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An Understanding of the Evolution of Crying - Research Paper Example

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As a function of seeking to understand the uniquely human process of crying, this brief analysis seeks to provide an understanding of human evolutionary development as it relates to the process as well is putting forward, analyzing, and drawing inference from some pertinent theories on the topic. …
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An Understanding of the Evolution of Crying
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?One of the many aspects that help to separate humans from the remainder of the animal kingdom is with regards to the process of crying. Accordingly,it is a process that has not oftentimes garnered a great deal of attention; however, it is nonetheless unique to humans as compared to the remainder of fellow primates as well as the animal kingdom in general. As a function of seeking to understand the uniquely human process of crying, this brief analysis will seek to provide an understanding of human evolutionary development as it relates to the process as well is putting forward, analyzing, and drawing inference from some pertinent theories on the topic. It is the hope of this author that such an analysis will provide the reader with a greater understanding of human emotional/evolutionary responses as well as the means by which such responses are understood, translated, and acted upon by individuals. Naturally, an evolutionary understanding of the process of crying necessarily requires both a biological, physiological, psychological, and sociological approach. Accordingly, each of these approaches will be analyzed at some length been the preceding analysis. Likewise, in addition to analyzing Charles Darwin and his theories put forward in The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, current research within the past seven years on the topic will also be heavily relied upon in order to draw a level of inference an understanding on to the subject matter at hand. As with many forms of scientific analysis that seek to draw inference with regards to the early evolution of mankind, it is not always possible to draw directly upon the extant/hard evidence in order to prove the complexities surrounding such a level of emotional and survival – linked behavior. Rather, it is necessary to draw upon current evidence and help to link it to the needs based approach that has so often been proven to exist with regards to the biological process of evolution. Ultimately, the need and ability to integrate with and fulfill biological requirements is the very crux of the argument with regards to why certain emotional responses and survival mechanisms have defined themselves in the way that they have. In such a manner, Charles Darwin sought to list three specific reasons for emotion-based tears within human beings. Said Darwin in The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals, “The primary function of the secretion of tears, with some mucus, is to lubricate the surface of the eye, and a secondary one, as some believe, is to keep the nostrils damp, so that the inhaled air may be moist, and likewise to favorites power of smelling. But another, and at least equally important function of tears is to wash out particles of dust or other minute objects which make it into the eyes” (Darwin, 2007). From such an observation, the reader can easily determine that although Darwin was cognizant of the fact that human tears were an exhibition that was unique within the animal kingdom, he did not seem to place a very high-value on the way in which the emotional excretion of tears was important or relevant to the evolutionary process itself (Coulson, 2011). Naturally, such an oversight simplifies the expression of tears and calls into question why humans have developed such a response in such stark contrast to the other members of the animal kingdom. Ultimately, Darwin does not provide a reasonable rationale for this and such a question has been left up to more recent evolutionary research on to this topic. Although will not be the express purpose of this analysis to analyze other evolutionary interpretations, it must be understood that prior to the last 15 to 20 years, almost all evolutionary explanations surrounding human crying were concentric upon trying to define it as a necessary biological function that helps to lubricate mucous membranes, expunge the body of toxins, or other non-emotional or impact that can definitions and understandings of such an exhibition. However, recent research has helped to broaden the understanding and definition of why humans cry (MacClean, 2007). Within such a context, it is necessary for the individual to integrate with an appreciation for the fact that humans are not only highly evolved, as compared to the rest of the animal kingdom, but are also necessarily social by very definition and nature. Accordingly, this social definition of human evolution combined with the empathic urge that is oftentimes exhibited within humanity helps to provide the doorway of understanding with regards to the exhibition and existence of human tears and crying. As the analysis indicates, the physiological exhibition of crying in and of itself integrates with the viewer/participant in a way that almost no other emotional responses can (Thompson et al, 2006). Although it will also be discussed the level and the nature to which crying and the shedding of tears is able to benefit the individual, the broad majority of psychologists and evolutionary biologists have come to the understanding that crying is almost exclusively developed as a means of seeking to integrate with individuals other than the person who is currently going through anguish. In this manner, it can be understood that crying is an exhibition of one of the most effective means of empathy generation and integration that is known to exist. Though Darwin was of course a visionary and hoping to define and expound upon the theory of evolution, it is the view of this author that he was necessarily far off the mark with the fundamental reason and purpose for crying and tears. Said Darwin with regards to the topic, “We must look at weeping as an incident result, as purposeless as the secretion of tears for a blowout site the eye, or as a sneeze from the retina being affected by a bright light” (Darwin, 2007). Within such a simplistic manner and definition, crying in and of itself does not have a role where he purpose within the evolutionary cycle; other than acting as an unconditioned response to outside stimuli. However, utilizing Darwin’s own theory of evolution, it is instantly recognizable that the emotional secretion of tears has a far greater impact and importance than merely a physiological response to an unconditioned stimuli stands in stark contrast to Darwin’s to go point of view which is been expounded upon above, evolutionary theory can also be utilized to explain the emotional secretion of tears and exhibition of crying (Zeifman, 2001). In such an understanding, theories that he put forward the link between human response and crying have proffered that humans ultimately have developed the ability to cry and to shed tears due to the fact that the exhibition of the messages which are entailed in such a process of ultimately been effective in integrating desired responses from other humans. In such a way, the evolutionary explanation of crying in tears, as it exists within current literature, basis level of understanding upon three main assumptions which will be discussed at some length below. The first of these is with regards to the fact the crying ultimately represents a type of stimuli that can be related to the way in which newborn infants seek to acquire a level of parental care. Ultimately, the shedding of tears has been understood to be the means by which the newborn is able to communicate her needs with regards to her caretaker. In much the same way as puppies went for and young birds squawk for attention from their parents, crying in the shedding of tears in the newborn is a way to gain the attention of the caretaker and underline key needs that are unfulfilled. Of course, within the evolutionary framework, the reader can understand the way in which survival of the fittest has determined that this trait has been passed along. Due to the fact that the infants who were most able to communicate their needs to their parents/caretakers were the most likely to survive, this trait was encouraged and furthered by natural selection (Hasson, 2009). The secondary understanding of crying and the shedding of tears as an emotional response is with regards to the erroneous belief that humans are the only species to exhibit such a type of attention – getting behavior in the hopes of achieving a particular goal (Weiss, 2003). Although humans may be unique in the fact that they shed tears and cry in certain situations, if one looks at the animal kingdom, there is the clear example of how an adolescent bird will oftentimes exaggerate its overall level of helplessness as a means of gaining a further degree of attention/care/food from the mother or father. In this way, if one examines the animal kingdom, they can see the clear case of a sparrow, or other such small bird, that is fully able to fly with regards to its overall maturity; however, it chooses instead to beat its wings about an squawk in a seemingly hopeless manner as a way to evoke nothing short of an emotional response on the part of the parents. In much the same way, emotional and biological factors strongly contribute to the way in which evolutionary biologists have recently come to understand the process of crying in humans (Trimble, 2012). Thirdly, crying has only recently begun to be understood within the evolutionary context as a reminder of the helplessness that the infant exhibits (Hofer, 2009). As such, even a cursory review of the physiological properties of crying notes that the face generally becomes wet with tears, comparable to the wet face the newborn exhibits as a result of the amniotic fluid. Furthermore, narrow spasms and the contractions of the body is of course reminiscent and indicative of the gasps for breath that the newborn infant first takes upon entering the world (Lane, 2006). Oftentimes, crying is exhibited alongside screaming; also indicative of the first sounds that it infant makes upon entering the world. Additionally, the wrinkled skin around the eyes, discoloration of the skin, open mouth, and closed eyes are all indicative reminiscent of the way in which the newborn enters the world. Although this interpretation may seem as something of an unreasonable stretch of the imagination, the fact of the matter is that the similarities between the appearances and actions that an individual in emotional distress to his crying makes as compared to a newborn infant are a powerful evolutionary explanation with regards to an effective means of emitting pain-and-suffering all the same time allowing this understanding to be easily integrated with whatever observer might be involved within the process. Some scholars have been fundamentally opposed to the definition and means by which crying and the shedding of tears has been explained within recent literature. Mostly, individuals that stand against such an emotional/evolutionary exhibition point of fact that such a definition, if true, is incapable of explaining why a newborn infant is not able to shed tears until several weeks, oftentimes months, after birth. Although still able and often likely to cry, the unique skill that is involved in shedding tears as something like so many other actions of early childhood which must be developed. However, in response to such criticism, it must be understood that within the very first few months of infancy, the access to food, one of the main and ultimate concerns with which an infant must integrate, is virtually guaranteed. Naturally, this is not to say that there are situations in which famine, death of the mother, or hardship do not occur; rather, it merely indicates that such instances are rare enough that natural selection and survival of the fittest have not been able to contribute sizable or noticeable differentials with regards to how infants mature. However, once the infant matures and is nearly at the age in which it can and should be weaned of mother’s milk, it is necessary and important that the child is then able to express himself not only through the auditory process of crying but also through physiological and physical signs as well. Just as with the situation which has been defined and discussed previously with regards to how a human adult seeks to elicit emotional responses based upon the shedding of tears, the child is able to do the exact same process, even to a more effective degree, with regards to the way that it integrates with parent/caretaker. Similarly, there are a group of evolutionary psychologists that are of the opinion that crying provides a cathartic release that helps to define the reasoning rationale for why individuals engage in. Again, although plausible, is the understanding of this author that there is ultimately less evidence with regards to this particular stance as opposed to the information which has thus far been presented. Although it is certainly within the realm of reason that this could be one of the key determinants for white individuals cry and shed tears, the current literature is incomplete and ultimately inconclusive with regards to this being accepted as a bona fide reason for why human evolutionary growth is taking place in a way that has. What can be seen from the research that has been conducted on the topic is the fact that tears act as something of a unique component to the way in which human emotions are expressed and understood universally. Perhaps the greater question with regards to tears and crying is ultimately not the purpose towards which it is intended, with relation to the outside world, but rather the net effect, both physiological and emotional, that tears have within the individual who sheds them. There have of course been a litany of studies with regards to this; however, inconclusive results have not been unable to shed a definitive answer with regards to whether or not a net level of benefit can be derived by the individual through the process of crying in and of itself stop furthermore, there appears to be no distinct differential with regards to adolescent and infant crying as compared to adult crying. Although both forms are necessitated by need, fear, anger, or a host and litany of other human emotions, the root cause an exhibition is ultimately the same. Although there are a number of activities and behavioral aspects that the humans can engage in, crying and the shedding of tears is something unique due to the fact that it is broadly shared among all cultures, races, and people groups on the planet. In this way, it can be understood as something of a hardwired by her mental response that is the direct result of an evolutionary process. Whereas it is ultimately unknown why crying in the shedding of tears has developed, it can be understood as a process as basic as the process of communication. It is the belief of this author that as far as instinct exists within the human species, crying and the shedding of tears ultimately represents the exhibition of such a reality. Regardless of the root underlying cause, it must be understood that crying and shedding tears is one of the most important emotional aspects that differentiates human species from the remainder of the animal kingdom. References Darwin, C. (2007). The expression of the emotions in man and animals. Charleston, SC: BiblioBazaar. Coulson, A. J. (2011). Ending the Evolutionary War. Education Week, 24(26), 31. Hasson, O. (2009). Emotional Tears as Biological Signals. Evolutionary Psychology, 7(3), 363-370. Hofer, M. (2009). Unexplained infant crying: an evolutionary perspective. Acta Paediatrica, 91(5), 491. Lane, C. J. (2006). Evolution of gender differences in adult crying. Dissertation Abstracts International, 67, MacLean, P. D. (2007). The midline frontolimbic cortex and the evolution of crying and laughter. In E. Perecman (Ed.) , The frontal lobes revisited (pp. 121-140). New York, NY US: The IRBN Press. Thompson, N. S., Olson, C., & Dessureau, B. (2006). Babies' Cries: Who's Listening? Who's Being Fooled?. Social Research, 63(3), 763-784. Trimble, M. (2012). Why humans like to cry: Tragedy, evolution, and the brain. New York, NY US: Oxford University Press. Weiss, J. (2003). Development of a Research Program. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 23(2), 350. Zeifman, D. M. (2001). An ethological analysis of human infant crying: Answering Tinbergen's four questions. Developmental Psychobiology, 39(4), 265-285. doi:10.1002/dev.1005 Read More
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