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Employment Is a Multivariate Issue - Essay Example

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The paper "Employment Is a Multivariate Issue" states that proponents of the EAW agreement argue that it does not violate respect accorded to employees since it is a freewill agreement (Allhoff, & Vaidya, 2008). However, EAW interferes with respect to human rights…
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Employment Is a Multivariate Issue
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An employee at a freewill contractual agreement will find it extremely difficult to fight for basic human rights or even responsibilities such as whistleblowing (Werhane and Radin, 2004; Repa, 2010).

EAW poses a threat of violations of moral obligations for both parties. It is a moral obligation for the employer, for instance, to treat the employees with dignity when at work and during termination. Explanations for termination should be morally justified and explained on humane grounds to maintain respect (SAGE, 2011). The case of Pugh v. See’s Candies, Inc., demonstrates perfectly how respect can be absent even when there is free will (Miller, & Jentz, 2010).
The list of reasons is endless. In the same way, employers value and respect corporate social responsibility so should they value employees in EAW contracts. Additionally, arbitrary financial and managerial actions are not endured, why should human resource actions be arbitrary? (Pozgar, 2010)

Although the employees act at free will on EAW contracts, good business ethics demand that they are treated in a humane way to prevent issues of ethical and moral concerns. Only then can it be claimed that respect has been accorded to the employee? Read More
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