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Marketing of Company Revive Gum that Removes Stress - Essay Example

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This essay describes Revive Gum as a way to remove stress. This paper outlines the role of stress in society, buyer's needs, functional, social and emotional value; and the consumer market…
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Marketing of Company Revive Gum that Removes Stress
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? In today’s hectic world, stress has become a critical factor that impacts society on a regular basis. According to, stress is defined as “the action on a body of any system of balanced forces whereby strain or deformation results.” Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. Dietary supplements are proven to alleviate stress levels in the human body. Hence, the group decided to pursue the supplement industry for various reasons. Once limited mainly to vitamins and minerals, the supplements industry has experienced explosive growth.  First and foremost, the dietary supplement industry accounts for $61 billion of the US economy. Products such as energy drinks and vitamins have become a popular commodity amongst consumers. Moreover, the features of our product extended far beyond just the traditional needs of the customer. The innovation of making a product that not only is packed with energy boosting supplements such as L-Carnitine, treated for failing memory, Echinacea, proven to improve immune system response, ginseng, but would also whiten teeth. The gum industry according to studies is also a huge market accumulating for 60% of the market share and is estimated to be worth $19 billion in sales. Also, gum is such a cheap commodity that is purchased by every demographic group from children to senior citizens. Hence, the group decided that this would be a great market to enter in. Revive, is an innovative gum product that is scientifically proven to reduce stress in everyday basis. Revive uses all natural vitamins and ingredients that are proven to enhance memory, diminish stress, and enable the person to achieve unbelievable focus. Revive uses key vitals ingredients such as: B12, B-6, L-Arginine that energizes the nervous system. Revive also uses all natural ingredients such as Fluoride and Calcium to whiten teeth. Revive is the only product in the market possesses all these features. One of the major problems identified in today’s society is the fact that people are engaged in activities that produce stress. Our study proved that around 70% of the population was heavily involved in stress-related activities. Clearly, a solution was needed to resolve that particular problem. Furthermore, research showed that people admitted that they are a better person as far as coping with stress is concerned. In addition, 60% of the people approved that dealing with stress in natural way gives them a positive direction in life. Most people also reported to feel weak and lethargic when faced with stress. Clearly, people wanted to feel better and live better, which became a critical component in developing our product. Hence, as smart marketers we decided it was a smart idea to create a product that not only whitens teeth, but also acts as a stress reliever. To back up the claim, around 70% of the people agreed that they will try the product to test the claims. In addition, 45% of the people agreed that taking this product would drastically improve their performance on competitions, tests, and other challenging activities. Certainly, that 56% of the people showed that they were uncomfortable in stressful situations. In this comprehensive study, we decided to target two key segments. The first segment was to penetrate the market where people wanted to whiten their teeth. Since Revive is a gum product that not only reduces stress but also would have the capability of whitening teeth. This became a huge beneficiary for our company as many people tend to allocate and invest in teeth hygiene. The other market segment consisted of people who experienced stressed. Our second segment was extremely wide and vague, yet research indicates that everyone is faced with stress-related activities. Hence, we decided to make this our market segment. Another market segment that the company wanted to penetrate was reducing stress at an all-natural level. As mentioned above, students, parents, elderly all face stress every day and attempt to reduce it in any manner possible. Research has proven that some stress has detrimental effects on the physical and mental health of an individual’s well-being and can lead to depression, weight, anxiety attacks, and sleep difficulty. Hence, it became essential to focus for our group to focus on these effects of stress and create a product that can reduce and lower stress. The framework of a marketing plan is composed of many parts, Buyers needs and product positioning, seller marketing strategy and alternatives and solutions. Here we will discuss each one of those and how it is directly connected with our product, Revive Gum. Buyers’ needs: The buyers needs in the market as simply energy and a teeth whitening gum product. We are simply combing two already existing markets and conveniently placing them in one product, Revive. Functional Value: Is the result if the products ability to perform its functional, utilitarian or physical purposes. The purpose of our product is to infuse a piece of chewing gum with natural supplements that will ultimately bring stress levels down in the body. As an added benefit our product is to help whiten teeth by removing surface stains with an added ingredient. Social Value: Is the result of the products association with one or more specific social groups. Social value influences the choices of certain products, activities, and locations to be shared by others. We associate our product with all kinds of groups of people, but more specifically those who like to chew gum for the benefits that the gum will bring them. Emotional value: Is the result of the ability to arouse feelings or effective states. We want our customers to feel that they can rely on this product to whiten their teeth and to reduce stress to help them get through their daily tasks. Part B Nike "Fate" Leave Nothing commercial w/ LT & Polamalu - YouTube . (n.d.).YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved January 5, 2012, from The Nike commercials that are produced during the NFL season leaving an aura of motivation for people who are athletes or just beginners in sports. The advertisement is extremely effective appealing to the emotion of the consumer market. As a matter of fact, every start of NBA, NFL and MLB season, Nike’s advertisements continue to be the top advertisements in all means of communication. It is evident that sales have sky rocketed from sponsored athletes who motivate individuals to train hard at their sport. The persuasive technique that is used is appealing to emotions, which is known as pathos. It is extremely effective because human beings especially athletes live with a “chip on their shoulder.” Nike does an excellent job of creating logos such as “Leave nothing” or “nothing is impossible.” This itself is the focal point of advertisers who have continued to penetrate their target market. By inducing emotion, Nike has been very successful at depicting their products as tools for success in sports. I think the technique is very effective. As an athlete myself, I find that the best way to motivate individuals to buy is not only show the product features but also show that they have no excuse not to train in any type of condition. Moreover, research and experience indicates that appealing to human emotion can drastically be a powerful tool for marketing because it motivates individuals in a competitive sphere. Moreover, companies have allowed individuals to customize their clothing, which fits their style and personality. These similar tactics are used by other retailers such as Underarmour, Reebok and Adidas. Every company understands that creating superb products starts with appealing to the emotions of their customer base. The strategy works because the sports retail industry continues to enjoy success in this gloomy market. Hence, I would recommend this technique because it appeals to the emotion of individuals to excel in their respective sports by upholding the principle value of discipline, teamwork, and respect. Works Cited Alesci, S. (2004). Carnitine: the science behind a conditionally essential nutrient. New York, N.Y.: New York Academy of Sciences. GNC: Vitamins, Supplements, Minerals, Herbs, Sports Nutrition, Diet & Energy and more.. (n.d.). GNC: Vitamins, Supplements, Minerals, Herbs, Sports Nutrition, Diet & Energy and more.. Retrieved January 5, 2012, from Girod, C. (1976). Supplements. Stuttgart: G. Fischer Verlag. Glicksman, M. (1969). Gum technology in the food industry. New York: Academic Press. Nike "Fate" Leave Nothing commercial w/ LT & Polamalu - YouTube . (n.d.).YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved January 5, 2012, from - Huge Online Supplement Store & Fitness Community!. (n.d.). - Huge Online Supplement Store & Fitness Community!. Retrieved January 5, 2012, from Read More
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