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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Systemic Lupus Erythematosus has been chosen as a topic because it is a disease which is both potentially fatal and also difficult to deal with as it can be confused with a number of other conditions. It is an auto immune condition i.e. one in which the body, in an attempt to protect itself, actually cause damage. In the case of lupus the results of this attack are widespread and involve such things as joint damage, inflammation of tendons and the whole connective tissue system as well as organs .
This damage occurs because the body produces antibodies which then attack healthy tissues. Lupus can be drug induced, can occur in babies born to women who have Sjogren’s Disease or can be confined to the skin. Systemic lupus erythematosus is more widespread in that almost every part of the body can be affected. Symptoms experienced include extreme fatigue, skin rashes, weight loss and fever ( Lupus Health Centre, 2012) Kim et al ( 1999) also described respiratory distress in adults with the condition.
Kimberly ( 2001, page 650) describes how both extreme hypertension and infection can be the causes of fatality in this very serious condition. Review of ‘Research Advances in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus’, R. Kimberly, 2001, Journal of American Medicine, February 2001,Volume 285, , number 5, 650 and 651 pages This is a relatively short article, only a page and a half, but covers many aspects of the treatment , and possible future treatments of systemic lupus erythematosus. The author looks at what he describes as ’research opportunities’ of different types and how these could be expected to bring about advances in treatment of the condition.
This list includes such the identification of relevant genes, as well as how these become activated in early auto immune activity, causing the disease and involving both the inborn and acquired immune systems that humans have. He looks first of all at the incidence of the condition, stating that it is commoner among females as compared with males, and also that it is both commoner, and often more severe, among certain racial groups, naming both those of Hispanic origin and black people. It is stated that ( page 650) both the inflammatory and non-inflammatory damage caused to the body’s various organs, is due to the immune system and its pathogenic role in SLE.
He looks forward a long way, believing that the next quarter of a century will bring about great advances in both understanding and the management of the condition. He sees this as moving towards a prevention of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. ( SLE). Antigens are provoked into action and these in their turn incite other antigens, and so the disease spreads through the victim’s body. The author describes current methods of management including the use of non –steroid anti- inflammatory drugs , as well as ones originally developed in order to treat malaria.
Also included in present day management are what is described as ‘aggressive amounts’ of various immune-suppressive medications. Also discussed are how the presence of auto-reactive T cells and autoantibodies are signs of the involvement of the immune system, but also of other non-inflammatory components. Kimberley is particularly concerned with the auto immune reaction, as discusses such things as the possibility of finding new markers for both immune activation and any deviation. ( page 651) This he says would result in changes in management to a more effective model.
This article is relevant to the field as it both describes present management and also discusses how this might be changed as new knowledge becomes available, as well as what that newly acquired knowledge might include. This article was written in 2001 and genetic research is advancing apace. It would be an interesting study to look at predicted advances in the light of recent research and also to look back and make comparisons in 2026. Will there really be much more targeted methods of treatment available, rather than the current method of applying strong and broad acting immunosuppressive treatments?
Only time will tell. References Kim,W., Kim,S., Yoo,W., Park.J., Min.J., Kim.S., Hong,Y., Lee,S.,Park,S., Cho,C., and Kim,Y., 1999, Adult respiratory distress syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus: causes and prognostic factors: a single center, retrospective study, Lupus, September 1999, volume 8,7pp552 -557, retrieved from ( 7th March 2012) Kimberly ,R., 2001, Research Advances in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Journal of American Medicine, February 7th 2001, Volume 285, Number 5, retrieved from ( 7th March 2012) Lupus Health CenterFacts, Lifescripts, retrieved from http://www. ( 7th March 2012)
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