Algae Bloom Algae blooms today raise a global concern following its devastating effects on aquatic life and productivity (Han et al. 329). The occurrence of algae blooms follows a typical pattern of nutrient cyclic and nutrient load from pollution on sediments that generate water eutrophication. According to Han et al., sediments provide a natural environment for nutrient exchange occurring along the sediment-water interface (329). However, the natural exchange of nutrients from and in the water faces a challenge of three particular nutrients including phosphorus, iron, and sulfur.
Based on Han et al. these nutrients are essential for aquatic life and generate significant effects on the aquatic ecosystem (329). Examining phosphorus, the nutrient contributes to eutrophication which is more enhanced when agriculture activities occur close to a water system. Phosphorus being vital in the agriculture makes a vital component in fertilizer. However, during a rainy season, surface run-off directs the surplus fertilizer to the water body leading to nutrient overload. Han et al.
introduce the relationship between the nutrients where their interactions influence the magnitude of eutrophication (330). Based on Han et al. the increased nutrient level in water encourages the growth of algae in exceeding levels (330). Moreover, the high algae bloom increases the rate of decompositions leading to low dissolved oxygen levels. Consequently, the deficiencies in dissolved oxygen generate eutrophication which results in ecological destruction. In particular, ecological destruction involves the decomposition process of algae where after settling on the floor of the lake, it releases nutrients to the surroundings (Han et al. 330). Of interest is the release of the nutrients phosphorus, sulfur and iron which continues the nutrient cycle in the aquatic system.
Moreover, Han et al. identify the process as a contributor to changes in both the biological and physical properties of water including altering the pH, DO, and turbidity. Consequently, the altering of the natural environment affects aquatic life fueling more ecologic challenges such as “black-bloom”. It is for these reasons and the lethal effects of algae bloom to aquatic systems that it is necessary to inform the local government which works with agencies such as the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER).
Based on Department of Environment Regulation, DER investigates pollution incidence with an aim to minimize harm to the environment and health (1). Hard Water Based on Brastad and Zhen, hard water contains positively charged ions with the common examples of calcium and magnesium (32). The ions occur naturally in the aquatic system through the sediments, although ecological destruction may influence their abundance. Classification of hard water includes the presence of the multivalent ions of a greater concentration than 260 mg/l in the form of calcium carbonate (Brastad & Zhen, 32).
Following the effects of these ions of water including infrastructure, engineers develop water softening techniques that function in ion removal. In particular, Brastad and Zhen identify ion exchange model including charged polymer resin beads, chemical precipitation, and nanofiltration (32). These methods effectively reduce the positive ions however, they generate adverse effects such as introduce contamination; apply the use of chemicals, and high operation and maintenance cost. As a result of the negative input of previous water softening techniques, Brastad and Zhen presents microbial desalination cells (MDC) an effective solution in the de-hardening process.
The model setup requires a biochemical reactor with three chambers separated by a heterogeneous ion-exchange- membrane, an anion exchange, and cation-exchange membrane (33). Moreover, the device includes a carbon brush added to both the anode and cathode chambers functioning as the electrode (Brastad & Zhen, 33). For effective functioning, sodium chloride solution acts the standardizing agent.
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