The young and old groups in most nations have also been faced with unemployment problems. Most young people especially below the age of 18 years are considered as minors and are engaged in learning in different institutions. They cannot get employed since they are young and their employment is prohibited by most nations as it is considered as child labor. The very old people may remain unemployed after retirement and may not qualify for competitive jobs. Migrants and refugees that free countries faced with calamities such as wars, earthquakes and other natural disasters find it difficult to get ready employment opportunities in the countries they free to and thus remain unemployed.
Smaller communities considered as minorities may be faced with unemployment because of racism. Impact of unemployment on individuals’ health and well being Unemployment impacts negatively on the individual health and well being of people who face it. The condition puts these groups to poor living standards and many cannot meet their basic needs. For many of these groups, good health comes as a secondary need due to the state of their income. The eating habits of these people are poor and this exposes them to many health problems.
The purchasing power of unemployed people is limited since their disposable income is very low. For this reason, many cannot afford good health care from qualified hospitals. Due to their state of meager incomes, many visit local government hospitals which are cheap as they cannot visit private hospitals where there are good doctors and modern technologies of treatment (MacLean & Osberg, 1996). In Australia, the unemployment rate is around 5.4 per cent of the population according to the government’s Bureau of Statistics.
Many of this people are faced with deteriorating health problems among other problems. Due to lack of adequate income, the sick turn to traditional forms of treatment which are ineffective. In most of the families faced with unemployment problems illiteracy levels are also high. The people do not practice hygienic ways of living and suffer from various diseases. Mortality rates are very high for all stages of age with the rates being exceedingly high for children below the age of five years. Unemployment effects on peoples ability to access services People faced with unemployment find it difficult to satisfy all their basic needs.
Their ability to access basic services is crippled by their state of inadequate income. Such people find it hard to interact freely with others and cannot participate wholly in projects that concern their communities. Due to their limited income and low standards of living, families faced with unemployment cannot access good hospitals and schools. Their illiteracy levels remain high since they cannot afford to educate their children. Education does not stand out as a priority for the families as the little income available is spend on food, clothing and shelter.
The ability of unemployed groups to access transport and communication services is also limited. Such groups may not afford telephony communication or the cost of traveling to different places where there could be a demand for the services they are able to offer which could lead to employment. These groups are also unable to afford the services offered by the judicial processes and may in most times be unable to find justice in good time. They are not able to afford qualified lawyers to represent them in court processes and do not win on cases that they could have had good grounds for their actions.
Unemployment cripples the individuals that face it since it is a vicious cycle where unemployment causes further unemployment. The opinions and efforts of unemployed individuals concerning community projects are in most times ignored by the elite as they down look them even when their input could have been feasible. Unemployment impact on the wider community The problem of unemployment widens the gap between the rich and the poor and affects a nation’s economic growth adversely.
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