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The increase in temperatures is also linked with unsolicited changes in global climate, resulting in natural calamities such as floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes. This problem is very important to consider because global climate change not only results in natural calamities that damage human properties, lives, and agriculture but also results in damage to the ecosystem. Many areas have reported a loss of biodiversity and imbalances in ecosystems because even subtle changes in the natural climate cycles cause immense damage to many ecosystems and the species that thrive in them.
The problem of global warming and its associated global climate change can be eliminated if we live a responsible lifestyle by minimizing our carbon footprint and adopt technologies that have minimum fossil fuel usage, and carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. II - Loss of species and ecosystems Pollution by humans and human activities, and encroachment of natural lands for human settlement and other purposes has caused severe losses to ecosystems and species. Loss of many species and, their ecosystems has resulted in a great loss of biodiversity.
Many species are currently under threat of extinction. The loss of species and ecosystems is very dangerous as it directly affects the survival of life on the entire planet. Sometimes the loss of a single important species may damage the entire ecosystem. Such losses have global implications. In order to avoid loss of species and ecosystems, it is important to avoid pollution and land encroachment that destroys species habitats and negatively affects natural ecosystems. Better preservation strategies should be employed for species protection and everyone should be made aware of the importance of protecting vulnerable ecosystems and organisms.
III - Global overpopulation Human population is multiplying rapidly and the resultant drain on earth’s natural resources is increasingly becoming a cause of concern.
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