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Sharpening Skills Beyond the Economics Knowledge - Personal Statement Example

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The paper "Sharpening Skills Beyond the Economics Knowledge" will begin with the statement that the role of economics in economics as a social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services makes it a rather interesting subject…
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Sharpening Skills Beyond the Economics Knowledge
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I would like to point out that since my childhood; I have had a keen interest not only in economic occurrences in China but also in other regions of the world. In addition, my interest in being updated on current interesting and critical economic and social affairs has made my urge to study economics at ordinary and advanced levels rise. The relevance of economics in contemporary society has also driven my urge to take a course in economics higher. Notably, I have found myself largely attracted towards an advanced knowledge in economic analysis.

First, with regards to professional objectives, the course’s content and objectives are properly aligned with my short- and long-term objectives. That is, on completion of the course, I will be better placed to achieve my goal of applying my experiences and skills in the development of more efficient scientific methods for data analysis. Importantly, the course will also help me in managing data analysis. My qualifications will increase my chances of capably handling the course and succeeding. Among my major qualifications are superb analytical and numerical abilities. I am an able user of software such as Minitab, SAS, and R. The other qualifications that would assist me to succeed in the course are the interpersonal skills that have not only helped me to work hard and become an independent person but have also motivated me. I am also a skilled communicator, being a bilingual who is fluent in English and Chinese. Importantly, I am a promoter of company policies, a character that will help me adhere to the rules and regulations governing the Economic Analysis major course.

As mentioned earlier, my educational background is perhaps my best support for seeking admission into this program. First, I completed my Bachelor of Science in Economics and Math Minor course from the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, U.S. in May 2013. I will also complete my Bachelor of Science in Statistics degree (Applied option) in December 2013. In addition to my Bachelor's degree courses at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, U.S., I attended the Harvard University, Cambridge, U.S. Summer School between June and August 2009 and Gezhi High School, Shanghai, China between 2005 and 2009). In fact, the Gezhi High School is among the top ten high schools in Shanghai.

In addition to my objectives, educational background, and qualifications, my personal and professional experiences also make me an ideal candidate for the Economics Analysis course. First, I have experience working with the Financial Engineering Department of the China Universal Asset Management between June 2013 and August 2013. Among my duties at this institution was to give support to the fund manager and researchers. Furthermore, I had the responsibility to assist in research work. Some of my duties in this regard were research and analysis of quantitative investment, index, derivatives, and investment risk. I also had a lot of experience in using SAS to import data and R to analyze data. The other institution from which I have obtained quite substantial experience is the Pennsylvania State University. My stay at the facility lasted between September 2012 and December 2012. One of my roles at this institution was to offer advice to about 125 students on a weekly basis. I would also supervise students’ class performance and aid them in using software such as Minitab. Hence, I am already experienced in using economics analysis software such as Minitab, a rather important ingredient for succeeding in the course.

The third-place that imparted quite a lot of the necessary experience in me is the Bank of Ningbo, Shanghai Branch, China where I worked between June 2012 and July 2012. At the bank, I obtained vital economic analysis skills and experiences from many tasks such as reviewing small loan applications and providing customer services. My other role at the facility was the extensive use of various software designed by the bank to analyze different aspects of its operations. I also had a stint at the Japan Senate Corporation in Shanghai, China between May 2010 and August 2010 where I worked with the corporation’s staff on research besides participating in industry and leadership training programs. I also assisted the staff of the corporation in developing and writing reports.

Importantly, I also have several honors, which show how dedicated and hardworking I am, making me an ideal candidate for admission into the course. For instance, I made it to the Dean’s list at the Pennsylvania State University Dean’s list in 2010 in addition to being a member of the Chinese Undergraduate Student Association at Pennsylvania State University between 2009 and 2012. The other association I belonged to was the Pennsylvania State University IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon 2012.

Finally, I am cognizant of and enthusiastic about the challenges I am likely to encounter while taking the course. It will be my endeavor to take such challenging opportunities to sharpen my mathematics, technology, and economic skills beyond the economics knowledge I have attained so far.

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