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Does the Internet Strengthen Social Connections - Essay Example

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This essay "Does the Internet Strengthen Social Connections?" discusses the Internet and social networking media, and their ability to strengthen social connections. Since the early 2000, the Internet has become popular means of communication among friends, family, and even among total strangers…
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Does the Internet Strengthen Social Connections
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Does the Internet Strengthen Social Connections? Teacher               Does the Internet Strengthen Social Connections? Introduction The Internet and the social networking media, and their ability to strengthen social connections is a topic worthy to be discussed. Since the early 2000, the Internet and the social networking media have become popular means of communication among friends, colleagues and family members, and even among total strangers. This has eventually replaced the letter and even to some extent the telephone. However, since many people believe that the Internet and the social networking media have not solved many of the world’s problems and have even added depression and crime to it, this topic has therefore become controversial in nature. The sources that were used for the analysis of the two sides of the debate came from both scholarly sources from Google Scholar, and from popular media sources like blogs and articles from the world wide web. Side A: The Internet Strengthens Social Connections May introverts feel that they can better express themselves online and are therefore more likely to form relationships in such a setting, and this is because they feel much safer, more comfortable and more confident online (Burke, Kraut & Marlowe, 2011). People liked more by friends during adolescence has more friends online and communicated with them more as well as receive more supportive messages from them (Burke, Kraut & Marlowe, 2011). Moreover, online contact naturally brings about like-minded souls who share particular interests in this world of hyperpluralism, ideological diversity and widening social diversity (Stern & Adams, 2010). The Internet, with its bonding and bridging abilities, also fosters ways to build new relationships by somehow removing or reducing particular barriers like those of geographical in nature. Furthermore, by focusing only on like-minded group members and without considering other irrelevant differences, the Internet can bypass several cultural and social differences (Stern & Adams, 2010). Another advantage of the Internet when it comes to strengthening social ties is that it can link those who are interested in the same type of volunteer activities as well as the organizations that take charge of such activities. Moreover, the Internet can actually foster volunteer and community participation because it performs well its role in “supplementing real-life community gatherings” (Stern & Adams, 2010). Social interactions on the Internet have also been found to be correlated with satisfaction with school life as well as one’s degree of self-esteem. In short, the authors have concluded that the use of Facebook may actually overcome barriers faced by students who are known to have low satisfaction as well as low self-esteem (Ellison, Steinfield & Lampe, 2007). Moreover, another way by which the use of the Internet can foster and improve social relations is that it is an avenue through which people who are each other’s friends online may be able to maintain or intensify such relationships (Ellison, Steinfield & Lampe, 2007). Online communication among adolescents is also believed to produce “more cohesive friendships as well as better connectedness to school” (Lee, 2009). Another advantage of the Internet on social interactions is that Instant Messaging has somehow become an “excellent training ground for adolescents [in terms of] practicing and improving their social skills” (Selfhout et al., 2009). Moreover, in one blog entitled “Does the Internet Damage Social Connections?,” the author explicitly states that since there was social networking media and all sorts of online communication through the Internet, the Internet has done more good than bad since it has fostered many good and healthy social connections among friends and even among strangers, and that those people who believed that the Internet has deprived them of actual physical and social interactions are actually already hermits even before the Internet was even thought of (Does the Internet Damage Social Connections, 2009). In fact, in a YouTube video blog entitled “Social Connections Via Internet,” the author, who goes by the handle CrisPAY89, emphasizes that the Internet and the social networking media are very useful in helping out people who need help with their lives, with their problems, and even with their suicidal tendencies – especially if one lives in a place so far away from home (Social Connections Via Internet, 2014). Moreover, according to the above video blog, social connections through the Internet can always help one develop good values, love relationships, better perspectives in life, and even just the idea that there’s someone there who just cares (Social Connections Via Internet, 2014). Side B: The Internet Weakens Social Connections On the other hand, according to Burke, Kraut and Marlowe (2011), although people have many friends on social networking sites, they usually have reciprocal communication with a much smaller group of people from among these friends. Moreover, young adults consider only a small portion of their Facebook friends as true or actual friends, with a typical ratio of 75 out of 300. Social networking and the tendency of some people to get addicted to it is often linked with compulsive use of the Internet as well as missing work (Burke, Kraut & Marlowe, 2011). In fact, the authors contend that this is more prevalent than anyone could imagine. Nevertheless, they did not provide any proof to that claim. Surfing on the Internet may actually increase depression and social anxiety. This is because it leads to “depressive and socially anxious feelings” as well as the absence of long-term awards and a decrease in long-term gratification (Selfhout et al., 2009). According to a particular blog, the Internet does not improve social relations and camaraderie. Moreover, the people one would meet online would at best be ones who will just add to the person’s depression. Thus, one should really go out and socialize or talk on the phone, according to the blogger (“Does the Internet Strengthen Social Connections,” 2009). Moreover, according to Marche (2012), in a feature article on The Atlantic online magazine entitled “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?,” Playboy Playmate Yvette Vickers died a grotesque death despite having fans who found her and whom she found through various Internet sites and fan conventions. Moreover, the fact is that Vicker’s connections “had grown broader but shallower” (Marche, 2012). From this, the author has concluded that indeed the social media and the Internet are actually not doing well, and that deep relationships are already being replaced with communication that is “instant and absolute” and that this one eventually brings about “unprecented alienation” (Marche, 2012). Moreover, the point of the author is that with around 845 million users as of 2012 and with around $3.7 billion generated in revenue, still “the more connected we become, the lonelier we are” (Marche, 2012). In another blog or commentary entitled “Does the Internet strengthen community?” (2009), an author named William Gaston warned that online groups usually do not foster mutual obligation, as well as does not encourage development of voice and acknowledgement of authority. In short, the groups that one usually encounters online tolerate individualism and even rebellion as they may be like-minded individuals who give but their subjective opinion on certain things (Does the Internet Strengthen Community, 2009). This man pointed out by the previously mentioned blog also warned against the “flattening” of relationships in the social media based on the principle that “as individual choice increases, social bonds tend to weaken” (Does the Internet Strengthen Community, 2009). Analysis Based on the idea presented above, both academic and popular sources have different opinions about the significance of the Internet in strengthening social connections. However, most scholarly sources point out that the Internet indeed does improve social connections, and these sources present evidence in order to support such connections. According to Burke et al. (2011), the Internet is indeed very much useful for introverts or those who do not have much confidence voicing out their opinions in person. Moreover, the authors pointed out that the depth of friendships whether online or offline does not really depend on the social networking media itself or on the Internet but on the already deep bonds and friendships that one has forged since his childhood or adolescence. This should then oppose the idea that the social networking sites would actually foster at best shallow friendships. Moreover, as pointed out by Stern and Adams (2010), the Internet, particularly a social networking site, becomes a haven of like-minded souls who have the same ideas. Although some people would think that the Internet is being used by evil people to meet others who are as evil as them, it is also the place where good people meet and encourage each other to do more good things in their lives and in the lives of those they encounter in their midst. Thus, there is no way that the Internet can be accused of fostering evil for there are so many good things that happen every moment because of how good people use the Internet. Stern and Adams (2010) also made a very good point when they claimed that the Internet removes or reduces barriers of many types among people who share the same views. This is really true, and despite the clamor of the conservatives who believe that the Internet dissolves culture and society, the Internet at best only reduces the barriers and puts them out of sight when two people of different cultures interact. Nevertheless, the Internet and the social networking sites do not try to dissolve culture. It is solely but the decision of an individual if he would let go of his own culture or if he would intentionally decide that he would adopt something different. These cases, however, are very rare, as far as I know. Still, another point of Stern and Adams (2010) that is worth mentioning is that the Internet and the social networking media are an excellent vehicle for the strengthening of social ties and for fostering community participation. This is indeed true. If there is no Internet or social networking media, there is no way that people are asked to help and volunteer in the spirit of unity and community for victims of crimes, accidents and natural calamities. Moreover, information dissemination has once and again proven to be very effective and much more efficient than before with the use of social networking sites and the Internet. The Internet has indeed done a lot of help to the deprived more than anyone could ever imagine. On a more personal level, it is also worth considering the opinion of Ellison et al. (2007) that the Internet also gives students a chance to develop satisfaction with school and helps build self-esteem. Aside from the good that it can do to help the society and the community, the Internet may actually help encourage students by sharing their thoughts online except if the student is suffering from something that requires professional help. In short, the Internet is one very good place to seek encouragement from, and one way by which one can feel that he is not alone. Therefore, if the Internet and the social networking sites can actually help millions of young students develop their self-esteem, then one can actually say that such wonders of technology are greatly instrumental in fostering the development of a world where everyone has confidence and no one is afraid of being himself as long as he is a good person. Still, what Ellison et al. (2007) mentioned about the Internet bringing about improvements in social relations by intensifying relationships online is also worth mentioning because it is very much true. Relationships and friendships are actually indeed strengthened by constant communication through the Internet. The other options – writing a letter, seeing someone in person, or calling long distance – are actually either expensive or tedious. Nevertheless, the Internet has not only made social connections possible but also easy and instant. This does not then necessarily mean that such connections and relationships are but shallow. The depth or shallowness of a relationship or friendship depends on the people involved and not on the means that they use to employ such things. The idea of Lee (2009) that the Internet promotes and produces more cohesive friendships as well as better connectedness to school is actually something that is also very much worth mentioning. It does support the ideas of the previously mentioned authors. The conclusions from the study by Selfhout et al. (2009) also support the idea that adolescents are the ones best helped by the Internet and the social networking media because it helps improve their social skills. All these things therefore sum up to one ultimate conclusion – that the Internet is a perfect tool for the development of self-confidence. In fact, self-confidence is the one thing that fuels many good deeds and humanitarian efforts. These scholarly articles actually presented the evidence in favor of the Internet and social media not only with experimental data to back their findings but with scientifically-based explanations in order to warrant validity and reliability of information. Blogs are informal sources and are therefore void of scientific and objective evidence. Nevertheless, personal insights may also be worthy of attention since many subjective ideas cannot actually be proven through experimental or scientific means. The blog “Does the Internet Damage Social Connections?” (2009) actually presents the evidence in a rather fair manner, with the author presenting both the good and bad of the Internet while at the same time emphasizing the good in a most believable way. According to the blog, the Internet and the social media have been vehicles for the fulfillment of community service for the benefit of many victims of calamities and for helping out people in so many ways. This was agreed on by CrisPAY89, whose video blog “Social Connections Via Internet” emphasized the goodness of the Internet and the social networking media on simple individuals whose lives have been fixed and saved through the help of their online friends. For CrisPAY89, even potential harm and suicide could possibly be prevented by the love that is shared by people over the social networking media. It may not be easy for an Asian immigrant like the author himself to be staying alone in the United States far away from family and friends but with the Internet and the social networking media, he naturally did not feel alone. Although these popular sources do not have scientific evidence to back their claims, they still make a lot of sense. Their friendly and conversational tone also appeals more to the human reader and listener more than the scholarly articles do. Many sources, both scholarly and popular, also point out that the Internet may actually help foster numerous social connections but more importantly it brings about a lot of negative things with it. Burke et al. (2011) also point out that reciprocal communication among Facebook friends is not common. Moreover, the social media may become addictive and may interfere with one’s work and relationships. This claim, however, does not necessarily discount the fact that many friendships and relationships that began online are shallow. More than anything else, the depth of one’s relationships depends so much more on the people themselves and not on the means by which they communicate. The only discouraging statement comes from Selfhout et al. (2009), and since this is a scholarly source, then this one is more believable, more reliable and more valid. The authors’ emphasis on “depressive and socially anxious feelings” developed by those surfing the Internet actually means that the Internet may actually reduce one into depression. However, this particular piece of information refers to surfing and not necessarily to social networking media. Surfing must definitely cause loneliness and depression since there is no interpersonal connection that happens during such activity. Nevertheless, the blogs against the Internet and the social networking media, no matter how opinionated and subjective these blogs are, have some truth in them. For example, depression, alienation, the “flattening” of relationships and the toleration of rebellion may actually exist online and may actually be some of the reasons behind the increasing rates of suicide and crime in some countries as well as the cause of the shallowness of many relationships. Perhaps, then it is true that the Internet and the social networking media may bring about something negative. Nevertheless, this is no reason to ignore the goodness that it brings. The negative part is naturally unavoidable and always comes with the good. Theory 2 states that “necessity is the mother of invention,” and the fact that the Internet and the social networking media have been invented somehow attests to the truth of this theory. If the Internet and the social networking media have not been necessary, then they would not have been invented or thought of. Thus, they have been borne out of necessity. However, one should take note that things borne out of necessity, including the Internet and the social media – are not necessarily things borne out of a moral need. Therefore, they may bring with them certain things that are against goodness. In short, they have shortcomings and weaknesses too. Moreover, things borne out of necessity will only exist as long as they serve that necessity. Thus, their purpose is not necessarily permanent. Time will come therefore that perhaps the Internet and the social networking media will be replaced with something greater or something more useful and more necessary. Ultimately, however, things borne out of necessity are not perfect yet they should be nurtured for they are here to serve their purpose well but not to serve all purposes especially moral ones. Conclusion The Internet and the social networking media both strengthen and weaken social connections. However, this does not depend on the Internet and the social networking media itself but rather on the people who use such means to interact with their fellows. According to both scholarly and popular sources, the Internet strengthen social connections by adding depth to their relationships, and by providing assistance and encouragement when it is most needed. On the other hand, the Internet may weaken social connections by emphasizing the individual more than the group, and by encouraging shallow relationships that in turn bring about depression. Both groups of opinions have truth in them but since more scholarly articles support the idea that the Internet strengthens social connections, then this must be more likely. References Burke, M., Kraut, R. & Marlow, C. (2011). Social capital on facebook: differentiating uses and users. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 571-580. Does the Internet Damage Social Connections. (2009). Retrieved from Moments of Intelligence: Does the Internet Strengthen Community. (2009). Retrieved from ICS691 Social Computing Mike Claveria: Does the Internet Strengthen Social Connections. (2009). Retrieved from Word Press: Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C. & Lampe, C. (2007). The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), 1143-1168. Lee, S. J. (2009). Online Communication and Adolescent Social Ties: Who benefits more from internet use. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14(3), 509-531. Marche, S. (2012) . Is Facebook Making Us Lonely. Retrieved from the Atlantic magazine: Selfhout, M. H. W., Branje, S. J. T., Delsing, M., ter Bogt, T. F. M. & Meeus W. H. J. (2009). Different Types of Internet use, depression, and social anxiety: The role of friendship shared. Journal of Adolescence, 32, 819-853. Social Connections Via Internet. (2013). Retrieved from Stern, M. J. & Adams, A. E. (2010). Do Rural Residents Really Use the Internet to Build Social Capital? An Empirical Investigation. American Behavioral Scientist, 53(9), 1389-1422. Read More
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