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Money Making Trends for 2011 - Essay Example

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Money Making Trends for 2011 Internet Marketing Services Internet marketing has grown by leaps and bounds ever since the advent of the internet. Nearly all businesses today have adopted online marketing in order o reach as many of their customers as possible…
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Money Making Trends for 2011
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Money Making Trends for 2011 Internet marketing business is very easy and quite cheap to set up. All that one needs is a personal computer and ample and reliable internet. Individuals can set up internet marketing businesses by themselves or they can combine effort with their friends or family and set up a formidable enterprise. The Internet marketing environment is a highly competitive field, therefore innovation in the business is crucial. This means that the human resources required for any competitive online marketing business should have relevant skills.

Some of the people needed in today’s internet marketing business include copywriters, technicians and business managers. Like any other business, the internet marketing business needs to market itself to prospective customers and clients. One of the most effective means of marketing such businesses is through the utilization of social networking sites. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are effective tools to use in order to reach a sizable number of people. The use of video networking is also gaining ground as a way of reaching out to prospective customers.

Search engine optimization still remains an important aspect of advertising for internet marketing businesses (Bailey, 2011). . The trend for 2011 in this business lies in the utilization of quality Electronic Medical Record software that can guarantee accurate work (Lange, 2011). Money Making Trends for 2011 The use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) remains very popular in the medical billing business. The EMR technology has been upgraded in such a way that the workflow of clinicians is well streamlined and integrated with all the important aspects of revenue cycle and practice management.

The type f business ownership required for medical billing is a home-based or even an office based sole proprietorship. The business is very easy to set up and one only needs to be constantly in touch with clinicians and other healthcare providers through the internet. A small medical billing business would not require much in terms of human resources. However, apart from the business owner, one or two assistants and a technician would make work easier and much more efficient. Medical billing is a specific niche business, it only attracts medical practitioners.

As such the kind of marketing that would be most appropriate for medical billers is though search engine optimization especially in websites that contain medical related content (Lange, 2011). Virtual Assistant A virtual assistant is an independent contractor who offers remote administrative services for other businesses. Virtual businesses have taken over the place of traditional brick and mortar space as businesses seek way through which they can reduce fixed costs as well as overhead expenses.

The proliferation of technology has meant that more businesses are now more than ever willing to launch their operations online and reach as many customers as possible. There is a wide pool of virtual expertise available. This

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