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Ivan Ilyich About The of the novel “Leo Tolstoy” is a successful to describe the human realities. He lost his parents’love at the age of 10 years and lived at his aunt’s home. He got the education of law and wrote many useful writing contents, such as novels, stories, etc. for every age group by inspiring the readers (Tolstoy, 1886).ObjectivesThe novel “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” is about the life of a rich family, who does not care humanity and are very materialist. The main character of the novel is Ivan Ilyich, who is a successful magistrate by profession but not lived happy life with family.
Once, an accident changed his life by learning the true meaning of life. After a physical injury, Ivan found the realities of life by analyzing his family members and the services of his servant Gerasim. Before the accident, Ivan did not care for his children and his wife and ever criticized them, but after the accident he felt love and sympathy for his family. Changing in the behavior of Ivan is because of caring and loving attitude of his servant, who take cares him without any reward. Caring behavior of Gerasim describes the lesson of love and kind of humanity that goes to the love of death rather than fear of death.
There is a lesson for readers that artificial life never comforts the human to live a stress free life. Genuine and simple lifestyle helps the people to care each other in difficult times and love for the family members. Spiritual satisfaction is better rather than materialistic life.Option BThe teachings of the storyThe story is about the process of Ivan’s death by facing different phases in the society. The lesson of the story is great about death that love of humanity decreases the pain of death for the deceased persons and his concerned persons too.
Ivan was a great gentleman before death, but an accident changed his social status. Everyone ignored him and did care him, but only a servant took care for himself. When Ivan was living a luxurious life, he was afraid of death as he never faced any pain because of materialist life. Pain made easy the sense of deceased feelings. The death of Ivan also made easy the lives of his juniors to promote at his left seat and also a relaxed life for his remaining relatives (Maude, 1886). Lesson of Death and DyingIn the story, there are two sides of life, which were faced by the main character Ivan Ilych.
In the first phase of his life, he was a successful person by not having any problem. He spent a great life with his friends and his professional life and he also did not care for domestic life anytime. But, an accident taught him the realities of life. His physical pain taught him the art to know the others’ feelings, which also lesson the fear of death as the physical pain was only healed by love and care of his caretaker Gerisam (Maude T. b., 2014). It is concluded that materialistic life does not have the charms of love and care.
Before the accident and death of Ivan, he was very popular amongst his friends but they were not sad at his death by taking interest only in his left post to get. His wife was also selfish; who ever liked his money and status but not his life. His son and daughter could not get care of their father, which is a sorrowful moment for Ivan before dying. Gerasim taught him the lesson of real life. References:Maude, L. a. (1886). Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy:The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Maude, T. b. (2014).
THE DEATH OF IVAN ILYCH by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. An Electronic Classics Series Publication.Tolstoy, L. (1886). THE DEATH OF IVAN ILYICH.
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