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Nutrition Science with Menu I Created - Assignment Example

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In the paper “Nutrition Science with Menu I Created” the author plans a one-day menu with one selection for each of the categories. The menu will be with portion sizes for Part Two Menu Planning Assignment. The menu includes menu items and serving sizes…
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Nutrition Science with Menu I Created
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NSC 358 R -- Menu Purchasing and Pricing Assignment Assignment is due in the purchasing & pricing dropbox by noon on Wednesday, April 10 **Please read the entire document before you begin the assignment. ** You are required to do this assignment independently. That means not in groups or with a partner. What’s Included: 1. Instructions 2. Samples 3. Form 1 for one day menu 4. Form 2 for purchasing information 5. Form 3 for pricing information 6. List of foods with prices What’s required: 1. A one-day menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner using foods from food list in this assignment. 2. A purchase order for all the foods needed that day including information HOW MANY CASES PURCHASED AND INFO on case size INCLUDING number of cans or packages that come in one case 3. Pricing, including price per case or purchased unit and price per serving. Instructions From the foods listed at the end of this document, you will need to plan a one day menu with one selection for each of the categories. The menu will be similar to what you handed in when you completed the “Selected Menu” with portion sizes for Part Two Menu Planning Assignment. Use Form 1 which follows for this part of the assignment. YOU ARE LIMITED TO THE FOODS LISTED IN THIS ASSIGNMENT. PLEASE CONSULT TABLE 4.1 IN THE 13TH EDITION OF FOOD FOR FIFTY or TABLE 1 OF CHAPTER 4 THE CUSTOM TEXT AS YOU COMPLETE THIS ASSIGNMENT! ALSO, COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT ON THE FORMS PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. On Form 2, place your menu in column one, the amount needed to serve 50 in column 2 and the amount you will order in column three. When ordering, you will not order partial cases. For example, if you need 8 No 10 cans, order two cases. STEP ONE: Plan a one-day menu including serving sizes from the foods listed at the end of this document. When a food is portioned to be an individual serving in the list included in this assignment, use that as the serving size. For example, dry, uncooked cereal is on the list in single serving boxes/cartons that range from 0.75 to 1.375 ounces. If you use one of them as a menu item, the serving size will be the same as the weight on the list. For other foods, Table 2.4 (12th edition) in Food for Fifty or 4.1 (13th Edition) is very helpful in determining some serving sizes. For example, nearly all vegetables, which are typically portioned with a number 8 dipper, i.e., ½ cup, are listed in the table as being a 3 oz portion. This means they weigh 3 oz. This does not mean 3 fluid ounces. USE FORM 1 FOR YOUR MENU PLAN. Failure to use the form will result in a 5 point deduction. STEP TWO: You will need to prepare a purchase order for the foods and ingredients you need to serve your newly planned menu to 50 people. Use the attached form, FORMAT FOR DETERMINING PURCHASE INFORMATION, Form 2. The list of foods includes the price. It will also indicate the size of an institutional package/case and the contents of the case. 1. Using FORM 2, list all the menu items including any ingredients you will need to make the menu item in the first column. For example, in the sample, for scrambled eggs, both eggs and milk are listed. Then in the second column, list the amount you will need to make 50 servings. If you need a partial can or package please indicate that in the column titled Quantity to serve 50. If the product comes in 1 oz or approximately 1 oz (cereal) or 4 or 6 oz portions (juice, pudding, yogurt, etc), indicate in the “Quantity to serve 50” column that you need 50 1-oz boxes or 50 4-oz cartons, etc. See the sample format sheet that follows, milk illustrates this process. There is a table in Food for Fifty, Table 2.4 (12th edition) and 4.1 (13th Edition), devoted entirely to: Amounts of food to serve 50. When you use it, you should also note that a serving size is also indicated, which you might find extremely helpful to use when you PLAN YOUR MENU. When you are purchasing items in number 10 cans or number 3 cylinders, you need to indicate under quantity needed to serve 50, how many of these cans will be needed. You can include the amount from Table 2.4, but that is not as useful as knowing the number of cans needed. 2. In the third column on the form denote how you would purchase the item institutionally, denoting the number of cases needed and then the number of cans, packages or pieces in a case and the size of the individual cans, pieces or packages in the case. For example, 1 case of canned tomatoes contains 6 No.10 cans. One case of individually packaged cereal contains 72 0.75 to 1.375-oz boxes. Order in whole cases only, don’t break the case. This means that sometimes you will be ordering extra. Also, if you order something that you will use in more than one meal, for example a condiment or seasoning, note on Form 2 that the purchase was part of the breakfast or lunch purchase and will accommodate the needs for the additional meal. (You can note “ordered for breakfast” or “ordered for lunch”.) 3. IF YOU DO NOT USE THE FORM PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT, YOU WILL RECEIVE A 5-POINT DEDUCTION IN YOUR GRADE. STEP THREE: Price your menu. Using the list provided, you will now need to price your menu per serving. In other words, the price is based on the amount on the plate, not the amount you purchased, as you may have purchased more than what is needed for the number of single servings you will actually serve. If you purchased the case of potatoes for example, you would not divide that price by the number you are serving. You would instead determine how much of the case you will use and divide that by the number of servings or figure the price per ounce and multiply that by the n umber of ounces served. The pricing information will also provide institutional quantities, i.e., case sizes and the number of “pieces” (cans, boxes, cartons, etc. per case). Using Form 3 below, (again, copy and paste into a new document) provides a place for you to indicate the price per serving and the price per can, case or pound. Also indicate the size of the can or case. The filled in examples should help illustrate this. DO NOT USE PRICES FROM THE SAMPLE, USE ONLY THE PRICES IN THE LIST. THE PRICES MAY NOT BE THE SAME. Please ask questions if you don’t understand. You Must Submit: All Forms are provided in this assignment. 1. Completed Form 1 – that includes menu items and serving sizes (Remember to use portions from the food list.) 2. Purchasing information on completed Form 2. (The pricing sheet and Table 4.1 (Food for Fifty) will help with this part.) 3. Use Form 3 provided below, to prepare a summary for the menu where you indicate the price per serving for each item on the menu. 4. Then figure a price per person for the day’s menu. 5. If your costs are more than $6 per person per day, indicate what you might change to reduce the cost of your menu. YOU DO NOT NEED TO ACTUALLY CHANGE THE MENU. DUE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 GRADING: Not using the forms included will result in a 5-point deduction from each section that does not use the appropriate form. Points for Assignment: MENU WITH SERVING SIZES– 10 POINTS; PURCHASING LIST WITH CASE INFORMATION — 40 POINTS; MENU PRICING — 50 POINTS FORM 1 – Menu Planning Form Breakfast Item Serving size Fruit/Juice: orange 4oz Cereal: Bran flakes 0.875oz Bread: French toast 2.55oz Entree: Beef steak Top sirloin 4oz Beverages: coffee, 2lbs, Skim milk 8oz cartoons Condiments: Ketchup, sugar, pepper, salt 9g, 2000ct, 1000ct, 1000ct Lunch Starters: Pear half, in juice 30-35 ct NO 10 Entrée with starch: fresh diced potatoes 8lb Vegetable: salad mix 5lb Bread: multi grain 2lb Dessert: Cheese cake, 10-inch frzn 42oz Beverages: Apple juice 4oz Condiments: mustard, ketchup, pepper, salt 9g, 5oz, 1000ct, 1000ct Dinner Starters: Apple sauce NO 10 Entrée with starch : Chick brst cooked skinless glazed 2.75oz Vegetable: Baby carrot 20lb Bread: Rolls 1.25ct Dessert: Yogurt, fruit flavored 6oz Beverages: Bottled water .5lt Condiments: Ketchup salt 9g, 1000ct Form 2: SAMPLE – Determining Purchase Information (Select Menu for one day only) Sample: Item Quantity needed to serve 50 Number of Cases needed to purchase: then describe the number of pieces, cans or packages per case and size of cans, packages in case Breakfast Examples Fruit/Juice: Cantaloupe 13 1 case - 16 pieces (cantaloupes) Cereal: Cream of wheat 2 lb 1 case-12 28 oz boxes Bread: Multigrain Toast 50 slices 3 loaf 1.5 lb loaf Entree: Poached Egg 8 doz, 1 case 15 doz eggs Beverages: Coffee 1 lb ground coffee 12 2 lb cans/case nonfat milk 50 8 oz cartons 2 cases 48—8 oz cartons/case Condiments: salt, pepper, sugar, jam 50 packets of each 1 case salt – 3,000 pkts; pepper – 3,000 pkts; sugar – 1,000 pkts, jam – 200 .5 oz /case Form 3: Sample – Pricing Format Sample Price/serving Price/case or can (identify case or can) Breakfast Breakfast Fruit/Juice: Cantaloupe $.75 $.99/lb 1-melon averages 3 lbs Cereal: Cream of Wheat .07 $34.64/case Bread: Multigrain Toast .10 3 loaves; 1.48/loaf Entree: Scrambled Egg .20 eggs 14.85/Case Beverages: Coffee, nonfat milk .40 3.99/lb coffee; 15.36/case-48/ 8 oz cartons milk Condiments: salt, pepper, sugar, jam .02 Salt –4.81/cse; pepper—6.97/case; sugar – 7.85/case Form 2: Determining Purchase Information (Select Menu for one day only) Item Quantity needed to serve 50 Number of Cases ordered: # of pieces, cans or packages per case and size of cans, packages in case Breakfast Fruit/Juice: orange 400oz 2 48-4oz cases Cereal: Bran flakes 50 0.875oz 1 96-0.875oz carton/case Bread: French toast 11.25oz 5 12-2.55oz Entrée: Beef steak Top sirloin 400oz 2 40-4oz cases Beverages: coffee skim milk 2lbs 50 8oz cartons 5 12-2lb cases 2 48-8oz carton/case Condiments: Ketchup, sugar, pepper, salt 50 packets of each 1000 9g case; 1 2000ct case;1 3-1000ct cases; 1 3-1000ct case Lunch Starters: Pear half, in juice 30-35 ct 3 No 10 1 6-No 10 cases Entrée with starch: fresh diced potatoes 35lb 5 8lb cases Vegetable: salad mix 25lb 2 4-5lb cases Bread: multi grain 50 slices 3 1.5lb loaves Dessert: Cheese cake, 10-inch frzn 100oz 7 8-42oz cases Beverages: Apple juice 400oz 3 48-4oz cases Condiments: mustard, ketchup, pepper, salt 50 packets each 500 1/5oz case; 1000 9g case; 3-1000ct case; 3-1000ct case Dinner Starters: Apple sauce 3 No 10 1 6-No 10 case Entrée with starch : Chick brst cooked skinless glazed 50 2.75oz 1 64-2.75oz case Vegetable: Baby carrot 10lb 1 20lb case Bread: Rolls 50 1.25oz 1 240ct Dessert: Yogurt, fruit flavored 300oz 13 12-6oz case Beverages: Bottled water 25lt 3 24-0.5lt case Condiments: Ketchup salt 50 packets 1000g case; 3-1000ct case Form 3: Pricing Format Menu Item Price/serving Price/case or can (identify case or can) Breakfast Fruit/Juice: orange $ 0.31 $7.33/ 48-4oz case, $15.27/400oz Cereal: Bran flakes $0.29 $27.60/ 96-0.875oz case, $0.28/0.875oz carton Bread: French toast $0.14 $19.02/12-2.55 oz /case, $0.62/oz Entrée: Beef steak Top sirloin $0.79 $15.70/40-4oz case, $0.10/oz Beverages: coffee skim milk $0.01 + $0.49 = $0.5 $0.33/lb of coffee; $0.49/8oz of skim milk Condiments: Ketchup, sugar, pepper, salt $0.02 $0.02/9g of ketchup; 0.0017/sachet of salt; 0.0029/sachet of pepper; Breakfast cost/person $ 2.05 Lunch Starters: Pear half, in juice 30-35 ct $0.27 $13.60/No 10 can Entrée with starch: fresh diced potatoes $0.72 $1.04/lb of fresh diced potatoes Vegetable: salad mix $0.32 $0.65/lb Bread: multi grain $0.06 $0.06/slice of bread (only 23 slices are served per bread) Dessert: Cheese cake, 10-inch frzn $0.29 $0.14/oz of cake Beverages: Apple juice $0.30 $o.o4/oz of apple juice Condiments: mustard, ketchup, pepper, salt $0.03 $0.01/sachet of mustard; $0.02/9g of ketchup; 0.0017/sachet of salt; 0.0029/sachet of pepper Lunch cost/person $ 1.99 Dinner Starters: Apple sauce $0.19 $3.22/No. 10 can of Apple sauce Entrée with starch : Chick brst cooked skinless glazed $0.62 $0.62/2.75oz of chicken Vegetable: Baby carrot $0.15 $0.77/lb of baby carrot Bread: Rolls Dessert: Yogurt, fruit flavored $0.57 $0.10/oz of youghurt Beverages: Bottled water $0.31 $0.63/L of bottled water Condiments: ketchup, salt 0.02 $0.02/9g of ketchup; 0.0017/sachet of salt Dinner cost/person $ 1.86 Total day’s cost/person Summary $ 5.9 List of Products Item Case/quantity Price Beverages Apple juice 48/ 4 oz /case 7.10 Orange juice 48/ 4 oz /case 7.33 V8 juice 48/ 5.5 oz /case 19.68 Cranberry cocktail 48/ 4 oz /case 6.35 Tomato juice 48/ 5.5 oz /case 12.72 Gatorade 24/ 20 oz /case 17.62 Bottled water 24/ .5 liter /case 7.52 Tea 500 count tea bags /case 24.53 Coffee 12/ 2 lbs /case 71.76 Skim milk 48/ 8 oz cartons /case 23.36 2% milk 27/ 8 oz cartons /case 15.02 Milk 6/ 1 gal /case 16.25 Breads Bran muffins 40/ 2 1/8 oz muf /case 12.21 Blueberry muffins 48/ 2 2/8 oz muf/case 14.98 Flour tortilla 12/ 1 doz /case 20.99 Rolls 1/ 240 ct / 1.25 oz /case 32.27 Bread sticks 170/ 1.5 oz /case 19.44 Bagelettes 4/ 96/ 9 oz /case 14.17 White bread (don’t serve ends) Order by loaf – 2 lb loaf ~34 slices 1.29 Multi grain (don’t serve ends) Order by loaf 1.5 lb loaf ~25 Slices 1.43 English muffin 12 pack 1.70 Rye bread Order by loaf 2 lb loaf ~34 slices 1.78 Pita bread 120/ 2.4 oz /case 16.31 Saltines, single serve-(ss) 500/ 2ct /case 8.44 French toast, frzn 12/ 6/ 2.55 oz /case 19.02 Cereals Oatmeal 12/ 42 oz /case 27.39 Cream of Rice 12/ 28 oz /case 36.05 Bran flakes 96/0.875 oz /case 27.60 Raisin Bran 72/ 1.375 oz /case 20.85 Shredded Wheat 72/ 1 oz /case 23.19 Special K 72/ .75 oz /case 23.10 Entrees Ground beef 90/10 2/ 5lb /case 1.89/lb Meatballs cooked, Frzn 160/ 1 oz /case 17.72 Pork chops bone in, frozen 1/ 10 lb / 5 oz chops /case 2.29/lb Turkey Franks 8/lb 1/ 10 lb /case 7.37 Beef steak Top sirloin 40/ 4 oz /case 15.70 Manicotti cheese filled 72/ 2.55 oz /case 31.19 Lasagna w/ meat & Sce, Fzn 4/ 96 oz trays /case 48.31 Chick brst cooked skinless glazed 64/ 2.75 oz /case 39.63 Cod Loin 40/ 4oz fillets /case 39.30 Turkey breast, sknles, roasted 2/ 8.5 lb average /case 43.48 Cheese, provolone, sliced 8/ 1.25/lb /case 27.51 Eggs 15 doz 10.79 Sauce Marinara 6/ No 10 /case 24.06 Omelette, plain 60/ 3 oz/ case 19.77 Sausage link 96/ 2 oz /case 1.86/lb Starches Rice 1/ 25 lb bag/case 8.80 Potatoes 1/ 50 lb 120 count 7.98 Corn 6 No 10 cans /case 22.13 Pasta penne 2/ 10 lb bags /case 13.18 Potato chips 120 .5 oz bags /case 12.41 Fresh diced potatoes 1/ 8 lb /case 8.25 Vegetables, fresh Lettuce, green leaf 1 24 ct (heads) 14.21 Salad mix 4/ 5 lb /case 12.90 Cut Romaine 6/ 2 lb /case 14.29 Cherry tomatoes 1/ 12 pts /case 18.15 Cucumbers 1/ 20 lb /case 15.13 Broccoli florets 4/ 3 lb /case 16.11 Celery sticks 1/ 5 lb /case 5.37 Carrot sticks 1/ 5 lb /case 4.87 Frozen vegetables Baby carrot 1 20 lb /case 15.39 Green beans 12/ 2 lb /case 21.93 California vegetable blend 12 2/ lb /case 19.81 Peas sugar snap 12/ 32 oz /case 29.86 Soups Tomato, condensed 12/ 50 oz (No. 3 cyl) /case 25.02 Tuscan Vegetable, boil in bag 4/ 8lb /case 31.28 Fruits, Fresh Apples 88 count /case 20.15 Bananas 1/ 40 lb /case 13.50 Oranges 1/ 113 ct /case 12.40 Red seedless grapes 1/ 2 lb /case 3.70 Canned Fruit Fruit cocktail in juice 6/ No 10 /case 24.45 Applesauce 6/ No 10 /case 19.35 Pear half, in juice 30-35 ct 6/ No 10 /case 27.19 Pineapple, sliced in juice 6/ No 10 /case 20.62 Desserts Cheese cake, 10-inch frzn 8/ 42 oz (10-inch) /case 48.07 Pudding, vanilla 6/ No 10 /case 22.78 Yogurt, fruit flavored 12/ 6 oz /case 6.88 Oreos 120/ 4pk /case 27.13 Honey graham cracker ss 200/ 2 ct /case 11.60 Ice cream 1/ 3 gal /case 12.38 Cookie Dough Oatmeal frzn 240/ 1.33 oz /case 33.26 Cherry pie deep dish 10-inch frzn 6/ 47 oz /case 31.16 Chocolate cake 9-inch frzn 1/ 4 ct /case 30.56 Condiments Ketchup SS 1000/ 9g /case 19.13 Mustard SS 500/ 1/5 oz /case 5.62 Italian salad dressing SS 200 7/16 oz /case 8.97 Maple syrup SS 100/ 1.5 oz /case 13.58 Sugar SS 1/ 2000 ct /case 8.90 Pepper SS 3/ 1000 ct /case 8.71 Creamer SS 10/ 100 ct /case 15.15 Miracle whip SS 200/ 7/16 oz /case 10.71 Asst jelly & jam SS 200 .5 oz /case 9.11 Sugar substitute SS 3000/ 1 gr /case 18.19 FF Italian Salad dressing SS 200/ 7/16 oz 10.40 Sweet relish SS 500/ 9 gr /case 19.80 Salt SS 3/ 1000 ct /case 5.23 Caesar dressing SS 60/ 2 oz /case 11.81 Margarine SS 600/ 5 g /case 12.47 Read More
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