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From the Inside Out by Gadsby Robin - Book Report/Review Example

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The paper "From the Inside Out by Gadsby Robin" stresses the significance of a 360-degree integration of business with any marketing campaign run by an organization. This integration should begin from inside the organization starting with the top executives. …
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From the Inside Out by Gadsby Robin
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At Forever Beta also, the emphasis is on building a communications ecosystem for 360-degree stakeholder alignment. The company prepared a marketing campaign for Kingfisher Beer where it brought top management, executives, stakeholders, and customers in synch to come up with a brand positioning such as ‘tastes better, together’. Questions/Comments 1. Is 360-degree business alignment possible for very large organizations or conglomerates as well? 360-degree business alignment for large organizations is possible but, maybe, it needs to be handled in a different way.

The communication regarding organizational objectives may be done more through mass media such as e-mails rather than one on one meetings. 2. How should the internal communication within an organization be structured for it to be interesting to everyone? The internal communication should have something for everyone in the organization. It should be succinct and generate enthusiasm. Use of examples, pictures and social media would enable the same.

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