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The Leader's Role in Successful Implementation - Case Study Example

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The paper concerns the strategic plan which is a common requirement. The strategy may not be a way for victory, but exclusive of it, a firm is largely likely to be unsuccessful. Strategy refers to the direction and scope of a firm over the long-term that realizes the advantage…
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The Leaders Role in Successful Implementation
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? Business strategy Business strategy Business owners tend to be swayed away by events that are immediate and end up losing sight of their main objectives. This is the reason why a strategic plan is a common requirement. The strategy may not be a way for victory, but exclusive of it, a firm is largely likely to be unsuccessful. Strategy refers to the direction and scope of a firm over the long-term that realizes advantage for the firm in the course of its organization of resources in a tough environment, to meet the requirements of the markets and to accomplish stakeholders’ expectations. Therefore, strategy is all about direction, market; scope, advantage, resources, environment and stakeholders. Direction is about where the business is headed in the long-term. Markets; scope address the kind of markets the firm should compete in and the type of activities taking place in this markets. Advantage deals with the manner in which the business can achieve more in those markets. Resources look at the requirements needed in order for the firm to compete. This includes skills, property, funding, associations, technical competence, and amenities. Environment looks at the external, environmental factors that influence the business capability to compete. Lastly, stakeholders concerns are about the values and hopes of the individuals who have power in and around the firm. Strategy is about how to term a particular, fixed vision for the future. It is more about a procedure to direct decision-making than concerning a precise document to which individuals can refer. According to Alkhafaji (2003 p.78), strategy plays an important role in strategic planning. Especially in the current globe where both further and higher education institutions encounter a large amount of pressures that are primarily known to managers working at all levels. These include a number of factors. First strategy assists managers to overcome the challenge of working within fast varying political scenery, particularly in relative to funding and scrutiny. Strategy enables an organization to be able to deal with fast and essential developments in information and Communication Technology that has the potential to change the manner in which education and study are carried out. Strategy also allows the organization to survive with the challenges of working within a very economical market. It also enables the organization to adopt major new strategic precedence such as internationalization and awareness to business. Strategy gives the institution chance to plan how to work with and gain from new stakeholders, mainly those within business and society. In addition, strategy allows for the planning of the constantly rising pressure on assets and the resulting requirement to do more for less through the full utilization of assets and reduction of surplus. It gives the organization a chance to plan on recruiting and maintaining staff with the precise skills, experience and interest. From the main point of view, business now day get accomplished in a global marketplace. Change is taking place at a predictable pace. In the past strategic management was carried out by the largest companies, and those who had lead change. Currently it is a necessity for an organization to continue to exist. Business leaders must be looking forward awaiting transform and coming up with a strategy to proactively and successfully find the way through the instability brought by change. From a micro perspective, the level of a single company, strategic planning provides an organization purpose and direction. Every individual in an organization must have a knowledge of what company do, who the companies target clients are, and understand how the organization compete. A strategy will enable the organization to balance revenue and output projects. Without strategic planning, organization drifts, and is at all times reacting to the demands of the day. Strategic thinking is the act of developing and evaluating each idea and action basing it on the present and future circumstances, the direction an organization would like to take, and the results they would like to attain. It entails being able to apply possibility thinking to each situation. It is not just to deal in business but also to pursue the envelop to view what can be done better and what again can be accomplished instead what would maximize opportunities. Every challenge or any act that somebody need to face or deal on in an association calls for accession in light for the broader context. The larger framework will much entails the decision-making and make sure that the performance in an association is done in an integrated fashion and is allied to the strategic aims. A mission Valence (2003 p.130) says that, mission can refer to a collection of persons, the act that a collection or personality is to perform, or to the events concerned with the achievement. Generally, these groups or associations fit several classifications. Along with the supplementary is the set that enters into a strange spot. The additional is a set that is immobile and in general, these are spiritual outreach to a group of people in want. The fundamental perception is related the outreach, whether through going into a strange place or a divided portion of a community. Mission can more so mean the detailed act that is to be performed, as in the situation of a mission statement. The meticulous actions concerned in completion of the mission statement may in addition be referred to as missions. In general these will be evidently defined, and many missions may be caught up in the achievement of an overall aim. Therefore, many definitions of the mission are not in relation to this concept. A VISION Vision in generally refers to a thought. The thought that a person holds as the final aim is that person’s vision. Some visions are not so much upfront. Visions may also differ during the course of efforts on the way to a vision, but because of their theoretical scenery, they are not essentially realistic and as a result may not change. The authenticity of a group of the association may seem to amble or disappear from the vision because of this. A vision may be an original galvanizing clearness that sparks deed or the association of a mission. In associations, a mission statement may be formed that strives to confine and perhaps explain the vision of the association. The difference between an aim and objective We can have a thought of aims as wide general statements of what pupils are likely to discover. Aims are repeatedly again more suitable for courses than for subjects. An aim for a course may be, “Pupils should obtain skills of fiscal psychoanalysis and the way of thinking" or, "Students should develop the skill to imagine resourcefully and independently regarding fresh engineering troubles”. A course may have several wide, frequently esoteric, aims. Aims may comprise conceptual Concepts like professional traits or approval of the classics', education that maybe hard to compute but which is all the same vital. Objectives are more often than not more specific statements of learning, which will take place, generally within a subject, lecture, or task. Objectives are not statements of satisfied or topics, nor are they statements of the anticipated teaching strategies, rather, they are statements of what a Scholar is expected to know and be in a position to do upon end of the learning work out. An Objective for a theme may be, "The scholar should understand the associations among Essential concepts in Newtonian mechanics" or, "The scholar should comprehend the Principle of balancing in Keynesian macroeconomics", the finest objectives will neither be neither too vague nor precise. There is an expertise in maintaining this balance. There are varieties of approaches for defining objectives. One dimension is to limit objectives to statements of character objectives; in that, if the objective has been received; there ought to be a clearly seen outcome. Competitive advantage BCG matrix gives room for a helpful way of screening the opportunities open to an individual. It more so assists one have a thought of where one can best allocate resources to maximize income in the forthcoming days. To get to know better, this kind of matrix one needs to understand how the market split and market growths have a relation. Market share is the percentage of the whole market that is undergoing service by the BCG Corporation, measured in either revenue terms or unit volumes terms. The higher your market shares the higher ones the firms proportion of the market one controls. The BCG matrix assumes that if one enjoys a rise in market share one will be making income. Market growth is used as a measure of the market’s attractiveness. Markets experiencing a high growth are those that experience a high growth are the ones where the total market is increasing, meaning that it is relatively easy for the business to grow in its incomes, even if the market share vestiges steadiness. By contrast, competition in stumpy growth markets is frequently astringent, and while one might have elevated market share now, it may be firm to hold on to that market share without hostile discounting. This makes stumpy growth markets less attractive. The BCG matrix helps in strategic planning in four major ways. First, it identifies the market presence (Wong & Ungson Gerardo 2008). At the most basic level, one has to understand that sources of income should be used to fund the growth of the stars and that of the dogs should be left to languish but the challenge was to convert these general prescriptions into actionable items in a new setting g. The process is divided into four steps. The first step is to combine profits. All the decisions are completely centralised by BCG firms as enumerated by (Flood, 2000 p.90). In dissimilarity, firms following these rules are entirely decentralised, with all decisions dogged at the business unit. Secondly, the BCG matrix identifies the rank of each unit. This matrix approaches a suggested profit of say 10% and a comparative market share. Accordingly, production units are confidential by weather they succeeded or cut down below the cut-offs for growth and relative market share used for that specific run. The exact used for the cut-off parameters are described in the method section. The third part is to determine the investment requests. The business unit give in its needs for funds to the cooperate headquarters according to the BCG matrix savings. Lastly, the BCG matrix allocates capital to the company. The total funds available to the corporation are equivalent to 2 times the mutual corporate profits, where the times are evenly the same as the bank lending a feature used in the customary rules. If commercial profits could be not as much as zero then no outdoor funding could be accessible. A system of priorities is developed. The business units with the peak main concern are funded first. If inadequate funds are accessible to meet all the requests then the funds are gash into proportionally among all the business units among at the priority level according to the size of the their requests. Impact of decision to go to India on management of ABCD ABCD should evaluate its expansion plan to India in the context of academic performance. Their plan to move to India should involve trend analysis of about three to five years of historical data on the performance of colleges in India. Careful planning will prove helpful to management so that they do not run into managerial problems in India. They should therefore have in place a systematic approach in evaluating their expansion plan. Management should adopt an overall strategy, in handling problems they may encounter in their expansion program in India. They should also put into consideration the cost of expansion. They have to commit financial and human resources. Since they will have much at stake if they consider moving to India, management must first carry out strategic assessment (Daft, 2000). In developing a strategic plan, management should recognize the key areas that need attention on their move to India. So the management should carry out a careful evaluation of the whole operation of moving to India, whether it is viable or not. Its expansion will enable ABCD to experience new opportunities for its overall growth. Their expansion to India will enable them to grow and have new possibilities. Its expansion to India may focus on establishment of provision of service. They will have taken high road, setup a clientele and reach more students in India and its surrounding. The ABCD College will sell more of its service of providing education to more people. According to Hunter & Tan (2007 p.110), there are several benefits of its expansion to India, which in the end will promote its success and where it is heading in future. For them to expand, the management is important to commit to all its expansion programs in a formal way and establishing the ideal checks and balances. ABCD’s expansion program may cause disruption to its current operations and it is very important therefore for the management to know the repercussion. Before moving their operations to India, they have to inform their students about their plans. Once they are through with their phase of expansion, it is important to inform the stakeholders the increased capacity of the college and the additional courses they intend to offer. ABCD if they expand to India may enable them to get better teaching facilities sell it internationally. Once they have reached a conclusion to move, they should decide on the steps of their move. The management should judge they could carry out the process. No matter how new ABCD is new in business, they have to work extra hard in order to retain cohesion of the team. Management must the philosophy that they are all in the same team regardless of their location. The key of ABCD to succeed is to make every employee responsible by having a well-established organizational structure and a system that holds everybody responsible. To have a success story written in the history books, ABCD should fully embrace technology so as to help in cutting down on the travel expense from India to UK. It should equip employees with gadgets like, I phones for them to access the net to offer their service. ABCD will now have knowledge for the industry and establish vendor relationship. This will be a good time for ABCD to consider expansion to even more countries. Competitive advantage and how ABCD can gain competitive advantage in India Hoye et al, (2009 p.120) states that, Competitive advantage is a scenario whereby, the consumers offer greater value by means of lower prices and the greater benefits that reflects on the value of the prices. It is imperative that, ABCD institution decides to offer some of its courses by setting up campus outside UK. It is important to note that, the decision by the board of directors to offer its courses in India earns ABCD a competitive advantage. First, it is important to note that, by setting its campuses outside UK, the institution earns an international recognition and reputation. This enhances the institution’s quest of achieving its preset goals that strive to make the institution an international center of excellence and global leadership in the provision of quality education. There are two types of competitive advantages that are mainly the differentiation and the competitive advantage. It is imperative that, the by extending its provision of education services to its Indian counterparts, the institution will earn the competitive advantage in that, the institution will attain expansive resources that supports its quality provision of educational services. It is important to realize that, other than the international recognition that the institutions earns by extending its operations to India. The institution will increase its student base in that the students drawn from various cultural backgrounds. The board of directors’ decision to extend its provision of services to India will lead to the development of the institution’s system of learning. This move will earn ABCD institution a competitive advantage in that, the institution will be forced to incorporate other cultures into its system to augur well with the natives. It is worth noting that the ability of the organization to acquire sizeable staff drawn from diverse backgrounds earns the institution an international reputation as described by (Baltes 2004 p.80). It is imperative that, upon setting up part of its institution in India whilst offering various courses, the ABCD institution will be able to recruit its teaching and support staff from the Indian natives. This will enhance the institution’s corporate social responsibility that enhances its global leadership in the provision of education. In most cases, the local natives prefer the international institutions as centers of learning. ABCD institution will therefore acquire a large number of students as compared to the UK. This is because unlike UK, the numbers of institutions in India are scarce. References Alkhafaji, F A 2003, Strategic management: formulation, implementation, and control in a dynamic environment. Routledge. Baltes, P 2004, Strategic implementation: tools used to ensure strategic plans are completed, Minnesota: College of St. Scholastica. Daft, R 2000, Management.  New York: Dryden Press Flood, P 2000, Managing strategy implementation: an organizational behavior perspective. Wiley-Blackwell. Hoye, R , Nicholson, M, Smith A, Stewart, B, & Westerbeek, H 2009, Sport management: principles and applications, Butterworth-Heinnemann. Hunter, M & Tan, F 2007, Strategic use of information technology for global organizations, Idea Group Inc. (IGI). Instrument of structural policies for pre-Accession, European commission Directorate-General for Regional Policy 2002, The Instrument for Structural Policy for Pre-Accession (ISPA), Office of Official Publications of the Europe communities. Paladino B, 2007, Five key principles of corporate performance management, John Wiley and Sons Robins, P, Judge, T, Judge, A 2008. Organizational Behavior.  New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Roney, C 2004, Strategic management methodology: generally accepted principles for practitioners, Greenwood Publishing Group. Smith, D & Tardif, M 2009, Building Information modeling: a strategic implementation guide for architects, constructors, and real estates asset managers, John Wiley and Sons. Speculand, R 2009, Beyond Strategy: The Leader's Role in Successful Implementation. John Wiley and Sons. Valence, J 2003, Architect’s essentials of professional development, John Wiley and Sons. Waal L, Large A & Wade, P 2010Morden T, 2007, Principles of strategic management, Innovative business textbooks,  Ashgate Publishing, 3rd Edn. Wong Y & Ungson Gerardo, 2008, Global strategic management M.E Sharpe. Read More
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