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Negotiation Strategies and Their Ethics in the - Thank You for Smoking - Movie Review Example

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The paper "Negotiation Strategies and Their Ethics in the Movie - Thank You for Smoking" highlights that the will to resolve a conflict prompts people to initiate a negotiation. A good plan is necessary for addressing a negotiation process and has a direction on the outcome of the negotiation…
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Negotiation Strategies and Their Ethics in the Movie - Thank You for Smoking
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?Negotiation Strategies and Their Ethics in the Movie, Thank You for Smoking The movie, Thank You for Smoking is a 2005 production of a comedy- dramafilm as written and directed by Jason Reitman. The cast and release of this movie follows the significant concern of Big Tobacco’s company chief spokesperson, Nick Naylor in marketing cigarettes. The spokesperson finds him in a dilemma of making a living from defending the rights of smokers and cigarette makers using spin tactics even as he seeks to remain a positive role model to his 12-year old son, Joey. The main character Nick Naylor is the Vice-President of the Academy of Tobacco Studies and his friends are mostly alcohol business and gun business gurus. Nick faces strong opposition from Vermont's Senator Ortolan Finistirre, who defends in the Senate the use a skull and crossed bones in the cigarette packs. However, he does his best even as his son comes to know of his immoral venture. Nick Naylor and his friends use many business strategies to survive in their businesses. Nick Naylor invokes many negotiations in line with his duty some of which are successful while others are not. Among the many strategies that Nick Naylor uses, there are negotiating strategies that are so dominant in the movie (YouTube Web). A negotiation is a process that involves two or more individuals with an aim of work together to formulate agreements about the issues in dispute. A negotiation strategy in this case is a pre-determined approach to achieve a desired goal or objective to potentially find and make an agreement or contract in a negotiation with another party or parties (Moore Web). Negotiation strategies also involve ethics that drive the negotiations and dictate relations between the negotiators. This paper will address the various negotiation strategies as used in the movie, thank you for smoking and the ethics of the negotiation strategies that apply in the same movie. Negotiation Strategies The business field encompasses various problems that are subject to negotiations between different parties. The address of these problems requires a well-crafted strategy to achieve the set goals. In indentifying an effective negotiation strategy one is supposed to first identify his strategic objectives go ahead and collect the required information in relation to the negotiation. Subsequently one is supposed to plan the best environment for the negotiations and draw a concrete program for the engagement. This procedure is very fundamental in any negotiation process though it varies from one dispute to another. In some cases it even not possible to follow this procedure subject to the urgency of the matter. However, where time allows, professionalism calls for the adoption of this procedure in negotiation. This way desired results have a guarantee. Planning is indeed, very important in implementing any negotiation strategy. One should prioritize his interests in a negotiation process and rank them accordingly. In addition, one should equip themselves with the knowledge about other negotiators. They should also consider the effect of money in a negotiation process. Then plan factual inquiries carefully and plan money moves based on negotiation objective principles (Cronin-Harris, Web). Indeed, among the many factors that can lead to a failed negotiation strategy poor planning is very significant. Other factors like failing to pay attention to your opponent, paying too much attention to anchors, caving in too quickly, gloating, and thinking the pie is fixed come in handy to the failure of a negotiation strategy (Stanford Graduate School of Business Web). In the negotiation table, one should adopt given attributes to ensure that the negotiating parties focus on the dispute and you win the dispute. It is very significant that one separates the negotiators from the problem so that they can have an independent focus in addressing the dispute. For a winning situation, a negotiator should put informed emphasis on their interests in the dispute and not necessarily on the positions of the negotiators. With this in mind, one should therefore derive the best options for mutual gain. This aims at embracing togetherness in formulating solutions that will work best for both negotiating parties. In most cases, a mutual gain is not the main aim of a negotiator. In addition, the negotiator should insist on the use of objective criteria for judging a proposed solution. This ensures that personalities to not feature in the negotiations and that the goal of the negotiations remain supreme. As defined above, the main objective of all negotiation strategies is to achieve desired goals in a dispute involving two or more parties. It is arguably true that the negotiation strategies used, the presiding tactics, and events that take place in a negotiation characterize and determine the ultimate results of the negotiation. Negotiation tactics may include giving ultimatums, acting a good/ bad cop, nibbling, walking away, or even offering shocking or surprised looks. Indeed, although some negotiators will settle for a compromise, most negotiators play to win the dispute at hand. As such, the strategies in application refer to individual approach to the dispute that will guarantee a win- win situation. Actually, many negotiation strategies are relevant to specific disputes. Indeed, there are no universal negotiation strategies. A negotiator can thus choose to adopt a cooperative bargaining strategy, a competitive strategy (Guasco and Robinson 19), a positional bargaining, and an interest-based bargaining and others. In a unique situation, the cooperative bargaining strategy the negotiator is more inclined to share information and to make concessionary offers in a negotiation process. Moreover, there is the positional power strategy where one places himself or herself in the higher chair or the better chair. This serves as an effective negotiation warning to the other negotiators that you are the higher ranking or superior of the two bargainers. This largely affects the direction of the negotiations and the ultimate negotiated decision. It is however worth noting that only effective negotiation strategies that can tilt the negotiations in your favor making all the difference between winning and losing in a dispute. Sadly, is the fact that once you choose a negotiation strategy, it is hard to change in course of the negotiations. It is therefore advisable to make thorough research on the dispute before choosing a conclusive negotiation strategy as this defines your success or failure. Different negotiators will adapt variant negotiation strategies to a common dispute depending on their objectives. Hence, the negotiation strategies adopted by Nick Naylor in the movie, Thank you for smoking, best suits his main objectives. Different negotiation strategies actually oppose one another and as such having the right knowledge on how to contain the other negotiators with different strategies is fundamental in a negotiation. Nick Naylor uses the heavy spin tactics. The main objectives of Nick Naylor were to report the questionable research of the "Academy" to the public and defend Big Tobacco on television programs by questioning opposing health claims and advocating personal choice. He used various strategies to achieve this. Nick Naylor would go to Los Angeles to bargain for cigarette placement in upcoming movies and in most cases, he won the negotiations. At times, he would use the money approach to pursue his interest-based bargaining (Moore Web). For example, he used a briefcase of money to bribe Lorne Lutch, a cancer-stricken man who was campaigning against cigarettes. The main aim in this situation was to buy Lorne’s silence with money in a positional bargaining negotiation strategy. However, Lorne refused but Naylor adopts another negotiation strategy, cooperative strategy where he suggests to Lorne to announce publicly that the bribe is startup finance for a charity for cancer victims where Lorne will not use the money for his personal gains. This pushes Lorne to accept the bribe and hence his silence on cigarette smoking. Most significantly, the main opposition to Naylor’s interests was senator Finistirre who promotes a bill in congress seeking to add a skull and crossbones poison warning to cigarette packets. In one of the negotiation-televised debates with Finistirre, Naylor receives a death threat from a caller but vows to go ahead and fight Finistirre's bill in the senate. This aims at making Naylor physically uncomfortable at the debate. When uncomfortable, people naturally want to leave the negotiations and prompts the opponent to give-in to your demands and leave the environment. The government uses an intimidation tactic in the negotiation by kidnapping Naylor while on his way to the negotiations with the senate. The government won in this case. However, a rejuvenated, Naylor appears before the Senate committee for the negotiations. Again, he adopts the cooperative strategy to pursue his interests. In the negotiations, Naylor admits to the dangers of smoking but argues that public awareness is already high enough without extra warnings putting more emphasis on consumer choice and responsibility instead of warnings. He won the negotiations by claiming that if tobacco companies are guilty of tobacco-related deaths, then Senator Finistirre’s state, which is a major cheese producer, is also responsible for cholesterol-related deaths. This argument and negotiation strategy amazed the senate and specifically Senator Finistirre but was a great achievement to Big Tobacco and its boss. In the same manner, Naylor son, Joey seems to have taken after Naylor’s negotiation strategies winning various school debates using lessons from his father. Moreover, Naylor continued with his successful lobbying defending the rights of smokers and cigarette makers. The movie, thank you for smoking therefore demonstrates a wide range of negotiation strategies and tactics as they apply in business negotiations. The importance of planning, intellect and other negotiations aspects characterize the negotiation strategies adopted by Naylor against Senator Finistirre and the U.S senate. Of great concern is the fact that no negotiations or respective application of negotiation strategies can exist in absence of certain standards and regulations governing the entire process. In this case, a code of ethics is very fundamental in the implementation of the negotiation strategies especially because different negotiators adopt variant negotiation strategies with a dominant aim of winning the debate. Ethics for the Negotiation Strategies Ethics define the mode and spirit of societal interactions. Actually, every field of study has its own code of ethics that govern its organization. As such, there are business ethics that govern business negotiations. The liberty to use the set ethical standards in negotiations rests with the negotiators. Ethical negotiation is a transformational guided process that takes place in a negotiation using the chosen negotiation strategy treating co-negotiators in a morally worth manner (Silkenat et al 39-43). While as negotiations have been there for the longest time ever with the main aim of winning debates, it is inevitably true that the negotiators are real people who deserve their respect and dignity in and out of negotiations hence the importance of ethical standards in negotiation strategies. The negotiators should therefore consider justice in business negotiations, human flourishing, transparency, and the universal dignity. Falsification, deception, bluffing, misrepresentation, coercion, discrimination, reference to negotiators as opponents, manifestation of acts of hostility, and selective disclosure amount to unethical behaviors in the application of business negotiation strategies (Silkenat et al 39-43). Indeed, the central element of any business negotiation strategy is to convince others to accept the accuracy or reality of information that will influence their decision. As such, negotiators go to all lengths in making sure that they satisfy their objectives. For example, in the Thank you for smoking movie, Naylor bribes Lorne Lutch, to buy his silence on the dire effects of cigarette smoking and Lorne Lutch acts unethically by accepting the bribe. Actually, most will influence people by lying to them. However, good negotiators know that falsification lowers the credibility of any negotiator and as such avoid it. In addition, while working with ­ psychologically needy, uninformed, and insecure in their understanding of their relative power in the negotiation, some negotiators are tempted to use unethical means in winning the debates. Moreover, where the co-negotiators are unaware of their rights, some negotiators will use unethical behaviors and negotiation strategies to achieve their goals (Cohen Web). Indeed, the seduction and sexual fling offered by a young reporter named Heather Holloway to coerce Naylor to tell about his life and career is great exposition of the unethical behaviors that people use to achieve their goals. Because of these unethical behaviors, deceived negotiators make agreements against their interests (Schermerhorn et al 232). Hence, it is relevant to base ethics of negotiations on certain principles and understandings. Treating co-negotiators with respect and honesty is sensible and greatly influences their position thus making initially reluctant negotiators undependable partners. It is logical and beneficial to appreciate other negotiators views and feelings in applying any negotiation strategy. In fact, all negotiators should recognize that the driving force to any negotiation aimed at resolving a conflict in an agreement lies in the fact that nobody is absolute and co-negotiators add value to the line of debate. Fundamentally, transparency in the negotiation process is far more likely to bring desired results than any unethical business trait. Our recognition and respect to other negotiators as human beings deserving equal treatment as us is the ultimate backbone of successful negotiations. As such, honesty, transparency, and respect for others are some of the good negotiation ethics. Indeed, Naylor was at the forefront to respect his co-negotiators, Senator Finistirre, and the U.S senate in course of their negations where he won in most cases. Naylor equally reveals the necessary information to the debate in comparing the effects of cigarette smoking to cholesterol intake. The transparency and respect for his co-negotiators pushes him to success in his application of negotiation strategies. Contrary behaviors are unethical in applying negotiation strategies for purposes of winning a negotiated business debate. The use of bribe to buy Lorne Lutch silence was an unethical way of applying negotiation strategies for purposes of achieving defined goals. Conclusion I find that negotiations have been in the limelight for quite a while. The will and need to resolve a conflict prompts people to initiate a negotiation. A good plan is necessary in addressing a negotiation process and has a direction on the outcome of the negotiation. The ultimate goal of any negotiator is to achieve desired goals and represent their interests. As such, most negotiators play to win although some agree to compromise. Different problems will require different approaches and hence negotiators their most suitable strategies in a negotiation process. The movie, thank you for smoking demonstrates a range of negotiation strategies used by Naylor and Senator Finistirre in addressing the cigarette manufacture, packaging, and smoking problem. Negotiation strategies include and are not limited to power position strategy, cooperative strategy, competitive strategy, interest-based bargaining, and position bargaining strategy. The application of any varies from the negotiators to the debate at hand. Since, negotiators will do anything to win, the use of business ethics in the application of negotiation strategies is important. Unethical behavior lowers the integrity of any negotiators and influences other negotiators to make agreements against their interests. Respect for other negotiators, transparency, and honesty define some of the good ethics in business negotiations. The use of bribes by Naylor is unethical while the transparency and respect for other negotiators is ethical in negotiations. As such, for justified and successful negotiations, the use of ethical means in applying negotiation strategies is very important. However, the liberty to apply ethics in a negotiation strategy lies with the negotiator. Works Cited Cohen, Steven. Negotiation Ethics: A Matter of Common Sense. The Negotiator Magazine, 2004. Web 21, April 2012. <> Cronin-Harris, Cathy. Negotiation Strategy: Planning Is Critical. The CPA, 2009. Web 21, April 2012. <> Guasco, Matthew and Robinson, Peter. Principles of Negotiation: Strategies, Tactics, Techniques To Reach Agreements. London: Entrepreneur Press, 2007. Print. Moore, Christopher. Negotiation. Web 21, April 2012. Schermerhorn, John et al. Organizational behavior. London: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. Print. Silkenat, James et al. The ABA Guide to International Business Negotiations: A Comparison of Cross-Cultural Issues and Successful Approaches. London: American Bar Association, 2009. Print. Stanford Graduate School of Business. Negotiation Strategy: Six Common Pitfalls to Avoid. Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2007. Web 21, April 2012. <> You Tube. Thank you for smoking. You Tube, 2006. Web 21, April 2012. <> Read More
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