Sun Centered Universe Example | Topics and Free Essays - 1.
Sun Centered Universe Example | Topics and Free Essays - 1.
It is the continuous rotation of the planets around the stationary Sun that is believed to have caused the presence of eclipse and other periodic retrograde motion that occurs in each planet. Today, the theory behind the heliocentric system significantly influences modern astrology. Earth-Centered UniverseAmong the ancient Greece philosophers, a Geocentric model which suggests that the Earth is the center of the universe was a common belief. From the Ptolemaic point of view, it is the Earth that is the center of the universe whereas the planets continuously orbit around the Earth.
Basically, the Sun, Moon, and stars are assumed to be present around the Earth.During the olden days, astronomers do not have a high-resolution telescope and other necessary equipment used in gathering important information about the universe. Since the theory behind the development of the geocentric model occurred out of pure observation of scientist who lives from the Earth, most of ancient Greece believe that the Earth does not move. It is the rest of the planets, Sun, and Moon that rotates around the Earth.
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