry for being rude and releasing false information. Contrary to what it said, you have kept time and worked hard. I believe that the success of this organization to this level is because of your hard work and devotion. I acknowledge your commitment to bringing the organization to this level. Your responses from the email have shown your anger and dissatisfaction with what I wrote. Our organization has shown a drastic decrease in business activity to an extent of driving its stock down 20%. We have always had our mission being the success of this company. I am requesting that we keep on with the same spirit so that we can bounce back into the market. I am requesting that you continue believing in me as your leader as we aim to attain success. Despite the fact that we have had success in the recent years, I am directing that we put more effort in this. The organization will follow up on performance appraisals so that we can reward the hardworking employees. Success begins at the bottom and you being our support, we have thrived. I am requesting that you co-operate with your managers at the various departments so that we can work together towards rebuilding our fallen name and trust. Working together is important and I believe that your ideas and opinions are very valuable. I would wish that you send your views to me by mail on how we can increase productivity and improve our morale. Your opinions are highly welcomed. Thank you in advance. I hope we all cooperate and hold hands as the Cerner Corporation family. Dear board, I sincerely apologize for the wrongly sent email to the managers that led to the crisis at the company. I also apologize for the reduced sales from the organization since I was the centre cause. I made a wrong evaluation of the employees and addressed the issue wrongly. I still believe I have the confidence and capacity to rectify the situation At Cerner cooperation The company has been has been experiencing a decrease in stoke price in the recent few days. We have identified the cause of the problems and we are doing our best to restore the situation to the normal success of the organization. I have an infrastructure that will effectively provide a solution to the crisis. In the past days since the wrongly written email was revealed to the public, the company has dropped by 22 %. This has been due to reduced work rate among our employees because of the annoying email. However, I have written another email to the employees explaining to them that it was a mistake. I have also requested for feedback emails from them on how they think we can solve the situation. I would wish that the board maintains their confidence in me and I will prove worth their trust. I have also spoken to the managers of every department in an attempt to bring back harmony into the organization. They have accepted my apology and are willing to work hand in hand with me towards attaining the goals I have set. They have scheduled meeting at departmental level to discuss with the employees and explain to them the fault that occurred. The managers made a proposal that they will also change their performance appraisals to save the situation on employees work output. This is a major step towards restoring the situation back to normal. Later on, I will organize for a general meeting with the employees to bring things back to normal and give them a chance to express their views and opinions. It is against the organization rules to demoralize the employees. I accept I made a mistake and I am devoted to restoring the situation at the organization. I am in plan of delegating the duties of information passing to a person more competent to avoid occurrence of such cases again. I have a goal of restoring the situation in the market for our organization and we have set a goal for ourselves. Yours sincerely FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Cerner cooperation crisis Kansas City, USA- FRI Apr 20th 2001 – the situation at Cerner cooperation has been addressed and important actions to manage the issues are in place according to the CEO. He has publicly apologized to the staff at the organization for his rude and untrue information released on mail. The board of directors has insisted that they still have confidence In Neal Patterson. They trust that he has the ability to settle things in the corporation and to bring back a normal situation in the market. The CEO said that he has already laid a plan that he believe will not only bring the situation back to normal but also bring more success into Cerner cooperation. The board has sent a message to the shareholders saying that the situation is under control 2. Write an article to be posted on the social media like Face book or twitter (describe how to handle this crisis with social media) Cerner organization crisis The late occurrences in our organization have led to poor sales in the market. We have identified the cause and we are working on it as a team to ensure that we restore things to order. A mail wrongly written and sent from the CEO’s desk to the managers made the employees furious and demoralized them. The CEO owned up the mistake and seeked for tolerance. All workers are devoted to working together to return the normal business operation. The management wishes to inform all of you that the situation is under control and harmony is back in Cerner Corporation. We have scheduled to resolve the problem in three phases in a span of three months. First phase: the situation will the sales decrease is because of the lost morale in the workers. In this 1st quarter we will be working on regaining the esteem of our workers and motivating them more to work and increase their desire for success Second phase: our shareholders have reduced their trust in us. In this phase, we will work towards regaining their confidence by ensuring that the sales and growth of the company is restored to the previous state. Third phase: the company has a dream to continue growing and increase on our profits. During this phase, we will develop new targets such that we better our company more than it was. We will advertise ourselves more so that we can grow bigger as an organization with bigger profits The CEO and the managers of all departments are working together to implement this strategies to prevent such cases from occurring again .We request our clients and shareholders to be patient with us as we re-organize things to a much better state than before. Read More
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