So what do viewers think of this? Apparently, it is common for people to outsource their intimate relationship. Parents request letters to be written to their children, wives and husband exchange customized love note. It is not done on the sly; the film gives the impression that everyone involved is aware of the pretense. Presumably, a client finds something guanine in sentiment composed for them bearing in mind that the letter are ghost written. In the real world, sentiment written from photos taken years ago cannot be true.
The conventional lines between others and self, human and machine, pretense and sincerity present and future are all blurred. The effect is disorienting, but only mild and humorous. One would expect a many of the viewers to reject this, but surprisingly it goes well with the majority of the viewers. Perhaps the use of near future setting helps to accommodate some of this exaggeration and reduce disbelief among the viewers. Through the use of ‘technological magic’ Spike manage to create a dislocation to the viewers.
This is however where spike wants the audiences to be since it gives the urge to go along. In the search of the real thing. After reviewing the concept of self, from the mooring in the inner life, Spike to his major concern in the film- the nature of the modern relationship. According to Jonze, the desire for connection and intimacy is Constance in human life. The hard question is how that is going on nowadays. Where are the real things, in a world where the boundaries of self have become fluid?
It was once believed that media intergration would make it easy for connection between people. This is however not the case. Loneliness among the human being is constant; it simply finds a new form in every era. What Spike set to explore is an ambiguous situation. Spike is of the opinion that the technology connect and/or disconnects us. In the next series of scene, we see how spike bring this contradiction in various aspect in our relationship How technology makes life complicated. We see Theodore in a preoccupied conversation with a flat voiced interface of his phone, just like everyone around him.
We see a train car where all the passages are interacting with various piece of technology. These people are all isolated; each is living on a separate continent of his own. We then see Theodore at home alone playing a video game. He reaches out for a hilarious unsatisfying phone sex when he is unable to sleep. We see him with his friend Charles and army and in a flash back with his estranged wife. All of these relationships are strain. This is because, from what we see each person is preoccupied with a project that don't quite match with those of people surrounding them.
They all want a relationship to satisfy the, but they continue to peruse their personal fulfillment, undermining their relationship According to spike, the fundamental tension between the will to connect and self-directedness is one of the things that complicate modern life ( Bell, 2014). In numerous instances, the characters in the film are complaining that people do not get them because they are too focused in their things. Although this is true, it also shows how the complainer is self-absorbed.
For example, Theodore complains about his mother ‘whenever we talk about something that is going on my life her reaction is usually about hers' subsequently, Samantha complain about Theodore turn this back to him. When he responds to her budding zest for life with private fear, she responds impatiently, I was talking about what I wanted. The level of self-regard in this comment pottery high level of self-absorption Technology can connect people. The bright spot in Theodore life turn to be another piece of technology.
This helps to shows that what divide can also connect. He is introduced to it through an advertisement that pitches the product by means of question like: who are you? What can you be? Where are you going? What will you find there?
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