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Business Ethical Decision-Making - Essay Example

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As the paper "Business Ethical Decision-Making" outlines, business ethics refers to how people should behave in the world of buying and selling. Business people view business ethics from different perspectives. Some view it as undertaking business activities by eliminating criminal activities…
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Business Ethical Decision-Making
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Business people believe that if good business ethics are adhered to then the business will experience an upward trend with a lot of profit.

Syriana is a movie that explains how the world relates in terms of business. The plot revolves around the business interrelation that exists between China, Iran, and the United States of America. It begins with a missile that vanishes in Iran. This creates tension among security forces in the US and the CIA is the most affected. Funny enough this does not worry them as they have something else bigger to worry about. In relation to this, the new owner of the Emirates oil company gives a deal to China and cuts out a company from the US that reacts by firing all its workers who are not of native origin and goes further to combine with an undersized firm which has just landed on an oil contract in Kazakhstani. The US unit of justice notices bribery in the oil firm’s law unit finds its way out by identifying a scapegoat. Bribery is against business ethics and it brings a bad picture of the company. The CIA needs to find a scapegoat as well after the mission of eliminating Emir-apparent backfires. This can be described as unethical skills of doing business because it is engaging in criminal activities so as to gain certain interest. Bob Barnes a CIA agent looks into the whole saga which is considered to be a double-cross. An economist from America sacrifices his son to come into contract with sheik which entailed advising him that the CIA wants him dead. The unemployed Pakistanis enter into a fundamentalist set.

The movie features current events in the business world such as the oil trade. The world depends on oil and people would do anything to ensure that they have this commodity even if it means breaking business ethical rules. Traders also would fall under the same perception since they are profitable ventures. As a result of this corruption and fraud will occur due to the high ambitious society.  In conclusion, business ethics should be the key master to a successful business no matter the circumstances and the self ambitions that might be a factor in the long run.  The movie looks into the errors in the world’s economy by analyzing the major trading partners that are china, the US, and Iran, and demonstrates how unethical business concepts bring about political instability.

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