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Health Promotion in Hillfields - Assignment Example

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In this assignment, the health profiling of the area of Hillfields in the locality will be done to identify the extent of opportunities for health and lifestyle improvement in that locality. This area was chosen since this is a small locality with recent developments and a structured attempt to improve the health of this area…
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Health Promotion in Hillfields
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Impact assessment can be a very suitable and feasible method of evaluation of lifestyle and health outcomes as a result of social policy and planning interventions. It is defined as a method through which identification of the consequences of a social health intervention, current or proposed can be accomplished (Mindell and Joffe, 2003). Most of such interventions are designed as a project or a programme guided by policies. The process of impact assessment determines its viability, acceptability, and sustainability (Lock and McKee, 2005).

In this assignment, the profiling of Hillfields has been presented. Hiilfields is a suburban area of Coventry in England, located north of the Coventry City Centre. Since postwar times, this area has undergone several changes. The development of health was a concern as the town started developing beyond its limits. Since 1849, the health of this area was the responsibility of the Local Board of Health. Since this locality was building postwar, this was one of the localities for new houses and villas, which led to considerable expansion of the geographical limits of this area.

It is to be noted that from the beginning there was a tradition of high standard of living in the locality of Hillfields in comparison to the slums of Coventry. The motor industry started to flourish, and as of now, there were 20 motor industries in the locality, and since 1930s, Singer became the largest manufacturer with operations at 5 locations. World War II saw deterioration, and housing was the area that was hot in a big way. Town and Country Planning act 1944, declared the locality to be an area of comprehensive development since more than half of the houses were unfit to be used.

The 1960s saw redevelopment of the area with proper planning of housing and development (Hillfields Health Development Project). Although tower blocks had been made, now there is a programme to modernise and change the existing older houses. Although residents had been provided with a budget for improving environment and housing, the area of need is still under development. The grants are now only restricted to those who need them most. This in itself is a point of need, and there are still deficits in housing and environment, which need to be worked on.

Housing is a broader consequence of lifestyle that needs to be evaluated prospectively, retrospectively and concurrently, and it has impact on life style and health outcomes. Thus there is a need for concrete social policy and planning interventions since problems with housing given its growing population in Hillfields may affect the health of the population (Kemm, 2001). The industry around Hillfields decides is economy, but current data states that Hillfields has a slightly higher rate of employment deprivation that the city average.

Even now, this area was considered to be one of the red light areas. Law enforcement keeps a constant watch over this issue, and now the scope of sex working has constricted considerably. The health of Hillfields is guided by Hillfields Health Action Group. They meet on a monthly basis in the community venues with the aim of providing supports for all health initiatives that the local projects can deliver. On closer examination, people in Hillfields die 8 years younger than the other affluent localities.

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