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Evaluation of Strategies of McDonalds - Essay Example

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From the paper "Evaluation of Strategies of McDonalds " it is clear that Happy Meal is one of the greatest products of McDonald’s with great sales figures. Advertising strategies are on the positive side as they have maintained their brand identity for more than 4 decades…
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Evaluation of Strategies of McDonalds
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The outstanding services, high-quality food, great maintenance of hygiene within the restaurants, remarkable customer service, and great pricing strategy have made them the best. However, there are some positive points and some negative points about McDonald’s this paper will evaluate McDonald’s according to those facts.

Evaluation of the pricing strategy: The pricing is very much important. McDonald’s has always adopted the penetration pricing strategy. And that is the reason it is the largest seller of fast food in the world. The combo happy meal price is only $ 3.59 to $ 4.5, which is very much competitive and the individual price for the baked patties burger would be only $ 1.09-2, the mashed potatoes at $ 1.50-2 and the smoothies at $ 2.29-3. The interesting part is the combo gives a saving of $1.29 concerning the individual items if they are bought all by any customer.

This pricing strategy would help the new product penetrate the market easily. Price discrimination is a great factor for McDonald’s. From personal experience it has been seen that many customers are teenagers, McDonald’s must think about these loyal customers as they could be the future customers for the developed market. The disposable incomes of these young souls are not too high and that is the reason the individual pricing of single products is required.

A happy meal is for families but not for teenagers who prefer to have the Mac-Chicken Burger instead of the happy meal for a short budget. The evaluation of the brand identity: Previously McDonald’s brand identities were the red and white brick wall and the two golden arches but later changed. Somehow the red and white theme remained the same but the two arches got a new look with a more shiny arch that looks like a huge golden arch. And later the iconic Ronald came into action.

Ronald can be treated as the brand’s mascot. The evaluation of the brand image of the McDonald’s does highly depend on Ronald McDonald’s personality. From personal experience is can be said that Ronald is one of the most favorite superficial cartoon characters among kids and many new kids want to go to the McDonald’s to see Mr. Ronald. The supportive promotions of McDonald’s: The promotion is the energy of McDonald’s which kept on giving them the fuel to run for the achievements.

Most of the time, McDonald’s does in-store promotions. Many cartoon characters are there in the store to entertain the kids. The playing and eating facilities give extra attraction to the kids. Advertising was always an option for McDonald’s but eventually, it was a big hit even before it appeared in the National Television advertisement. Most of the advertisements of McDonald’s have been concentrated on the personality called Ronald McDonald. However, in recent times they had to change their advertising tactics in some of the countries where food is most important than that of the celebrated character.

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