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Mission of Dnata Travel Agency - Essay Example

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The paper "Mission of Dnata Travel Agency" explains that Dnata aims at offering its customers many services that are vital for ensuring that all customers are able to access all that they inquire about. There are several operations done within the premises of Dnata…
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Mission of Dnata Travel Agency
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? Dnata Travel Agency Report Executive summary This report is about a nice holiday spent at Dnata, one of the travel agencies in the Middle East. Dnata aims at offering its customers many services that are vital for ensuring that all customers are able to access all what they inquire. There are several operations done within the premises of Dnata. Such include booking of flights, hotel services, holiday packages, and airport get together gatherings to orient travelers into Dnata premise. In addition, Dnata also has a concern on insurance for travelers, the business, and employees dealing with travelers. The insurance cover is one of the important tools in any business operation and is an indicator of concern regarding those who come in and out of the travel agency. Further, it involves activities such as transportation and cruise services, and involvement in sporting events. Finally, the services are for enhancing relations of numerous people coming in and out of the booking offices as well as hotels and field. Mission of Dnata Travel Agency Mission refers to the major activities that an established firm undertakes. The major operations of the Dnata traveling agency include offering holiday packages. This usiful as most of the travelers look forward to inquiring a place they can spend their holiday with their families. Dnata management staffs play the role of insuring the traveling agency runs on well with an increase in profits. Insurance covers are not only for an organization but also for those who visit the agency (Schwab et al, 2008). Insurance covers all staff members are necessary. Insuring of the agency denotes that there is compensation to all individuals (whether the staffs or travelers) in case of occurrence of the insured risk. This in itself is a way of attracting more travelers into the premises, as there is an assurance of consideration of their lives. Objective and vision of Dnata traveling agency Vision refers to what a particular organization or adpersons desires to do in future. It means a call for ability of individuals to advance the services initially offered, in a manner that the services will be more satisfying. Comparing with diverse changes in technology, services offered should be of high-tech and better when compared to services of other competing organizations. Dnata traveling agency looks forward to the establishment of and necessitating travelers to get use of online booking of tickets. Managerial staff of Dnata also moves ahead to improve accommodation services. In setting objectives, it is of essence to consider the questions what services to offer, who to offer the services, and who to access the services (Schwab et al, 2008). Pre-approach Before having access to the services provided by Dnata travel agency, individuals have to either register online or directly with the relevant offices. However, individuals may deliberately appear in person and inquire for relevant tickets to the agency. There are business meetings held to collect information about a certain subject discussed. Discussions are between travelers and top managerial agency staffs. The primary reason for the meeting is to determine the quality of services offered and strategies to improve the services (Schwab et al, 2008). Approach prospecting Potential customers of any organization are the individuals outside the organization who are ready to access the services and products provided in specific organizations. Dnata is the leading travel agency in the Middle East, specifically in Thailand and in amongst other worldly agencies, it appears to be the fourth largest. To be part of the travelers is an indicator of ecstasy especially for those coming from far countries to take refuge on the agency. Through insurance services, the managing staffs of Dnata include several things such as compensation in case of cancellation of flights (Schwab et al, 2008). There is a follow up of departure, especially where the agency staffs fail to spot tickets of some several individuals. Dnata travel agency acknowledges the worth of their travelers and ensures that they get quality services under no harassment. Moreover, travelers have to access booking of tickets at any preferable time of their choice. Dnata managerial team meets this through availing online booking done throughout the week. There is also the use of good communication skills, which improve traveler and Dnata staff relations. Presentation A determinant factor of the number of individuals to access services of the agency is representation. The agency should have enormous representatives to individuals outside the agency premises (Schwab et al, 2008). This is a necessity for the growth of any organization, as it denotes better approaches to improving customer relations with the agency’s staffs. Dnata travel agency presented much of its information through individuals, specifically the employed staff in Dnata. There are several presentation strategies, which when put into practice facilitate the work done within any business premise. Determine objectives Objectives are some of the crucial elements of any business set by organized individual. A better organization should define its objective to those outside. This is significant in ensuring that there are well laid strategies of organizing the work. This helps save time when attending a number of customers. Dnata specifies the places where individuals desiring to take a flight can register to obtain their tickets (Schwab et al, 2008). Tickets available at Dnata travel agency are specifically for Qatar, Qantas, and Thai among others. By highlighting, travelers are able to determine from which office they have to visit when registering for tickets. Meet objectives Meeting of objectives is another vital element for the growth of organizations. This is because met objectives determine the stand of the business. It is an indicator of whether the organization is operating at a loss or a profit. It also helps approve the primary purpose of activities undertaken by subordinate staffs. Dnata management ensures that they attend different kinds of travelers. For example, there are couples, who require different services to those offered to particular individuals. To meet the desires and demands of different travelers, there is accommodation available, for individuals from far areas. This is of help to individuals with early flights. Additionally, there is security offered to all travelers and staffs, to impede cases of theft. This is of importance to the agency, as it attracts more travelers since their luggage is safe (Schwab et al, 2008). Trial close This encompasses listing of the real cost attached to the transaction. In other words, the staffs should also be flexible to involve negotiations on discounts and to ensure that the discounts are of no negative effect on the finance of the organization. In this step, the managerial staff needs to set limits for ticket bookings. Setting time becomes one of the pre-requisites to ensuring booking at the right set time. Travelers make bookings for their flights two or three weeks prior to the actual traveling day. Dnata agency offers a twenty-four period and inquires for a confirmation of tickets given to different travelers. The operation is on a daily basis that is from Monday to Sunday. Dnata agency offers free traveling for children of below the age of sixteen years but only with their parents to impede trafficking of children (Schwab et al, 2008). Additional discount services include offering of insuring covers for the period before and during the traveling time. There is also less struggling when applying for a visa. The procedure requires less of what applicants need to perform. Close Closing here refers to all actions involve in completing the transactions. The closure of activities in different organizations entails installation of necessary equipment, proper and actual delivery of services, and viable set prices on various goods and services. Dnata travel agency, known to offer diverse services, takes into account all services and meets the demands of the travelers. There is assurance that travelers get their tickets on time that is before the planned day for the trip. Follow-up Both managers and travelers are responsible for the following up of booked flights. Dnata travel agency ensures that operations are in a twenty four-hour basis. This is to ensure there is a consideration to all complaints within a certain period and that travelers do not fail to catch a flight for their trip. Dnata is one of the best places that one can wish to travel. It offers various services some of which include accommodation services, restaurant services, and medical services. Medical services are at cheaper cost even though emergency cases require later payment. This signifies the agency’s concern about the health and medical care of the travelers. References Schwab, K., Blanke, J., & Chiesa, T. (2008). The Travel and Tourism Competitive Report. Geneva: World Economic Forum Publishers. Read More
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