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Human Resource Report. Recruitment in In Clover Magazine - Essay Example

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Ms. Rosie Stansgate is the key investor to the proposed In Clover Magazine. She is ready to invest most of her$4mln to launch the In Clover Magazine, which will focus on the discussion of up-market leadership issues in the context of ethical living…
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Human Resource Report. Recruitment in In Clover Magazine
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? HUMAN RESOURCE REPORT by 21 June Human Resource Report Executive summary Ms. Rosie Stansgate is the key investor to the proposed In Clover Magazine. She is ready to invest most of her ?4mln to launch the In Clover Magazine, which will focus on the discussion of up-market leadership issues in the context of ethical living. Rosie is willing to make Professor Oliver Ruffle the editor of the future magazine. She proposes a set of HR policies and guidelines, which Oliver Ruffle refuses to follow. Ruffle is willing to achieve a compromise: he wants to chair the Executive Board and take all recruitment and selection decisions without reporting to the Executive Control Board. A compromise is possible: Professor Ruffle must become a member of the Executive Board and have voice in the most important recruitment and selection decisions. He must be obligated to comply with the policies and standards of fairness, non-discrimination, and diversity, to ensure that the recruitment and selection processes work for the benefit of the future magazine and its strategic objectives. HR professionals will be the main carriers of the selection and recruitment vision and mission in the magazine. Decision Rosie wants to work with Oliver Ruffle. She is convinced that his knowledge and professionalism will add rigor to magazine writers and editors’ efforts. In the meantime, Ruffle wants to chair the executive board and become solely responsible for all recruitment and selection decisions in the future magazine. A compromise is possible: Ruffle must be given a chair in the Executive Board of Control and have voice in all selection and recruitment decisions to the extent that raises the efficiency of the selection/ recruitment processes and within the limits that do not violate the principles of ethics, fairness, equity, and non-discrimination in selecting and hiring prospective employees. Sharing and delegation of power to HR professionals will become the fundamental ingredient of productive selection and recruitment in In Clover Magazine. Justification Ruffle and the Board of Control. Rosie must give Ruffle a chair in the Executive Board of Control. This is the best way to achieve a compromise. Ruffle will have a voice in all major selection and recruitment decisions. Simultaneously, he will have to work cooperatively with other Board members and ensure his compliance with the company policies and standards of workplace performance. Ruffle should not be given a leadership position in the future magazine, as long as he is not willing to operate in accordance with the ethical rules and principles proposed by Rosie. Ruffle has knowledge and experience needed to contribute to the development of relevant selection and recruitment strategies. One of the most essential aspects of the selection process is the creation of clear and comprehensive job specifications (Roberts 1997). This is the best way to find and have the right people in the right places. Ruffle is the one who knows what exactly employees, writers, and editors need to become members of the future magazine’s team. Ruffle can benefit the selection and recruitment process, by identifying the most important people qualities at all stages of the employment cycle (Roberts 1997). Ruffle does not seem to realise how much the organisation can suffer is the selection and recruitment process is poorly executed (Ingram, LaForge & Avila 2008). The costs of inefficient selection and recruitment are difficult to estimate (Ingram, LaForge & Avila 2008). High levels of turnover that inevitably follow poorly executed selection and recruitment add to the burden of operational costs and lead to the loss of business efficiency and customer relations (Ingram, LaForge & Avila 2008). Ruffle’s reluctance to comply with the proposed set of ethical policies and initiatives must be treated with caution. It is because Ruffle does not agree with the proposed policies that he should not be given a leadership position in the Executive Board. Moreover, all initiatives and decisions proposed by Ruffle must be taken in agreement with other Board members. The Board will have to monitor Ruffle’s compliance with the established rules of ethical and professional conduct. Ruffle has knowledge and skills to manage talents and retain the most prospective employees, but he cannot be solely responsible for all talent management initiatives, due to their complexity. Selection and recruitment of talents usually comprises a number of stages and activities that can be successfully accomplished only in collaboration with other leaders, board members, and in compliance with the values of integrity, honesty, fairness, and non-discrimination. Selecting and recruiting talents is impossible without (1) identifying the best strategy for selecting and acquiring talents, to support the organisation’s business strategy; (2) creating an attractive job proposition that differentiates the organisation from the pool of competitors; (3) determining the best channel to select and recruit talented personnel; and (4) measuring the success of the selection and recruitment strategy (Silzer, Silzer & Dowell 2009). Neither of these acts and decisions is possible, if Ruffle acts independently and imposes his vision on the prospective job candidates. The litany of vital business decisions within each stage of talent selection and recruitment demands enormous efforts and HR investments, and it is within the Executive Board’s capabilities to ensure that each and every candidate is given equal opportunities to acquire a prospective job position in the future magazine. A member of the Executive Board of control and a talented editor, Ruffle will have enough opportunities to contribute to the organisation’s growth and development efforts. His contribution to selecting and recruiting employees will be appreciated, but the final decision will always be taken in agreement with other board members and HR professionals responsible for the selection and recruitment strategies in the magazine. Ruffle’s chief role must be that of an editor, with a possibility to express his opinions regarding selecting and recruiting talents. He must be obligated to comply with all standards and requirements of ethical performance and follow HR policies and objectives. Ruffle and diversity in selection and recruitment. Diversity must be the core object of Ruffle’s concern. In the current conditions of globalization many companies face the problem of diversity. Actually, diversity is proved to be useful for organizations, notwithstanding that it requires numerous changes, especially in human resources management. The workforce may not necessarily reflect the make-up of the city Manchester in terms of ethnicity and gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other personal characteristics, but inclusiveness and equity in selection and recruitment decisions must be pursued. It can be stated that the effects of diversity on the organisation’s performance are likely to be two-fold: on the one hand, diversity will expand the magazine’s creative potential; on the other hand, it will mirror the diversity of readers and social resources available in the market (Richard 2000). Ruffle alone cannot guarantee the diversity of workforce, since recruiting diverse employees requires a great deal of HR knowledge and the use of sophisticated initiatives, be they employee referral programmes, internship programmes, or advertising targeting minority groups (Jayne & Dipboye 2004). Diverse talents can let the magazine achieve better strategic results (Jehn & Bezrukova 2004). Again, achieving the desired level of diversity in the magazine is possible only in collaboration with the team of in-house HR professionals. Selection and recruitment: a matter of HR professionalism. Accurate human resource management is very important for every organization. Thus, only HR professionals can be involved in selecting and recruitment prospective personnel, with their decisions evaluated and approved by the Executive Board of Control, including Oliver Ruffle. HR professionals have educational backgrounds and experience to select and recruit human resources. They keep abreast of the latest legal and ethical developments in the selection and recruitment field (Catano 2009). In-house HR professionals develop and implement selection/ recruitment strategies that meet the basic professional standards (Catano 2009). Many of them hold membership professional organisations that add rigor to their selection and recruitment decisions (Catano 2009). HR professionals know how to avoid or deal with ethical dilemmas that are not uncommon in selection and recruitment of personnel. Again, whenever in-house professionals lack knowledge of job specifications and requirements, Oliver Ruffle can become a valuable source of information and support the development of selection strategies. All of them must be accountable to the Executive Board of Control for their selection and recruitment decisions. References Catano, VM 2009, Recruitment and selection, Boston: Cengage Learning. Ingram, TN, LaForge, RW & Avila, RA 2008, Sales management: Analysis and decision making, NY: M.E. Sharpe. Jayne, MEA & Dipboye. RL 2004, ‘Leveraging diversity to improve business performance: Research findings and recommendations for organizations’, Human Resource Management, vol.43, no.4, pp.409-424. Jehn, KA & Bezrukova, K 2004, ‘A field study of group diversity, workgroup context, and performance’, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol.25, pp.703-729. Richard, O 2000, ‘Racial diversity, business strategy, and firm performance: A resource- based view’, Academy of Management Journal, vol.48, pp.164-177. Roberts, G 1997, Recruitment and selection: A competency approach, UK: CIPD Publishing. Silzer, RF, Silzer, R & Dowell, BE 2009, Strategy-driven talent management: A leadership perspective, NY: John Wiley and Sons. Read More
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