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Due Tell the story of Usermontu or Ta-Sherit: life and health The story of Usermontu is buta special discovery of a surgical procedure performed on a mummified [preserved] body nearly 2,600 years ago. The discovery, a 9-inch orthopedic iron pin inserted in the knee joint, connecting the mummys thigh and lower leg, is remarkable in many aspects; that though the knowledge used in the operation was somehow rudimentary, for there were no established institutions of learning, the principles employed in the limb reattachment resembled those used by orthopedic surgeons in modern day medicine, which to a great extent continues to elicit a lot of admiration from academics. 2) What creature on the planet is biocultural?
How does that affect Natural Selection?Humans: We [Humans] live in nature and culture. Even though much of our behavioral traits are inherited, we have opinions, and so form judgments. That as the inert aspects of biology interacts with the external components of culture, certain thoughts passed along to the latter generations fades away, in effect, explaining how natural selection operates on cultural thoughts. Culture affords that extra capacity for humans to adjust to the challenges of nature. Part 2. Each answer at least 80 words of these 4 questions:1) Explain the differences about whether Neanderthals were humans exactly like us or not.
What traits did they have that were like us, and which were different, and how can you explain these through the principles of natural selection and variation? The Neanderthals were generally similar to modern man in appearance; the anatomy was essentially human in scope, with a similar number of bones functioning in the same manner. They were, however, different in terms of their robustness [thickness and strength]. The Neanderthal also had backward sloped forehead, with a slightly forward protruding nose compared to modern humans.
The similarities in the physical traits of the two come from the very fact that both humans and Neanderthals acquired certain genetic variables from a common ancestor; variables which may have been “wiped clean” with certain beneficial aspects of mutation, causing variations in humans to help develop language or engage in complex interactive mechanisms, in effect, showing the very nature of natural selection in action. 2) How can bones tell us stories that history cannot? What specific scientific methods would you employ to study a group of skeletons from a volcanic eruption, in which the ruler of the time said all the people escaped the disaster?
Scientific evidence has proven beyond reasonable doubles that organisms evolve/change over time. Through the studies of bones, scientists can, therefore, how species have changed across long periods in history, to which history as it is cannot. Skeletons from a volcanic eruption can, thus, be studied through carbon dating. 3) Describe the pattern of development from H. habilis to H. sapiens. What trends do you see? How is the connection between culture and biology apparent with each species?The genus Homo first evolved approximately 2.
3 million to 2.5 million years ago, with core difference with genus australopiths being the significantly larger brains. The homo habilis, the first of the genus, had a large chewing complex characterized by large brow ridges and could also walk on two legs. Homo erectus developed in limb proportions, in effect, maintaining its tree climbing abilities. The final transition were the Neanderthals and the Homo sapiens characterized with large and complex brain that led to the development of language and culture.
Through the phases of development, the connection between culture and biology was apparent, with dependence on material culture first evident in Homo erectus as characterized with the maneuvers that gave rise to the use of simple tools like the oldowan and acheulean tools. These tools were progressively used to manipulate the environment. 4) Describe the studies done on Homo erectus, in particular, “Turkana Boy.” What does this species tell us about the beginnings of “humanity” – human cooperative and social behaviors, as well as the biological differences that appeared with this species.
Turkana Boy is the name given to the fossil find at Nariokotome near Lake Turkana in Kenya. Due to the varied body proportions of the homo erectus individuals, the "Turkana Boy" is comparatively taller and slender to evidence found elsewhere. Scientiofic evidence to the nearly complete skeleton shows that the individual who is estaimated to have lived between 1.5 and 1.6 million years ago, was between 9- to 12-year-old and may have grown to be approximately 6 feet 1 inch as an adult from about 5 feet 3 inches tall at the time of his death.
Part 3 Explain the following Concepts:1) What DNA DoesDeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that carries the genetic information/instructions for the development and the general functioning of living organisms. 2) Variation and Sexual Reproduction, sexual selectionSexual reproduction involves the fusion of specialized sex cells from two parent organisms to produce offspring[s], which are but genetically different. The very difference results from either mutated gene from either of the parent organisms or as a result of mutated chromosomes during the fusion of gametes, thus, the variation.
Sexual selection on the other hand is but a special type of natural selection aimed at maximizing the reproductive success of a species.
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