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Stem Cell Research - Essay Example

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In the research paper “Stem Cell Research” the author analyzes one kind of stem cell, which are the embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are cells obtained from embryos which develop from eggs fertilized in laboratories and not in a woman’s body…
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Stem Cell Research
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Stem Cell Research and its Connection to the Dental Field I. Introduction Stem Cell Research has sparked countless debates,criticisms, forums and demonstrations of different kinds by different groups. This topic has been the main subject of various political and social programs. It has been used as campaign pieces by politicians. It has been used by private companies in the advancement of their ventures. It has likewise been utilized by both the scientific community and the religious sectors to further their ideas and viewpoints. With so many hullabaloos, a person will really be intrigued and tempted to take a closer look at this scientific endeavor or as some call it, breakthrough. Some twenty years ago, researchers have isolated stem cells from embryos of mice and in 1998, stem cells were isolated successfully from human embryos by research teams at the Johns Hopkins University and University of Wisconsin (Embryonic Stem Cells). Stem Cell Research in itself has been lauded as a scientific advancement because of its proven effectiveness in treatments and potential for development of procedures that can cure diseases of varying kinds. Some of the ailments which stem cells help treat include cancers, cardiovascular diseases, auto-immune diseases, neural degenerative diseases and injuries, immunodeficiencies, anemias and other blood conditions, metabolic disorders, liver disease and bladder disease (Peer-Reviewed References Showing Applications of Adult Stem Cells That Produce Therapeutic Benefits for Human Patients). The primary issue being argued upon is not about the entire subject of Stem Cell Research, but it is about one kind of stem cell, which are the embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are cells obtained from embryos which develop from eggs fertilized in laboratories and not in a woman's body (Stem Cell Basics: What are embryonic cells). The issue now arises because of the use of cells from the embryos other than giving life to a human being. Ethical and moral arguments are now introduced to counter the purposes and goals of scientists. Arguments of groups or sectors opposing the use of embryonic stem cells revolve around the destruction of life because they consider the cell in the embryo as not just a simple cell but life itself or the beginning of a human being. Religious groups, specifically those against abortion and Pro-life activists are strongly against this procedure because of its moral implications like the lessening of giving value to the beginnings of life. Their stand is that getting cells from the embryo is similar to abortion. The issue was so pervasive that government supported embryonic stem cell research was banned by Pres. Bush in 2001. Private funding was however not banned and support for embryonic stem cell research from private companies continued. Scientists on the other hand, defend their motivations for doing research on human embryos as not merely a means to destroy life but to understand human functioning and development from the earliest form of human life which is the embryo (Jones). The ultimate aim of scientists in involving themselves in Stem Cell Research aside from knowing the essentials of human development is to find ways on how to improve human health. Embryonic stem cells may be the most controversial but there are still other sources of stem cells like cord blood, hair follicles, and baby teeth among others. There are two classifications of Stem cells namely; the embryonic stem cells and the adult stem cells. Various fields have recognized the effects of Stem Cell Research in their areas. One such field is the dental field. Tooth regeneration has been a bright prospect because of stem cells. The dental practice is not only instrumental to stem cell research as far as the teeth being sources of stem cells, but the dental field is also set to benefit from studies pertaining to the ability of stem cells to promote growth of teeth or to repair teeth. Regenerative Dentistry is an approach in dentistry that has emerged because of the findings in Stem Cell Research. Regenerative Dentistry deals with the gaining of knowledge in the genetic control of significant processes of teeth formation in the embryo with the purpose of recreating tooth development in the mouth of an adult (How to grow a tooth). II. What are Stem Cells Stem cells are the fundamental cells of every tissue and organ in the body which are blank cells that do not yet have specialized tasks or functions (What are Stem Cells). Stem cells sustain and replicate themselves for long periods of time. They can change into specialized organs and tissues under appropriate conditions. They can also develop into different cell types like muscle, blood and nerve cells. These characteristics of stem cells make them possible and reliable potential sources of treatments for various diseases. Stems cells may provide cells for treatment of ailments like cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, type-1 diabetes, heart disease and mutiple sclerosis. Stem cells are distinct from the other cells in the body because of their capability to divide and renew themselves for long durations, their non-specialization and their ability to produce or develop into specialized cell types. Stem cells have the capability to produce cells that have been lost permanently due to an accident, illness or wear and tear. An example is Parkinson's disease where stem cells can produce new brain cells to replace those that have been lost due to the illness. Scientists stress though that it is best that stem cells be used on a patient's body where they were taken from to avoid rejection. Rejection by the immune system is possible because of the genetic mismatch. The body will sense the additional cells are foreign matters and complications may arise. Stem cells have four degrees of potency or the ability to differentiate into various cell types: unipotent, totipotent, pluripotent and multipotent. Unipotent stem cells can create only one cell type, though they can self-renew unlike non-stem cells. Totipotent stem cells are capable of becoming any kind in the adult body and any cell of the extra-embryonic membranes like the placenta (Kimball). Fertilized egg is a totipotent stem cell. Stem cells that can form all cell types regardless of their origin or source are called pluripotent stem cells. Embryonic stem cells which are obtained at the early stages of life are pluripotent. On the other hand, multipotent stem cells can form different cell types of their own tissue or the tissue where they came from. Adult stem cells which are obtained in later stages of life are multipotent stem cells. Scientists found it more difficult to isolate adult stem cells and propagate them. Embryonic stem cells are better alternatives but the development of this option is regulated because of strong opposition to the procedure by some groups. III. Types of Stem Cells: Their Sources and Uses Two main types of stem cells originate from embryos and adults. Stem cells found in the human embryos which are fertilized (union of egg and sperm) in a laboratory dish are called embryonic stem cells. Undifferentiated cells found among differentiated cells in adult tissues and organs are called adult stem cells. Adult stem cells do not actually stay true to its name because the cells are not only found in adults but also in infants or children. Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types while adult stem cells are limited to developing different cell types of the tissue they originated from. Embryonic stem cells are obtained from embryos. These stem cells develop from eggs by means of in vitro fertilization. In vitro fertilization is a way of uniting the egg and a sperm in a laboratory, not inside a woman's body. Under proper conditions, division and self-renewal of stem cells happen, cell mass growth occurs and spontaneous cell differentiation takes place at certain points when dividing of cells stops. Embryonic stem cells have two unique capabilities which include its ability for limitless production and ability to develop into any type of cell, organ or tissue as they mature. They cannot however develop into full organisms. Their capacity to self-replicate for an indefinite period while remaining undifferentiated makes it a potential limitless source of cells for study of human development, discovery of health drugs, and organ transplantations (Embryonic Stem Cells). This method is very controversial because the process of obtaining stem cells from the embryo destroys the embryo. Pro-life groups contest that these cells could be implanted to give life to another human being, though common practice is that excess or surplus embryos formed during in vitro fertilization if not donated to another person or to research, are discarded. The other type of stem cells is the adult stem cell which has been identified or isolated in many tissues and organs. There are however only a small number of stem cells present in each tissue. These stem cells exist in a specific are of a tissue where they remain inactive for several years until the time when something sets them in motion like a tissue injury or disease. Adult stem cells are obtained from blood, umbilical cord blood, liver, skin, retina, bone marrow, placentas, intestine, brain, dental pulp, and skeletal muscle. These stem cells divide or self-renew to generate all kinds of cells of the organ where they originated from. They replenish cells that are dying and restore damaged tissues. Adult stem cells are obtained without doing harm to the person or the donor. There is no harm done to the host because these stem cells can be isolated from a tissue sample obtained from the adult donor. Studies on adult stem cells and their effects have been studied in mice and humans. Unlike embryonic stem cells, it is hard to grow adult stem cells in a laboratory and their potential for reproduction decreases as time passes. These characteristics lessen their reliability to produce significant amounts for further study or future use. IV. A Focus on Adult Stem Cells Found in the Mouth Dental pulp from human adult teeth has been one of the more significant sources of adult stem cells. Stem cells that have been isolated from the dental pulp of human adult teeth have been found to grow and reproduce rapidly. It has been discovered that stem cells can be extracted not only from adult teeth but baby teeth as well. In fact, baby teeth provide a better source of stem cells. These are called SHED or Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous teeth. Baby teeth, also called deciduous teeth or teeth that are lost or could fall off, appear from the age of six months then start falling out from the age of six until about the age of thirteen SHED comprise clonogenic cells with the ability of changing into various cell types like adipocytes, odontoblasts and neural cells (Miura, Gronthos and Zhao). When SHED were subjected to in vivo transplantation or transplantation inside a living organism, it was discovered that they are able to generate bone formation, produce dentin, and survive in the brain of a mouse. When the stem cells were cultured in a laboratory, the cells grew quickly and formed sphere-like clusters which proved that stem cells found in human baby teeth proliferate at a faster rate than stem cells found in adult teeth or even in bone marrow (Wright). "The stem cells from baby teeth not only rapidly grew, but they generated bone formation when implanted under the skin of mice"(Wright). This bone formation ability was not accomplished with stem cells derived from the wisdom teeth of adults. "Stem cells from baby teeth are better than those from adult teeth in neural cell generation and fat cell growth"(Wright). It has also been discovered by a US research team that stem cells derived from dental pulp can protect and advance the survival of some kinds of brain cells. Stem cells to be used for brain treatment may be obtained from the teeth of the patients themselves, thus preventing any immune complications arising from rejection of foreign elements in the body. Another possible source of stem cells within the mouth is the membrane of the inside cheeks. This was discovered by Japanese researchers when they were trying to repair the corneas of four patients with vision nearly wiped out by a rare eye disease called Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Instead of transplanting corneal tissue, the scientists used bits of tissue obtained from the own mouth of each patient to form a new outer layer for the damaged corneas (Seppa). The ophthalmologists who helped the patients used stem cells from the membranes that line the mouth because the outer corneal layers were severely damaged and were not able to provide reserve stem cells. More than a year after the transplants, the patients have developed enhanced sights. The Japanese researchers cultured the tissues collected from the inside cheek membrane of the patients in the lab, where the tissues grew into twenty five millimeters sheets. These membrane sheets are then transplanted onto the remaining corneal tissue after removing the damaged outer corneal layer of the eye. After the procedure, the transplants took hold right away and grew across the cornea's surface. Scientists however are still trying to figure out why the oral stem cells took the role of corneal stem cells. V. Stem Cell Research and its Effects on the Dental Field The Dental field is set to benefit from Stem Cell Research because discoveries of procedures on how to naturally grow teeth instead of employing implants or dentures are soon to become reality. Tissue regeneration in the dental practice has a very bright future. The practice will be revolutionized with alternative ways which will prove to be beneficial to both the patient and the dental practitioner. Growing natural teeth by means of stem cells instead of undergoing dental implants is the primary focus of a research study spearheaded by Odontis Ltd which was formed by King's College in London. The goal of the study is to allow patients to grow their own natural replacement teeth instead of undergoing synthetic implants and wearing dentures or bridges. The procedure starts with the stem cells being obtained from the patient, which are then brought to the laboratory to be treated and cultured. They are then re-implanted under the gum of the patient's jaw where the tooth was extracted. A fully formed live tooth then grows in the same way that a natural tooth grows. Regenerative Dentistry is the term used for the new approach to repair and replacement of teeth in dentistry. It was coined by Professor Paul Sharpe who is a genetic research scientist at the Dental Institute of King's College London. He said that the understanding of the major processes in the formation of teeth in the embryo helped in the replication of tooth development in the mouth of a patient (How to grow a tooth). The primary medical advantage of regenerative dentistry is that by growing a living tooth, it maintains the health of the surrounding tissues. The newly grown teeth are living and thus respond naturally to the movement of the mouth. This helps preserve the health of the gums and the other teeth. VI. Conclusion Scientists spend their time, energy and brain prowess in discoveries about the fundamental processes of life for a variety of purposes. The very basic goal is to explain phenomena. They aim to clarify things and provide knowledge to people about how things or organisms for that matter in the natural realm work. They also aim to discover new procedures or methods to improve ways of living. This includes ways to improve our health. Generally, scientists are dedicated to discovering new means of improving the quality of life. Their job is to explore and experiment to arrive at explanations that would enlighten people as to why and how organisms or things function as they are. They are also responsible in developing means of manipulating and utilizing nature including all living things for the promotion and betterment of life. There are times in the course of doing their job that scientists are involved in ethical, moral and religious issues or controversies. There are essential procedures in science that go against the rules of specific religions. There are discoveries that directly oppose the principles of specific groups or religions. There will always be contradictions because the very foundations of science and religion greatly differ. However hard the scientists stress that all their procedures are toward the greater good of mankind or toward the attainment of a better or a healthier life or future, not everyone share their visions or aspirations. They are in more ways than one controlled and regulated in their actions because like any other ordinary citizen, they are within the scope of the government where there are laws to be followed, and they are within a community where ethics should be observed in respect to the views of other people. Stem Cell Research has gained negative criticisms because of one particular type of stem cells which are the embryonic stem cells. Although studies show that majority of Americans favor embryonic stem cells for its numerous potentials in curing several diseases, the procedure has still been clouded by the issues and arguments surrounding it. In any case, scientists should continue doing their great job of discovering new means of improving the quality of life. In instances where ethical or moral views clash, compromise should be the best solution. Stem Cell Research is in itself a great breakthrough for mankind. It is apt to thank those who spent tedious hours working on its fulfillment. Stem Cell Research presents several sources, avenues of growth and potential uses. The options offered by Stem Cell Research are obvious successes and the future looks very promising because of these. Several fields have contributed, have benefitted and are set to benefit from Stem Cell Research. One such field is the dental field. The primary effect of Stem Cell Research on the dental field is the revolutionizing of the procedures involved in the practice of the profession. The ultimate goal of these procedures is to give full advantage to the patients seeking dental care. Works Cited "Embryonic Stem Cells." Seo 2003. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International. 24 Aug 2007 . "How to grow a tooth." 5 May 2004. Tissue-Engineering Pages. 24 Aug 2007 . Jones, Nancy L. "The Interface Between Science and Ethics: Probing the Deeper Questions." 2003. The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. 24 Aug 2007 . Kimball, John W. "Stem Cells." 15 July 2007. Kimball's Biology Pages. 24 Aug 2007 . Miura, Masako, et al. "SHED: Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth ." 25 April 2003. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 24 Aug 2007 . "Peer-Reviewed References Showing Applications of Adult Stem Cells That Produce Therapeutic Benefits for Human Patients." 11 April 2007. Stem Cell Research. 24 Aug 2007 . Seppa, Nathan. "Tapping an unlikely source: scientists use mouth membrane to construct corneal-surface transplants." 18 Sep 2004. Find Articles. 24 Aug 2007 . "Stem Cell Basics: What are embryonic cells" 6 Oct 2006. Stem Cell Information. 24 Aug 2007 . "What are Stem Cells" 17 sep 2004. International Society for Stem Cell Research. 24 Aug 2007 . Wright, Laura. " 1EA5-BDC0809EC588EEDF." 23 April 2003. Scientific American. 24 Aug 2007 . Read More
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