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Usage of Pesticides - Essay Example

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From the paper "Usage of Pesticides " it is clear that according to pesticide selectivity, health and the environment, various studies have been undertaken to show the impact of pesticides on the ecosystem as a whole. The attention has been paid to analyze the effect of pesticides on the environment…
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Usage of Pesticides
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Pesticides are the chemicals used in farms and garden in order to kill weeds and certain insects. Although some of the pesticides are used to remove the harmful and destructive insects, some of the pest control agencies neglect the destruction it caused to the environment. The U.S has banned the use of pesticides because of many reasons, one of which is its damage to the environment. Pesticides, when used, run into rivers and seas with water cause damage to the environment. This contaminated water when reach seas and rivers harm the living things beneath the water.

“Pesticides kill millions of fish each and the damage to other aquatic life is enormous” (Carlile, 2006). Usage of pesticides also harms the ozone layers and is one of the chief causes of global warming as well. Pesticides contain certain types of chemicals, which has the tendency to break over a period of time and this damage the layer causing a long-term effect. Pesticides also have indirect effects. Use of pesticide in one area kills the insects but it also harms plants and animals in that area.

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(Usage of Pesticides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words, n.d.)
Usage of Pesticides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words. Retrieved from
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Usage of Pesticides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Usage of Pesticides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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