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CASE 3 ETHICS - Physical Privacy - Essay Example

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Ethics in Sports Name University 4 February 2013 All-Star game Most Valuable Player Melky Cabrera of the San Francisco Giants and Former Al Cy Young Award winner Oakland Athletics starter Bartolo Colon were both suspended for 50 games for testing positive for testosterone…
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CASE 3 ETHICS - Physical Privacy
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Utilitarianism focuses on the consequences of actions, and the consequences of suspending these two players are generally good, while Deontology understands that although people have rights to enhance themselves, they should do so within the bounds of law and integrity, to which they have duties of following. Utilitarians assert that an action is good, if it results to a net good for the greatest number of people, and severe penalties for artificially enhancing performance have widespread benefits to numerous stakeholders (Brooks & Dunn, 2010, p.183). First, the penalty respects the hard work of majority of athletes who do not use these enhancers.

Using testosterone has been documented to have immediate physical and functioning effects on athletes, such as increased strength, agility, and speed (Lumpkin, Stoll, & Beller, 2012, p.154). Their former manager, Brian Cashman, says that he is not surprised that these athletes used testosterone. He said: “In Bartolo’s case, as well as he has done last year as well through this year, at his age, after coming back from that surgery, makes you scratch your head” (DelVecchio, 2012). As for Cabrera, Cashman’s comments were: “When we traded him to Atlanta we had him as a low-end, everyday regular or an excellent fourth outfielder” (DelVecchio, 2012). . Sports must be about natural abilities that are improved through regular practice, discipline, and other “natural” efforts.

If everyone followed the same practice of using enhancers, people would no longer know if the performance they see is “natural” or a product of drug enhancement. The “truth” and “reality” of sports will be shattered. This means that using testosterone can have negative effects on the perceptions of both athletes and sports. The penalties are just because they ensure that athletes would not succumb to similar practices and that the sports industry’s image will not be marred. With such a high penalty, other athletes will be discouraged of using enhancers.

They will know that the harms to their income and career will outweigh the benefits. Third, using these enhancers has side effects (Lumpkin et al., 2012, p.154). They can experience “life-threatening problems such as extreme psychoses, heart disease, liver and kidney damage, and cancer (Lumpkin et al., 2012, p.155). Other side effects are mood swings and uncontrollable aggression (Lumpkin et al., 2012, p.155). With these negative effects on athletes, it means that Cabrera and Colon are harming themselves.

If the youth follows their enhancement practices, they will also be in peril. Thus, as role models who can detrimentally affect the sports industry and other athletes, Cabrera and Colon deserve a steep punishment. Deontology focuses on duty, not consequences, and Cabrera and Colon have duties to the sports industry, fellow athletes, and audience to follow rules and regulations (Ferrell et al., 2011, p.159). The sports industry has already banned the use of testosterone and other artificial enhancers because they are unethical.

Cabrera and Colon are aware of these

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